Location: Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales

Surnames/tags: Brand Barnardiston Walter
This is a transcript of the registered copy of the Will of Mary (Barnardiston) Brand (abt.1650-abt.1725) of Haverford West, Wales,1725.[1][2] Her Will was dated 8 March 1722 and proved 20 November 1725.
- Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
- Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
- Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim except "ff" has been rendered as "F", "fs" as "ss". Words I had trouble transcribing are followed by (?).
- The image quality was good and the writing fairly legible.
Persons mentioned:
- Dame Thomasine Walter, daughter and wife of Sir Richard Walter Knight
- Sir Richard Walter Knight, son-in-law
- Bridget Walter, granddaughter, Executrix
- Barnardiston Walter, granddaughter
- Ermine Walter, granddaughter
- John Barnardiston Esquire, brother
- Abigail Pardon, servant
- (?) Martyn, Witness
- John Jones, Witness
- Ann Cole, Witness
Page 1 (folio 17 recto)
In the Name of God Amen [Margin: Tm(?) Domina Maria Brand]
The Eighth day of March one thousand seven hundred and twenty
I Dame Mary Brand of the Town and County of Haverford
West reflecting on the uncertainty of this Life and the present
circumstances of my Age and Health do make this my Last Will and
Testament in Manner and Form following
Imprimis Do with great
humility command my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God hoping
through the Meritts of my Clarion(?) Redeemer to obtain the pardon
and Forgiveness of all my Sins and to enjoy eternal happiness after
this short Life hath ended and my Body to be buryed with as
much privacy as is consistent with decency either in St. Marys or
Saint Thomas as my daughter shall appoint
Then I give and
bequeath unto my said daughter Dame Thomasine Walter Wife
of Sir Richard Walter Knight all my Pictures now in the Parlour
my day Chair and a Mourning Ring with a Lock of my Hair in
And I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law Sir Richard
Page 2 (folio 18 verso)
Walter Knight to my Grand Son Joseph Walte. Esqe. and to each my
three Grand daughters Bridget Waltr. Barnardiston Waltr. and Ermine
Waltr. a Mourning Ring with some of my hair set in them
Then I
give and bequeath unto my loving Brother John Barnardiston Esqe. a
Mourning Ring if he be living at the time of my decease
Then I
give and bequeath unto my Servant Abigail Pardon Four pounds
Sterling over and above what shall be due to her for Wages at the
Time of my Death to be payd unto her by my Executrix within the
Space of six months next after my decease and as for my Wearing
Apparell after my Executrix hath made theirs of what may be
proper for her own use I give and bequeath all the Rest of them to
Abigail Pardon aforesaid
[Ilosn(?) marginal note] all other my Bills Bonds Debts Leases Sums
of Money Goods Plate and Chattles whatsoever I give devise and
bequeath unto my Grand daughter Mary Walter the paying off my
Debts Legarcyes(?) and Funeral Expenses
and Lastly I do hereby nominate
constitute ordain and appoint my said Grand Daughter Mary Walter
to be the sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament revoking
and making void all former Wills by me heretofore made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and Year
first above written
Mary Brand Signed Sealed acknowledged and
delivered in the presence of F(?) Martyn John Jones Ann Cole
Probatum fuit hujusinodi Testamentum apud London
coram Venerabili et Egregio Viro Johanne Bettesworth Esquir
Commissario legitine roustituto vigesimo die mensis novembris
anno domini millesimo septingentesimo vigesimo quinto (?)
Maria Walter ...
This Testament was proved at London
before the Venerable and Eminent Man John Bettesworth Esquire
Commissioner duly appointed on the twentieth day of November
in the year of the Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty five ...
Mary Walter ...
(Probatum needs transcription and translating)
- ↑ "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858," database with images, The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 606, Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry au Record 5111 #688608 (accessed 20 November 2023), Will of Domina Maria Brand, granted probate on 20 Nov 1725. Died about 1725 in Haverford, Haverford, Wales.
- ↑ The National Archives, Will of Dame Mary Brand of Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, 20 November 1725, PROB 11/606/138. (Accessed 13 December 2023).
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