Location: [unknown]
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Margaret Street, widow of the parish of St Nicholas, Worcester. The will was written on 16 July 1576, and it was proved at the Diocesan Court of Worcester on 13 April 1577. [1]
The images from FamilySearch (from which this transcription was made) show that a page of either the original will or another copy was inserted into the volume sideways (numbered as folio 292), and the rest of the will was transcribed in a different hand some pages later. The reason for this is not apparent. The images for folio 307 recto were taken with the part page of folio 306 covering the upper part of the text. The full text of the will has been imaged however, as there is some overlap in the text from folio 292 and that of folio 207 recto. The repeated text has been included for completeness. The remainder of the images were unremarkable.
The relationships in the will were not clearly defined.
There were a family of Colinges (Thomas, his wife Joan and seven children). Margaret referred to Thomas as her son in law and Joan as her daughter.
The children were to inherit silverware that had belonged to their "Grandfather Colinge" but he is unnamed, and the relationship between Margaret and "grandfather Colinge" and why Margaret was in possession of the silverware is not stated.
There were also a number of persons with the surname Holder who seem as though they are relatives of Margaret, but again the relationships are not stated.
The Inventory of all Margaret's possessions is appended. It is very detailed and her inventory was valued at £502 24s (this looked as though it had been recalculated from £502 14s giving this rather odd sum).
Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was good, and the handwriting readable.
Persons mentioned (not in order):
- Margaret Streete Testatrix, widow of Henry Streete of Worcester.
- Francis my sonne
- Elyn Streete my daughter wife of Francis Streete
- Thomas Colinge my sonne in lawe not clear whether this Thomas is a step son or the husband of a daughter of Testatrix.
- Joane his wiefe wife of Thomas Colinge. Testatrix also refers to her as "my daughter"
- John Colinge Thomas Colinge Eldest sonne inherits Testatrix's house
- Willia[m] Colinge brother to the said John
- Thomas Colinge my daughters sonne & brother to the sayde John & William
- Francis my Daughters sonne
- Richarde my dawghters sonne
- Samuell my Dawghters sonne
- Margaret Colinge my godchild
- grandfather Colings
- my cosen Marie Mass[...] Marie Massey or Massie referred to below. Mother of the Holder children and widow of Richard Holder deceased.
- Margaret Howle
- Elizabeth dawghter of my Sister Joan
- my Sister Joan
- Margaret Fareley
- Phil[ip] Holder
- Francis [...]=der
- Richarde Hol[...]
- Marie Holder dawghter of Richard Holder nowe deceased
- Elizabeth Howlder
- my cosen Marie Massie her children before named
- Mr Richard Sparks owes the Testatrix £10
- Philip Holder deceased
- George Hall or Howell/Howle
- Francis Howle
- Edward Howle brother to the sayd George & Francis
- Harry Howell
- Francis Hewes
- Elyn Turner my servant mayde
- Thomas Harleis wiff the wife of Thomas Harley
- Ann Harley my goddawghter
- Elizabethe dawghter of the goodwiff Walker in Sitberie
- the goodwiff Walker in Sitberie forgiven debts
- Goodwiff Wythe forgiven debts
- Goodwiff Sandford als Carpenter forgiven debts
- William her sonne my godchilde son of Goodwife Sandford
- Margeret Holbrock my goddowghter under the age of 21 years
- William Abatho sonne to Richard Abatho discesed under the age of 21 years
- six poore women receiving gownes:
- Anne Pitway now wiff of John Pitway
- the now wife of Alexander Archarde
- Margerie Dewcie
- Elyn Porter
- goodwiff Beane in the Trinitie
- Christian Cordmaker
- John Pearie household stuff
- Richard Undrell a black coat and money
- my cosen Elizabethe
- Richard Pitway the sonne of John Pitwaya platter
- Deanes Wythe a platter
- Launclets wiffe sonne my godchilde money
- Henrye Gandies wiffa brass pot and spoons
- Thomas Stanton the Butcher
- George his sonne my godsonne money
- 'George Warburton al[ia]s Cordmaker Overseer of the will and witness to the will
- Richard Sparks witness to the will
- Walter Giles witness to the will
- Harry Bakerwitness to the will
- Richard Heminge Testatrix bought a house from him
- Frances Bonner occupant of the house
[folio 292 inserted sideways into the register]
In the name of god Amen the xvjth day of Julie 1576. I Margaret Streete
of the p[ar]ishe of St Nicholas w[i]thin the Cittie of Worcester widowe being in
p[er]fecte memorye (thanks bee to god) doe ordeyne constitute and make this my
laste will and testamente in mann[er] & Forme following / First I bequeath
my sowle unto Allmightie god who hath created mee, And by his sonne o[u]r saviour
Christe hath redeemed mee And my body to bee buried in the Chathedrall Church=
porche of Worcester /
Item I geve & bequeath unto the poore people w[i]thin
the said Cittie of Worcester sixe pounds threetteene shillings fower pence
of the w[hi]ch vjli xiijs iiijd I will that iijli be dealte w[i]thin the foresaide p[ar]ishe
of St Nicholas, and the reste to bee bestowed in money to the poore w[i]thin
the said Cittie att the discretion of my overseer /
Item I give and
bequeath to Thomas Colinge my sonne in lawe a gowne of puke, and
tenne pounds in lawfull Englishe money And halfe the wood and Cole
wth which is in my howse and backside att my hower of death, And
the bredcorne in my howse or in my barne att my hower of death
And to Joane his wiefe a puke gowne /
Item I give and bequeth to
John Colinge Thomas Colinge Eldest sonne the howse w[i]thall the app[ur]tenances
belonging to it w[hi]ch I boughte of Richard Heminge and now in the
occupac[i]on of Frances Bonner, he payeng yerelye unto his father and
mother and unto the longer lyver of them xxvjs viijd of lawfull Englishe
money, half a Dussen of silver spoones Also xiijli vis viijd
of lawfull Englishe money halfe a Dussen of silver spoones, a Crute
w[i]th a Foote and Cover of silver and guylte /
It[e]m I give and bequeath
to Willia[m] Colinge brother to the said John xiijli vjs viijs of lawfull
English money
[bottom of the page in the tight binding, potentiall more unimaged text]
[folio 307 recto, in the image the top two thirds of the page is covered by folio 306 which has had the bottom third cut away]
and nowe in the occupac[i]on of Francis Bower (he payinge
yearely unto his father & mother & to the longer lyver of them
xxvjs viijd of lawfull English money): Also xiijli vjs viijd
of lawfull englishe money, half a dosen of sylver spones, a cruse w[i]th a foote & cover, of silver & guilt /
Item, I geve & bequethe to Will[ia]m Colinge brother to the sayde John
xiijli vjs viijd of lawfull englishe money, half a dosen of
sylver spones, a cruse w[i]th a cover & a foote, of silver & guylt, a
fetherbed w[i]th a bolster and all things belonging to it. And
xls w[hi]ch I do owe --- him for a heyfer & wole, And my best
Cow at my discese /
Item I geve and bequethe to Tho=
=mas Colinge my daughters sonne & brother to the sayde John
[folio 307 verso]
& William xiijli vjs viijd, the best silver ale cupp w[hi]ch was
his grandfather Colings havinge a cover and hald a dosen
of silver spones /
Item I geve & bequethe to Francis my
Daughters sonne xiijli vjs viijd of lawfull englishe money
and a goblet of silver w[hi]ch was his grandfather Colings
Item I geve & bequethe to Richarde my dawghters sonne xiijli
vjs viijd of lawfull englishe money, and a goblet of sylver
Item I gever & bequethe to Samuell my Dawghters sonne xiijli
vjs viijd of lawfull englishe money, and a goblet of silver
Item I gever & bequethe to Margaret Colinge my godchild xxli
xiijs iiijd of lawfull englishe money, a silver salt w[hi]ch was
her grandfather Colings, half a dosen of p -tell sylver spones
a ioyned Bedstede w[i]th a testerne standinge in the forestreet cham=
=ber, a fether bed w[i]th a bolster of fethers, the seconde bed covering
ij Dowle pillowes, ij pare of pillow beres w[i]th boom lace a bred
boarde clothe of huswiffs clothe w[i]th one dosen of napkins ij par[e]
of flaxe shetts, half a garnishe of pewter of London vesse[lls]
ij bell candellsticks the best so one in my howse, ij pare of
canvas sheetes, a basen & a ewer
Item I will that if i[t]
happen that any of my sayde dowghters children above nam[ed]
to dye or discease before he or they come to the age of xxj yer[es]
or the day of marriage, That then it is my will that his or th[eire]
& everie of theire partes & legacies before bequethed, to rema[in]
wholie to the rest then alyve, and to be equally divided among[st]
them /
Item I geve & bequethe to my cosen Marie Mass[...]
a puke gowne clothe /
Item I geve & bequethe to Margaret
Howle a puke gowne clothe and xxs /
Item I gyve & be
quethe to Elizabeth dawghter of my Sister Joan a puke
gowne clothe & xls, ij platters ij pottingers ij sowcers, a b[...]
pott, ij pare of canvas sheets, apillow & a pillow bere of fl[ax]
en clothe /
Item I geve & bequethe to Margaret Fareley
xxs to buy her a gowne /
Item I geve & bequethe to Phil[ip]
Holder xls /
Item I geve I geve & bequethe to Francis [...]
=der xls, a fetherbed & a bolster of fethers, w[hi]ch his mother ha[s]
in kepinge /
Item I geve & bequethe to Richarde Hol[...]
[folio 308 recto]
brother to the sayde Philip & Francis, a cow to be set forthe
to the childs use & custodie /
Item I geve & bequethe to Marie
Holder dawghter of Richard Holder nowe deceased xls /
I geve & bequethe & bequethe to Elizabeth Howlder a coffer
w[hi]ch I bought of her mother, ij pare of flaxen sheets the one
pare w[i]th an open sheme, and the other a plaine sheme: iiij
pillow beres of flaxen clothe, j table clothe, half a dosen of
napkins, j twell of Diaper, j cupborde clothe wrought w[i]th silk
and xls /
Item I will that if my cosen Marie Massie her
children before named do chance to die before her or they shall
come to the age of xxj yeres or be married, that then I will
th[a]t his or theire partes & legacies before bequethed shall re=
maine to the rest alyve & unmarried equally to be divided
amonge them / provided that if Mr Richard Sparks his execu=
tors or administrators do pay the some of xli, or any p[ar]te or par=
cell thereof, for the w[hi]ch he standethe bounde by his obligac[i]on, for
the true, honest & diligent s[er]vice of Philip Holder deceased, shalbe
imployed to the discharge of the sayde ten pounds, and they
to inioye no parte thereof, any thinge in this wyll to the
contrarie notw[i]thstandinge /
Item I geve to George Hall
Item I geve & bequethe to Francis Howle xxs
Item I geve & bequethe to Edward Howle brother to the sayd
George & Francis xxs / And if it chance that any of
the sayde three children do dye before they come to lawfull
age, that then I will that his parte of legacies to remaine
as to others in like pare aforesayde /
Item I forgive Harry
Howell the xviiili w[hi]ch he oweth me /
Item I geve & bequethe to
Francis Hewes xls /
Item I geve & bequethe to Elyn Turn=
=ner my servant mayde , a flocke bed the best in my house, a bolster
of ticke filled, a bed hillinge of white, a coverlet, a brasse pott of
ij gallons, iij platters, iij potingers, iij sawcers, a hole & sownde
kettell of iij gallons, ij pare of shets, a borde clothe, half a
[folio 308 verso]
dosen of napkins, xls in money, and ij yerds of clothe to make
her a gowne /
Item I geve & bequethe to Thomas Harleis
wiff xxs to buy her a gowne /
Item I geve and bequethe to Ann
Harley my goddawghter vjs viijd /
Item I geve & bequethe
to Elizabethe dawghter of the goodwiff Walker in Sitberie a
pare of Flaxen sheets w[i]th a loom lace thorow the midlest:
And I forgive her mother all the debts w[hi]ch she oweth me
Item I fogeve the Goodwiff Wythe all the debts w[hi]ch she ow=
=ethe me /
Item I forgeve the Goodwiff Sandford als carpe[n=]
ter all the debts w[hi]ch she oweth me : And I geve to William
her sonne my godchilde a fayer platter /
Item I geve to
Margeret Holbrock my goddowghter xs if she lyve to the
age of xxj yeres /
Item I geve & bequethe to William A=
batho sonne to Richard Abatho discesed xs to be delyvered
at the age as before sayde /
Item I geve and bequethe to
vj poore women hearafter named, vj gownes of puk[e]
made to theire backs, and vj kirchers of flaxen clothe w[hi][ch]
vj women shall goe by my hearse at my beriall, to w[...]
Anne Pitway now wiff of John Pitway : the now wif[f]
of Alexander Archarde : Margerie Dewcie : Elyn Porte[r :]
the goodwiff Beane in the Trinitie ; and Christian
Cordmaker /
Item I give and bequethe to John Pearie iij[...]
of lawfull english money, a mattrice, a bolster, a pa[re]
of canvas sheetes, a bed helinge of yelow & blacke, a brasse
pot of a gallone & a half, ij platters, ij potingers, a sma[ll]
kettell, to be delyvered to him when he shall demande th[e]
same /
Item I geve and bequethe to Richard Undrell a
blacke coate & vjs viijd /
Item I further will & bequeth[e]
that my sonne Franncis geve & cause to be delyvered to Jo[hn]
Colinge my sonne Thomas Colings eldest sonne afore
sayde, my best salt, after the Deathe of the sayde Franci[s]
Item I geve & bequethe to my cosen Elizabethe my me[...]
=ley cassock, faced w[i]th otter furr. And all the rest of my
rayment I geve and bequethe to my daughter Elyn Stree[t]
and she to bestow it at her discrec[i]on
Item I further
[folio 309 recto]
geve & bequethe to my sayde cosen Elizabethe, a rounde kir=
tell of chamlet /
Item I ever to Richard Pitway the sonne
of John Pitway a fayer platter /
Item I geve and be=
quethe to Deanes Wythe, a fayer platter /
Item I will
bequethe that all my brasse and pewter shall be weighed by
weighte ; And the one half I geve to my sonne Francis : and
the other half to be equally devided amonge the children of my
sonne Thomas Colinge : and Margaret Colinge to have the
choyce of the best parte oute of the sayde half, beside her
former legacies bequethed unto her : And I will that after
it is weighed, everie one parte to be knowen, and to be de=
lyvered to the sayde children, as before saide, at the age as
before sayde /
Item I geve and bequethe to Launclets wiffe
sonne my godchilde ijs /
Item I geve and bequethe to Henrye
Gandies wiff a brasse pott, and ij silver spones w[hi]ch she
layde to gage to me /
Item further Thomas Stanton the
Butcher layde to gage to me for xls , a brasse pan , and a
gowne of his wiffs, owte of the w[hi]ch some I geve to George
his sonne my godsonne vjs viijd /
All the rest of
my goodes and cattells moveable & unmoveable unbeque
=thed (my debts & funeralls payde & discharged) I geve
and bequethe unto Francis my sonne, whome I make
my full and whole Executor of this my last wyll and
Testame[n]t And I do ordeine & make George
Warburton al[ia]s Cordmaker to be my Overseer : And
I doe geve him for his paynes xxs : Desiringe him to
sea this my wyll fulfilled in all poyntes accordinge
to the true meaninge of the same /
Made and finished in the pr[e]sence of
Richard Sparks
George Warberton
Walter Giles
Harry Baker and others
Probate [in Latin] This will was proved at Worcester the 13 April 1577 before master Thomas Wilsen administration granted to to the executor &c who exhibited an inventory to the sum of £500 14 shillings
The inventory accompanying this will was numbered 102a in the Worcestershire Archives
[Inventory page 1]
A true note of all the goodes of Margeret Strete
widow w[hi]ch she died possessed of taken the ixth day
of Aprill 1577
In the Hawle
Benches & wainscote aboute the hawle & one
table borde - iijLi vjs viijd / painted clothes & vij flower
cupps - iiijs
--- iijLi xs viijd
in the parlor
one cupbord, j table board & ij formes w[i]th a frame to the
table, j courte table, w[i]th waynscote & benches about
the parlor --- vLi
one paire of Anndirons - iiijs one basen & a ewer
-iijs iiijd, one cupbord clothe ijs vid j carpet
and iij old cowchins iijs iiijd --- xiijs ijd
in the littell hawle
one table w[i]th a frame, ij formes, j cupbord, j courte
table, wainscote, benches & a portall - vjLi xiijs iiijd
one pare of anndirons, j fier shovell, j pare of
tongs - xiijs iiijd : j carpet, vj cowtchings of arras
work, iiij of old velvet - xxs / j basen, j ewer, viij flow
er cups - viijs / j cupbord clothe, ij courte table clothes
all of lynnen - iijs / j paynted table wrought with
Images - xijs --- xiijLi 18s viijd
in the buttery
xlij platters, ij chargers, xxxiiij potagers, 29
sowcers, j dosen of poridge disshes, ij plates, vi
friut disshes, iiij basens & j ewer, j pottell pr[e]sent
pot, j quart pr[e]sent pott, j other pottell pot, j q[ua]rt pot
j pinte pott, & j Jugge, j flower cup - xiijLi / 14
laten candell sticks & ij of pewter, ij chirche candell
sticks, j water pott of laten, iij chafing Disshes and
j foote, j laten basen, & j little locke - xlvjs
viijd, viij shelves, ij cupbord bordes, iiij shelve clo=
thee - xiijs v dosen of trenchers xijd
--- xLi xvs viijd
in the kitchen
one table w[i]th a frame, j forme,j benche, j cupbord
j littell barrell & some old paynted clothe - xxs
Two greate cowdrons, j pan, iij flannders pans
cowdrons, j tinckers cowdron, ij littell pans
j brasse mortar & a pestell, j dabnet, j ewer of mast
lin, j brass ladell & j skimmer - ls /iiij midling
brass potts, i littell brass pott, ij posnets, ij dabnets
vi grete brass potts, j cafron, iij littell pottes, iiij
flannders kettels, j tinckers kettell, j posnet, ij dab=
nets - viijLi / j ryb pentes pott, j salt of pewter, j
mustard pot of pewter - xvid / iij frying pans
iij dripping pans, iiij brawches, iij pare of pothecks
iij links, j hooke, j pare of racks, j pare of cubbords
iij fleshe hookes, j pare of tongs, j littell pare of doggs
j brandiron & i gridiron - xxs
--- xijLi xvjs iiijd
in the littell kitchin
iij shelves & a benche, j chorne, j framinge saw
j axe, j iron peale, ij treen plattes, iij chamber
potts of pewter, iij payles, j bucking cirle - xs
in the Brewarie
v oyle fates, xl skeeles, iij clensers, ij here seves
ij scopes, iiij bruan [bo]wles, ij littell barrels, j
stoand, ij furnises, j [ink splot]he fate, i tap troughe
j myll w[i]th all things to it, j uling fate, j smale
clenser, j pipe, j washe tub, j chut, iij pages of
led, j gallon pottell, j old [...]ghe, j stoand
j stryke & other sinale implemets, j bytt, j bare
hyde and j pack saddell --- xxLi
[inventory page 2]
in the wood closse
of all kinde of fewel that is there to the valu of vLi
Cattell & powltrey
one bytt horse, ij kyne, j heyfer, j yeareling
xiij stow swyne, j boare, iij ducks & a drake, iij
henns & a cock vijLi vis viijd
in the chamber over the littell howle
ij bedsteeds w[i]th testorus over them, of the wh[i]ch is one is
of say & hathe curtains to it, ij fetherbeds, j
flock bed, j mattrice, iiij bolsters, vi pillowes
iij coverlets, iij blanckets, j thrum clothe, two
grete chests, iij coffers, j littell coffer, ij cheire
stoales, j close stoole, iiij cowtchings, a here brushe
some paynted clothes, a pare of tonges and
other smale implements --- vijLi
certen linnen
x pare of flaxen sheets, vi pare & a half of
hurden sheets, x pare of canvas sheets, viij
table clothes, whereof ij diaper the other of flax
vi dosen of napkins, x tuwils, vi pare of pillow
beres iij cupbaord clothes, w[i]th diverse partlets &
other suche like lynnen for her owne wering on
her self --- xvLi
in the chamber of the parler'
one standing bed, j truckle bed, curtaines & cur
taine rales, j quilt, ij fether beds, j fine blanket
iiij pillowes, ij coverlets, an ol tick & a canvas
i press, viij utt[e]rsydes of cowthings, paynted
clothes, j rounde table, a course white clothe
j other cowtchin, and half j dosen of hurdes &
other smale things --- xiiijLi
in the privie
ij pare of ollmaine ryvets & a sheff of arrowes vis viijd
in the chamber over the grete hawle
ij standing bedsteeds, ij fetherbeds, ij flock beds
ij bolsters, iij coverlets, ij thrum clothes, one
framed table settell & benches w[i]th paynted
clothes & other smale things --- vjLi
in the maydens chamber
j standinge bed w[i]th a testurne, j mattrice ij
blankets, ij thrum clothes, j coverlet, ij
greate chests, j green carpet, painted clothes --- xxxvs
In Apparrell
vi petycoats, ij kirtels of Damask, ij chamlet
kirtell, j wolshe kirtell, ij puke gownes gar
ded w[i]th velvet, j grogran gownes, iij velvet
hatts, j sylck hat w[i]th certen other things --- xvLi
in the chests in the maydens chamber
ij yeards of fyne stammell, ij yerds
of fyne medley & other remnants of
clothe & lyninge w[i]th v yards of redd
clothe --- iiijLi
in the bred corne chamber
In ----d corne xxxj lb & in wheat v lb --- iiijLi xs
in the yearne chambers
Certen carbe--- bacon and beaff, linnen
yearn a here clothe, clothes; ledden weights
div[e]rse other small implements & littell
things --- vjs
in the beating chamber
Hopps, kypes, barrels & div[er]se smale
things --- xvs
[inventory page 3]
In plate
of plate all guilt j goblet weying xviijoz iij q[ua]rtes j
other weying xviijoz di. a cover to them of xij zs iij quartes
j ale cup and the cover xvjoz j q[ua]rte j cruse cover w[i]th a lipp
of iiijoz iij q[ua]rtes, i salt w[i]th a cover of xiijoz, iij stone cups gar=
nished weyinge about xvoz : of plate parcell guilt
j goblet of xjoz, i goblet of xjoz di[midium] j goblet of xjoz iij q[ua]rtes
j salt w[i]th w[i]th a cover xvoz iij q[ua]rtes iij ale cups of xviijoz one
ale cup of vijoz q[ua]rtes j dosen of spones w[i]th postels hedds
of xixoz di[midium] j dosen of spones mayden hedds xvj oz j q[ua]rte
vij other odd spones viijoz iij q[ua]rtes di[midium] j other dosen of spones
of xij oz, j ale cup w[i]th a cover aboute xjoz and ij pare
of beares w[i]th some silver stones --- iijxx ixLi
in all the malt chambers & kyll
Malt on the flowers, and redie made, pease, otes
j skreen, j here clothe --- j C xlLi
in the mens chambers
j bedstedd, j mattrece, j bolster, j blanket,
i coverlet, bords & some other smale things --- xvs
in the hey mow
about ij loade of hey --- xxs
in the Tavern
a coulting wytche, a knedinge troughe
ij steands, ij old barrels j candell mould
& some other smale things --- vjs viijd
In redie money --- xlvjLi xs
In single money and broken sylver --- xls
due by bills of debt, & by obligacons
for payment of money & corne --- iiijxx xiijLi xvijs
iiij yron wedges & dyvers hopes -- ijs vjd
Summa 502Li 24s
- ↑ Will of Margaret Streete, 1577 Diocese of Worcester Wills, 1576 Register, folio 292 and folios 207-9 Worcester County Record Office, Worcester, Worcestershire, England. Images of this register on FamilySearch viewable at a Family History Centre Film # 007908011 image 420 Accessed 7 June 2022
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