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Will of Mary Cooper 1626

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Surnames/tags: Cooper Cowper
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This is a transcription of the original will of Mary (Unknown) Coo(per) of Hingham, widow of Robert Cooper/Cowper. It was written on 20 April 1626, but not proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich until 1628. [1]

Robert's will is found Here

Persons Mentioned

  • Mary Coo[per]
  • MrPeck
  • Jane Kyrbye, wife of Rob[er]te Kyrbye
  • Rob[er]te Kyrbye
  • Alice Woodecocke, wife of Thomas Woodecocke
  • Thomas Woodecocke
  • Will[ia]m Wade, my nephewe
  • Marie, daughter of Rob[er]te Elmyn
  • Rob[er]te Elmyn
  • Barberie Sewell, my neace the wife of Sewell
  • [blank] Sewell
  • Marie Beamond, my neace the wife of Beamond
  • [blank] Beamond
  • Rob[er]te Stanton, my nephewe
  • Thomasine Turner, wife of Simon Turner
  • Simon Turner
  • Suzan Cow[per], my goddaughter, daughter of Rob[er]te Cow[per]
  • Rob[er]te Cow[per]
  • Agnes Cow[per], my goddaughter, daughter of Henry Cow[per]
  • John Willson of Buxton
  • Anne Elmer, my goddaughter, s[er]vant
  • Joseph Pecke, s[er]vant
  • George Cow[per], sonne of seida Henrie Cow[per]
  • [blank] Stanton, neace to Marie Beamonde
  • John Cow[per], godson, sonne of Anthony Cow[per]
  • Anthony Cow[per]
  • Rob[er]te Cow[per], late husbandes nephewe
  • Rob[er]te Longe, executor
  • Anthony Adam, my godson, sonne of Marten Alden
  • Marten Adam, witness
  • [wi]ll[ia]m Mallowes, witness


In the name of god Amen the xxiiijth day of November Anno d[o]m[ini] 1626 I Mary Coo[per] of Hengham [in the]
countie of Norff[olk] widowe & within the Diocese of norwich whole of minde & of p[er]fect memorie praysed be [to god]
Doe ordaine & make this my p[rese]nt last will & Testam[en]t in manner & forme following That is to saye [...]
Refusinge settinge voide & disanullinge all other Willes & testaments in tymes past by me made Firste &
principallie I Committ & Comende my soule into the handes of Almightie God my maker & Creator & Jesus
Christ my sweete Saviour & only Redemer & God the holy Ghost my santifier trustinge to enioy the glorious
p[rese]nce of the true & Imortall God Amongest the Saints in heaven and my bodie to be buried in the churcheyard
of Hengham aforesaide

Item I give & bequeathe unto the poore people of hengham aforesaide the some of fyve
poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be distributed unto the[m] in sixe daies next after my decease
by the householdes as their Sev[er]all wants shall Requier

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto M rPeck
the some of fyve poundes of good Englishe money to make a funeral Sermon forme to be paide within
one moneth next after my decease

Item I gyve and bequeath unto Jane Kyrbye wife of Rob[er]te Kyrbye
Fiftie shillings of lawfull money of Englande to be paid to her within one yere next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeathe unto Alice Woodecocke wife of Thomas Woodecocke Fiftie shillings of lawfull
money of Englande to be paide to her within one yere next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeathe
unto Will[ia]m Wade my nephewe five poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide to him within one y[ere]
next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeathe unto my kenswoman Marie the daughter of Rob[er]te
Elmyn the some of fyve poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid her within one week next after
my decease

Item I gyve and bequeathe unto Barberie Sewell my neace the wife of [blank] Sewell fyve
poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paid her within one yeere next after my decease

I gyve and bequeathe to Marie Beamond my neace and wife of [blank] Beamond the some of tenne poundes
of lawfull money of Englande to be paide to her within one yeere after my decease

Item I geve and bequeathe
to Rob[er]t Stanton my nephewe fiftene poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide to him within one
yeere next after my decease

Item I give & bequeathe unto my neace Thomasine Turner wife of Simon
Turner the some of fortye poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide to her within one yeere
next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeath unto ev[er]y one of her children fyve poundes a pece of
lawfull money of Englande to be paid to ev[er]y one of them their severall soms of fyve poundes w[i]thin
one yeere next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeathe unto my goddaughter Suzan Cowp[er]
daughter of Henry Rob[er]te Cowp[er] fyve poundes of lawfull money of Englande & allso I give & bequeathe to
Agnes Cowp[er] my goddaughter daughter of Henry Cowp[er] fyve poundes to be paide to either of them within one yeere
next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeathe to John Willson of Buxton who kept my bonde [...]
poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide him within one yere next after my decease

I give & bequeath unto Anne Elmer my goddaughter s[er]vant with Joseph Pecke fyve [poundes]
of lawfull money of Englande to be paide within one yere next after my decease

Item I ge[ve &]
bequeathe unto my kensman George Cowp[er] sonne of the seide Henrie Cowp[er] three poundes of [lawfull]
money of Englande to be paid him within one yeare next after my decease

Item I gyve & beq[ueathe]
to [blank] Stanton neace to Marie Beamonde [-xe] nowe or late dwelte in Pakenham in Suff[olk] fyve [poundes]
of lawfull money of Englande to be paide her within one yeere next after my decease

Item I g[yve]
& bequeathe unto my Godson John Cowp[er] sonne of Anthony Cowp[er] fyve poundes of lawfull money [of England]
to be paide him within one yeere next after my decease

Item I gyve & bequeath unto Rob[er]t Cow[per]
late husbandes nephewe Seaven poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide to him [within]
one yeere next after my decease

All w[hi]ch severall payements are too be made in or at the nowe man[or]
howse of Rob[er]t Longe gen[t] except the two First And then upon Reasonable request

Item I give [&]
bequeathe unto Anthony Adam my godson sonne of Marten Adam fyve poundes to be paid him [within]
one yeare next after my decease

Item I will th[a]t all my movable Goodes shall be equallie de[vided]
Amongest my kindred whose names be hereabove written within fower dayes next after my dec[ease]
by my executor

Item I ordaine & make the saide Robert Longe executor of this my last will [&]
Testament to whome I gyve twentie poundes out of my wrightings obligatorie obligac[i]ones
billes bonds and Especialties & with the Residue I will he shall trulie paye p[er]forme and ful
fill All suche legacies gifts and bequests as bine above conteyned in this my last Will and
testament according to my true meaninge in that behalfe herin above specified [words lost in tear in paper]
entreate him that he will see my bodie decentlie brought to the earthe the mother of all Flesh
In Witnes wherof I have hereunto sett my hande & seale the daye & yeare first above written

Sign Marie Cowp[er] M [her mark]

[These] beinge Witnesses
[Mar]ten Adam
[wi]ll[ia]m Mallowes


  1. Will of Mary Coo[per], Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Original wills, 1627-1629, Norwich Record Office; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 8045780 image 475 of 692.] Accessed 22 February 2022

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