Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Long Longe
Will of Margery Long 1546. It was written on 27 March 1546. It was probated on 29 May 1546 [1]
Transcription Conventions:
- spelling, punctuation, line breaks and capitalisation are recorded as in the document, with the following exceptions to aid readability:
- capital I is silently modernised to I or J as appropriate (eg "Joan", rather than "Ioan")
- additional paragraph breaks may be included to increase readability of large amounts of text
- superscript letters are silently lowered, except where these relate to money (eg li s d), dates (eg th) or titles (eg Mrs)
- abbreviations/breviographs are expanded with the additional letter(s) in square brackets, except symbols for money (li s d) and the ampersand (&)
- the letter thorn is recorded as "th" in square brackets (eg "[th]e", rather than "ye")
- short series of missing/illegible letters are recorded with a period for each letter thought to be missing/illegible in square brackets; longer gaps are described with an editorial note
- editorial notes are italicised and in square brackets
- names and relationships are highlighted in bold
- footnotes are used to clarify archaic terms, difficult text and discrepancies
Persons mentioned in Will:
- Margery Longe, testator
- John Longe, husband
- Philip Burrell, acquaintance
- Thomas Sadler, acquaintance
- Avelyn Margaret Kempe, acquaintance
- John Patterson, acquaintance
- Katherine Baker, daughter
- Robert Baker, Katherine's husband
- Katherine's children
- Isabel Bawdwyn, daughter
- William Bawdwyn, Isabel's husband
- William Long, brother in law to whom Margery gives responsibility for tuition/keeping of Peter her grandhild
- Peter Bawdwyn, grandchild
- John Cowper the elder, executor
- Elizabeth Bawdwyn, daughter
- Elizabeth's children
- John Bawdwyn, grandchild
- Robert Bawdwyn, grandchild
- Agnes Bawdwyn, grandchild
- Ales Bawdwyn, grandchild
- John Long, nephew
- Thomas Childerowse, servant
- Agnes Rockstone, servant
- Elizabeth Warren, servant
- Mary Crymbyll, servant
- Walter Whitmear, servant
- Francis Revitt, clerk and witness
- William Atcock, witness
- John Barnewell, witness
- John Eadye, witness
In the name of God Amen
the xxvij daye of the monthe of
March in the yere of ower Lord
god M CCCCC xlvj and in the xxxvij
yere of the reyn of Henry th'eyght
by the grace of god King of Ynglande
France and of Ireland defender of
the faythe and in erthe supreme hede
of the churche of ynglande and of Ireland
I Margerye Long of Hengham in
the cowntye of Norff[olk] and w[i]t[h]in the dioces
of Norwiche wydow beying in good and
hole mynd thanks be to god make this
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my testament and last wyll in this
manner and forme folowing revoking and
refusing all other testaments and willes
by me made in tymes past first I bequeath
my sowle to allmyghtye god and my
body to be buryed in the p[ar]isshe churche
of Hengham afforesaide nere the grave
of my late husband John Long Item I
give and bequethe unto the hye altar
of the church of Hingham afforesaide
for tythes and offringes neclygentlye
forgotton and not payed vjs vijd Item
I bequethe to the townshippe of Hengham
afforesaide toward the seling of the
north yle of the churche of the same
town xxvis vijd of lawfull monye of
ynglande Item I wyll that at the daye
of my buryall my vij daye xxx days
and twelmonythe daye at yche or every
of these same dayes shalbe solemn derige
by rote and masse of requiem and that
any p[er]sone beying p[re]sent at the saide
churche that same dayes shall have
yche of them one hal'penye worthe of
brede Item I wyll that myn executores or
page 3
one of them shall give and distribute
of my goodes to vj of the most porest
people inhabiting w[i]t[h]in the saide town
of Hengham wekelye from weke to
weke during the terme of one hole
yer next ensuying my decease vijd Item
I wyll that Phelyppe Burrell Thomas
Sadeler Avelyn Margaret Kempe and
John Pattersone shall have at the
daye of my decease yche of them one
new cote or gown redye made of new
blacke cotton to praye for my sowle
and all christen sowles Item I wyll
have Syr Francis Revitt pryst to
sing for my sowle my friends sowles
by the space of one hole yere as some
as shalbe most convenyent to be don[e]
and he to have for his wage vij markes
of lawfull money of ynglande Item I
give and bequethe to Robert Baker
my sone in lawe and to Katerin his
wyff my dowter all that my ten[emen]t
or messuage called Amoringales in
Hengham afforesaide w[i]t[h] the yardes and
page 4
edyfyinges apperyd unto the same and w[i]t[h] the
house myll the beying redy sett to hold to
the saide Robert Baker and Katerin
his wyff and to the longest lyver of
eyther of them and to his or her heyres assignees
so outlyving th'other forever Item I bequeth
to the saide Katerin my dowter one of my
fetherbedes a bolster a mattress a bedde
coveryng a payer of blanketts a payer of
my shetes iij of my pewter platteres
iij of my pewter dishes iij of my
pewter sawceres a pewter potte one of
my bell candlestyckes and my best brasse
potte saving one of my laten
chaffer disshes and my three ketyles
Item I wyll and bequethe to the saide
Robert Baker my sone in lawe x
markes of lawfull monye of ynglande
in name and stede of all the gyfts
legacies or alowances gyven legacyed
or allowed to the same Robert Baker
by the saide John Long late my husband
in his testament and last wyll and
yf the same Robert Baker or anye other
p[er]son in his stede or name shall
chalence and serv in any courte to have
page 5
any gyfte legacye or allowance comp[ri]syd
in the testament and last wyll of the
saide Long that then I wyll the gyft
of the saide x markes to the same
Robert Baker by me bequethed in this
my testament and last wyll utterlye
to be voyde and of non effect Item I
give and bequethe to Isbell Bawdwyn
my dowter wyff unto Willm Bawdwyn
my sone in lawe xli of lawfull
monye of ynglande to be payde as it
maye be reisyd of my goodes Item I
give and bequethe unto the same
Isbell one of my fetherbeddes a boltster
a matteras a bed covering a payer of
blankettes a payer of my shetes iij pewter
platters iij pewter disshes and iij
pewter sawcers a pewter potte one of
my bell candlestyckes my beste
brasse potte my best ketyll saving
one and one of my latten chaffin disshes
Item I wyll that Willm Long my
brother in lawe and his assygnes shall
have the tuycion and kiping of Peter
Bawdwyn my grandchlde
page 6
from the time of my decesse untyll suche
time as the same Peter shall come
to the full age of xv yeres and he
the same Willm to have of my goodes
for the same ev[er]y yere lxvjs viijd of
lawfull monye of ynglande upon
condicion that the same Willm Long
or his assignees shall kepe the same
Peter well and sufficyentlye as be=
=comeythe an honest man childe to
be kept w[i]t[h] mete and drinke clothing
and lodging at all times convenyent
and allso finding the same Peter to
the scole to lern to wryte and rede
ynglysshe sufficientlye and able to
be made an apprentys to some honest
occupacion And yf the same Willm
shall have the tuycion and keping of
the saide Peter upon lyke condicion and
w[i]t[h] lyke wayes as is afforesaide appoyntyd
to the saide Willm Long the saide yerely
finding a waye for the keping of the
saide Peter yerelye to be payed by the hands
of my executors or by one of them during
the saide terme Item I give and bequethe
page 7
to the saide Peter xx markes of lawfull
monye of ynglande to be payed to the
same Peter in maner and forme following
yt is to saye at th'age of xxj yeres of
the same Peter one marke and at the
age of xxij yeres of the same Peter
other one markes onlye to be payed by the
handes of the saide John Cowp[er] shall have one of my executores
the only keping
or by his executores or his assignees
and I wyll that the same John Cowp[er]
shall have the only keping of the saide
xx markes bequethed unto ye saide Peter
untyll the saide tymes of payment of
the same And yf it shall chawnce the
saide Peter Bawdwyn to depart from
his naturall lyff beffore the times
or ages to him appoynted for the recepcion
of the saide xx markes to the said
Peter. Gevyn and bequethed by the
order of this my p[re]sent testament
and last wyll I wyll that then there
halff of the same mony then beyng
behinde and unpayed at the daye of his
deceasse of the same Peter whereof the
page 8
daye or dayes of payment than shall not
be past shall go and be delyayd by ye
saide John Cowp[er] or his executores or
assignees to the townshippe of Hengham
afforesaide to the onlye use and repar[a]cion
of the churche of the same town and
th'other halffe I wyll and bequethe to
the children of the saide Elyzabethe
Bawdwyn my dowter and to the children
of the said Katerin Baker my dowter
whiche at the time of the saide decesse
of the saide Peter shall chance to be
alyned equally by evyn porcions to be
divided among them Item I bequethe to
John Bawdwyn and Ales Bawdwyn my
grandchildren to yche of them xijd Item
I give to Willm Long aforesaide my best
chayres Item I give and bequethe to Jhon
Long my nevewe which was lately
John Long my husbande biyng his
beset gowne at the daye of his decesse Item
I bequethe to Thomas Childerowse my
s[er]vant one new cote the ** of **
to be delyveryd to him ymmediatelye after
my decesse Item I give and bequethe to Agnes
page 9
Rockstone my servant my best fetherbedde
in the chamber and the halle and the
boltster and coveryng app[er]teyning unto
the same one payer of shetes and a
blanket my best hanging chetyll one
pewter platter j pewter disshe and a
pewter sawcer Item I bequethe to
Elizabethe Warren my s[er]vant one
payer of shetes Item I bequethe to Mary
Crymbyll my s[er]vant a payer of shetes
one pewter platter and a candlestycke
of laten Item I bequethe to Ele Gronne
one payer of shetes and the tubbe which
I bowght of her Item I bequethe to
Walter Whimear my s[er]vant ijs iijd
Item I bequethe to yche of my godchildren
and to yche of the godchildren of the
saide John Long late my husbande
xijd Item I wyll that all the risidewe
of my messuages ten[emen]ts lands medowes
pastures grounds and all other my
hereditaments wher so ere thei lye or be
not before bequthed shallbe solde by my
executors w[i]t[h]in the space of one hole yere
next insuying my decesse and w[i]t[h] the
mony therof or thereof servyng to accomplisshe
page 10
fulfill and p[er]forme this my saide testament
and last wyll and the same sale therof
so to be made to be suer and strong to him
or them and to his heyres or ther heyres
and assygnes in fee symple for one to
whom my said messuages ten[emen]ts lands
medowes pastures groweths and other
my said hereditaments shall chance
to be solde unto myn executores upon
which sale I wyll that myn executores
by vertu and strengthe of this my testament
and last wyll and according to the tenor
and effect of the statute or acte of p[ar]lyament
of ower saide sov[er]ayn Lord the King lately
made concerning devise to be made in
willes and testaments shall delyver estate
possessions and seasements lawfull according
to the ceremonyes of the law and in the
meane tyme from my decesse untyll
the same sale to be appoynted to be made
my executores to obtayn the yssewes
and profittes of all those same my hereditaments
by me appoynted to be solde for ye advan=
=cement of this my testament and last
wyll allways p[ro]vided And I wyll that yf
page 11
the saide John Long my nevye[w] wylbye
all my saide messuages ten[emen]ts lands
medowes pastures growethes and all other
my saide heriditaments beffore herein
appoynted to be solde that the same John
shall have them iijli of lawfull monye
of yngland w[i]t[h]in the resonable p[ri]ce that
evrye other man or p[er]sone wyll give for
them and evyn according to the same
dayes of payment upon his resonable
bonds Item I wyll and order of this my
testament and last wyll my executores
the saide John Cowp[er] th'elder and the saide
Willm Bawdwyn my sone in lawe to se
and cause my dettes to be payed and to
certyne all suche dettes as is owing to
me and all so to *** all suche
somes of monye as shallbe raysed upon
the sale of my saide messuages
ten[emen]ts lands medowes pastures growethes and all
other hereditamentes herein before appoynted
to be solde therwithe to accomplysshe p[er]form
and fullfyll this my saide testament
and last wyll as it maye be borne
reysyd of the same paymentes and other
page 12
The residuew of my goodes and the surplus
of my goodes movables cattayles and what
thing so ev[er] it be beying of any valew
not before bequethed to be at the only
disposicion as thei shall thinke most expedient
for the welthe of my sowle and my frindes
sowles Item I give to yche of the same
myn executores x li Allso I wyll and
desyer John Atcocke clerk p[er]son of the
churche of Hengham afforesaide to be
supervisor of this my saide testament
and last wyll unto whom I give &
bequethe for his labour vjs vijd These
beyng wytnesses Willm Long Syr Francys
Revitt clerk Willm Atcocke John
Barnewill John Eadye w[i]t[h] others
- ↑ Will of Margery Longe 1546, NCC will register Whytefoote 193 NorfolkRecordOffice Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DS008076297 Image 235-241.] Accessed 21 May 2022
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