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Will of Mary Freer widow of Blaby 1783

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Date: 1774 to 1783
Location: Blaby, Leicestershire, Englandmap
This page has been accessed 45 times.

The Will of Mary Freer widow of Blaby was written on 15 October 1774 and proved on 11 June 1783.[1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. ff is rendered as F. Abbreviations are expanded and additions noted in [square brackets]. Paragraph breaks (where added) and bold text for names are my own for ease of reading.

People in the will in the order that they appear:

  • Mary Freer (testatrix)
  • William Car (tenant)
  • John Freer (son)
  • George Freer (son)
  • Elizabeth Coulton (daughter)
  • Richard Bruin Freer (son)
  • William and Thomas Freer (grandsons)
  • Reverend Mr Coulton (son in law, Elizabeth's husband)
  • Elenor Freer (daughter in law)
  • Anna Maria and Mary Freer (grandaughters)
  • Witnesses: Wallam Berr[...], Ann Bennitt, Thos Gamble

In the Name of God Amen I Mary
Freer of Blaby in the County of Leicester Widow do make and Ordain this my last
Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) I Give and Devise all that
my Messuage Tenement or Dwelling House Situate Standing and being in Blaby
aforesaid known by the Sign of the Blacksmith's Arms and now in the tenure of
William Car And also all those my two Closes Situate lying and being in the Liberties of
Blaby aforesaid and now in my own tenure or occupation And all other my real Estate
whatsoever and wheresoever unto my son John Freer his Heirs and Assigns forever
Subject nevertheless and Charges and Chargeable with the payment of the sum of twenty
pounds to my son George Freer, with the sum of Fifty pounds to my Daughter
Elizabeth Coulton, and with the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty pounds to my
Son Richard Bruin Freer, which said Several Legacies or Sums of money I do hereby
Order and Direct be paid to my Said two Sons and Daughter by my Executor herein
after Named within Twelve Months next after my Decease and to my Grandsons William
and Thomas Freer One Guinea a piece Also I Give to my said Daughter Elizabeth
Coulton my best Silk Gown^
^And to her husband the Reverend Mr Coulton One guinea for a Mourning Ring
To my said Daughter in Law Elenor Freer one Cotton Gown
such as she shall Choose. To my Grandaughter Anna Maria Freer One Silk Gown, and
to my Grandaughter Mary Freer one Gold Ring. Also I Give unto my said Son George
Freer four pair of Sheets, two pair of Pillow Drawers A Coarse Huckaback[2] Table Cloth four Linnen
Napkins, One Large fine Table Cloth and one Small fine Table Cloth; Also I Give unto my
said Son Richard Bruin Freer my Yellow Bed with the Feather Bed and Bedding belonging
thereto, and Commonly used therewith, four pair of Sheets, two pair of Pillow Drawers, One
Large Coarse Table Cloth. Also I Give to twelve poor Widows One Shilling a piece to be paid by my
Executor within One Month next after my Decease Also all the rest and residue of my
Household goods, Goods Cattle Chattels Rights Credits and personal Estate whatsoever
and of what Nature Kind or Quality above (not herein before by me given and disposed
of) I Give and bequeath unto my said Son John Freer his Executors and Administrators
whom I Nominate Constitute and Appoint Sole Executor of this my Last Will and
Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by my made In Witness whereof I
have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the fifteenth day of October in the year of
Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy four.
[Signed] Mary Freer
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said
Testator Mary Freer, as and for her last Will and
Testament, in the Presence of Us, who in her
presence, at her request, and in the presence of each
other, have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto
the Interlineation between the Sixteenth and and Seventeenth
lines being first made
Wallam Berr[...]loge
Ann Bennitt
Thos Gamble

On the 11th day of June 1783. John Freer, the sole
Executor within named was sworn to the due Execution
hereof and made Oath that all the Testatrix's Goods,
Chattels and Credits at the time of her death did
not amount in value to the Sum of three hundred
Pounds. Before me
Rd Coulton Surrogate.


  1. Probate: "Leicestershire Wills And Probate Records, 1500-1939"
    Archive: Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland; Reference: 1783 C-S
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 11 October 2023)
    Mary Freer will year 1774, probate in 1783 in Leicestershire, England. Residence Blaby, Leicestershire, England. Occupation: Widow.
  2. a strong linen or cotton fabric with a rough surface

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