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Will of Mary Thweatt

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Prince George County, Virginiamap
Surname/tag: Thweatt
Profile manager: Liz Shifflett private message [send private message]
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Warning - The links to profiles are subject to change. As of 11 November 2018, the links were to profiles attached to the apparent family, but there are duplicates and other inconsistencies. Updates in February 2021 reveal the family still is a bit of a muddle.


Will of Mary Thweatt (Thweet)

Mary Thweatt, maiden name unknown.

The maiden name of Mary Thweatt, whose will was written 4 January 1712 and proved 13 January 1712,[1] is not known. Some Thweatt researchers believe she was a Lee (Mary (Lee) Thweatt's profile) and some believe she was a Lewis, with Lee her middle name (see Mary Lee (Lewis) Thweatt's profile).[2] ~ Liz Shifflett, 16 November 2018.
Update - the two profiles just mentioned have been merged, as "Mary Lee (Lee) Thweatt", wife of James Thweatt, daughter of John Lee and Judith (Lewis) Lee. ~ 13 February 2021

"James Thwett was deceased by 1712 when his wife made her will".[3]

Claiborne T. Smith, Jr. penned a correction for Vol. IX, No. 3 of the Southside Virginian that addressed information from his previous article (in Vol. VII, No. 1, pp 19-34, "see especially p 21"). The salient point was that James Thweatt "was obviously only married once and died between 1707, when he made a deposition at age 64... and the death of his widow, Mary. It was his son, James (II) (as many Thweatt researchers have always maintained), who married in 1701, Judith Soane, as a second marriage. The Thweatt grandsons in the will are likely all sons of James (II) who was born prior to 1666. His brothers Henry and John did not have families by 1713...."[4]

As of 13 February 2021, profiles for those named in the above paragraph:
Two profiles attached as James, son of James & Mary, confuse things (there are also two profiles for Judith Soane, but one was detached when merge of the two sons James was proposed in Jan. 2021; 1st wife apparently thought to be Birchett - two of them also):
A note on Soane-14's profile:
Note: U.S. President Thomas Jefferson's great-grandmother was this Judith's aunt: Judith Soane, married (1) Henry Randolph[5] and (2) Peter Field (TJ's great-grandfather). This Judith's grandparents/that Judith's parents, were Henry and Judith (Fuller) Soane.[6]


Mary Thweatt's will "is found in Prince George County Deed and Will Book 1710-1713.[3] In her will she mentions:

  • James
  • Henry
  • John
  • Elizabeth
  • Archer
  • Mary
  • Judith
  • James Thweatt
  • James Sturdivant
  • Edward Thweatt
  • Miles Thweatt
  • William
  • James Parram
  • Matthew Parram
Legacies to James Hall son of Isaac Hall, Instand Hall and John Spain, Jr., John Spain was sole ex. of Marys will.

The children are probably (or were in 2018): James, Henry, John, Elizabeth, Archer, and Mary (who married Daniel Sturdivant[citation needed][7]). Daughter Judith was not linked to a profile in 2018.

As of 2018, grandsons were linked as James Thweatt, James Sturdivant (Daniel[8] and Mary's son) Edward Thweatt, Miles Thweatt, William,[9] James Parram, Matthew Parram. Legacies to James Hall son of Isaac Hall, Instand Hall and John Spain, Jr., John Spain was sole ex. of Marys will."[3]


Transcribed by Virginia Lee Hutcheson Davis. "This will has been transcribed from the original in the manner it was originally written." Printed in The Southside Virginian, Vol IX, No. 3, pages 100-101; July-Sept 1991[10]

Will of Mary Thweatt, 1712 ~ Prince George County Wills

In The name of God Amen I Mary Thweatt of Prince George County doe make & Declare This My last well & Testament in Manner & forme following, That is to Say first I bequeath My Soul into The Hands of Almighty God believing remission of sinns & everlasting life by The meritts Death & Passion of Jesus Christ my lord & Only Savior

Item I give Unto My GrandSon James Thweatt a Young Cow Bigg with Calfe hee giveing The first Cow Calfe That Cow brings I alsoe give to my Grandson James Thweatt one Young ewe bigg with Lamb
Item I give to my Grandson James Sturdivant one Heiffer bigg with Calfe. I alsoe give The first Cow Calfe That Cow brings to James Hall Son to Isaac Hall
Item I give to my Grandson Edwd Thweet one Red Cow Calfe
Item I give to My Son James one four foot Chest & all ye Mony & Money worth hee is Indebted to mee hee paying James Williams what I am Indebted I alsoe give my Son James one Sandy Sow & one Grisled Sow & one black barrow
Item I give to my Sonns James & Henry what mony I have due to mee in England Equally to bee Devided Between Them
Item I give to my Daughter Elisabeth one black Cow bigg with Calfe, I alsoe give The first Calfe That Cow brings to my Grandson William I also give to My Daughter Elisabeth one Iron pott that will hold About one Gallon, one feather bedd & all ye furniture Thereunto belonging
Item I give to My Daughter Archer my new Virg Cloath Gound & Coate
Item I give to my GrandSon James Parram one Bear coulerd Sow
Item I give to my Grandson Miles Thweet one Sow of ye same couler
Item I give to my Son James Thweet all The meat I have killed in The House
Item I give to my Son Henry one Sow That uses with his Hoggs, & all ye rest of My Hoggs to be divided Between my Sonns John & Henry
Item I give my Son Henry one Iron pott conty abt four Gallons, Three Iron Hooks, one pr Tongs one sive. One Case Bottles, Sixty Gallons Cider, & The Cask hee paying The Cooper for ye Cask, one pr pott Hookes, one powder Barrele full of Cotton
Item I give to my Son John a pr. Shillyards Ninety Gallons Cyder and all The Money hee is Indebted, hee paying John Kemp five Shillings in Money, I alsoe give him my part of ye great Brass Kettlee.
Item I give to my Daughter Judith one Still, I alsoe give to My Daughter Judith, Such part of My wareing Lineing as My Daughter Elisabeth Sheall Think fitt
Item I give to my Daughter Elisabeth one Case with The viols belonging to it & all The rest of My Bottles, one Bell Mettled Morter & Pestlee one warming pann Two Pewter Basons one pewter Dish, one Doz spoones & two Plates
Item I give to My Grandson Mathew Parram one Gold ring with Stone in it
Item I give to My Daughter Elisabeth Two Deal boxes full of Cotton one Small box of Cotton Pickt
Item I give to My Son Henry one Couch
Item I give to My Daughter Mary one Pewter Dish Two Plates, one Smoothing Iron & one Deal box with Lock & key
Item I give all The remaining part of My Corne to James Thweatt hee paying Two barrells to John Thweatt & two barrells to Henry Thweatt, & Two Barrells to John Spaine Junr & one bush Wheat to Inst Hall
Item I give to My Daughter Elisabeth all The remaining part of my Estate, I alsoe Order & Ordaine Jno Spain Junr Executor of This my last Will & Testament

In Witness Whereof I.. .hereto sett my hand & Seale this 4th day of Jany 1712

Signed Seald & Deliverd
in Presence & Sight of

Jno Kemp Mary M Thweet (S)
Tho X Sands mark
Elisa S Sands

Page 102 The Southside Virginian, Vol. IX No. 3

Prince George County Court The 13th Jany 1712

The next before writtern last Will & Testamt of Mary Thweet deed was presented into Court by Jno Spaine Junr who made Oath Thereto & it being proved by the Oathes of Jno Kemp and Tho Sands is admitted to record & on his giveing Security for his true & faithfull Exer Thereof Certificate is Granted him for Obtaining a Probt In due forme
Test E Goodrich DClCur

Prince George County Deeds, Wills, Etc, 1710-1713, Book B, pp 187-190.

Published here [Southside Virginian] with the kind permission of the Archives and Records Division, Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond, Virginia, Dr. Louis H. Manarin, State Archivist.

  1. See text above for sources for written/proved dates.
  2. Comment by Brent Bowen, postponing a merge of the two on 16 November 2018 (since completed, as Lee-985):
    "Other researchers seem convinced last name is Lewis with Lee a middle name for Mary. Let's review their evidence and review my information on Lee parents before merging."
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 From Lee-985. Lead-in for that statement is presumed to be citation info, from Cavaliers & Pioneers
    • Pat BK 6, p. 72
    • Charles City County Land Records, p. 49
    • Prince George Co Quit Rolls, 1704, p. 412.
  4. Claiborne T. Smith, Jr., "The Thweatt Correction," Southside Virginian, Vol. IX, No. 3 of the page 102
  5. p 127, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Volume 4 (Google ebook reference from Soane-13 profile
  6. see this pdf posted by the Augusta County Historical Society on a folder with a 36-page booklet, marked "Henry Soane, Progenitor of Thomas Jefferson" 1985 - it is probably the same booklet mentioned in Southside Virginian as "(n.d.), by Ellen Dabney Neff McLean."
  7. Geni: Mary Thweatt, shows marriage to Daniel Sturdivant (b c1670) as about 1699 in Prince George County, Virginia (but no sources)
  8. Sturdevant-11 profile is attached to Mary; Sturdivant-187 is attached to Judith (as of 11 Nov. 2018). Adventurers of Purse & Person shows Daniel's wife as __________ ... see page 234
  9. No surname given in will, but perhaps William Thweatt.
  10. Transcription copied from full text version of The Southside Virginian, Vol IX, No. 3 posted by archive.org. There may be some OCR errors. Changes should be verified against pdf version before being made. Differences to be checked have been added in brackets. ~ Liz Shifflett, 11 November 2018 Update - Changes have been made, verifying against the pdf format in archive.org pages 101-. ~ 13 Feb. 2021

Research Notes

Who the mother was of James Sturdivant (named as grandson in the will) is not known. What is known of Daniel, his probable father, appears to be from articles in the Southside Virginian (1987 & 1988).

Working up to James and Daniel might help. A search of DAR records of the DAR-grs online database for the four variants of the name on 16 November 2018 discovered:
  • no entries for Sturtivant, Sturdivant, or Sturdevant.
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed 16 November 2018), "Record of Hallom Sturtevant", Ancestor # A211357.
    • Patriotic Service (Virginia); born before 1730; married Mary Green; died before 10 June 1797 in Wake County, NC (son John Sturtevant m Selah Hobbs)
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed 16 November 2018), "Record of James Sturtevant", Ancestor # A110694.
    • Civil Service (Virginia); born c1738, Surry Co.; married Mary ____; died before 8 Dec. 1796, Lunenburg Co. (daughters Jemima m Joseph Dunman; Elizabeth m Drury Ragsdale) / Patriot Ancestor: James Sturdivant
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed 16 November 2018), "Record of John Sturtevant", Ancestor # A206912.
    • Patriotic Service (Virginia); born 30 April 1748, Surry Co.; married (1) Martha _____; (2) Selah Hobbs; died before Mary 1796, Sussex Co. (daughter Polly m James Chappell)
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed 16 November 2018), "Record of Lieutenant John Sturtevant", Ancestor # A110695.
    • Lieutenant (Virginia, resided: Brunswick County); born 15 Dec. 1757, Dinwiddie Co.; married Nancy Hollinsberry; died Hancock County, Georgia. Children:
  1. Hollinsberry Sturtevant, married Mark Jackson
  2. Robert Sturtevant, married Ann Norwood
  3. Nancy Sturtevant, married Henry Griggs
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed 16 November 2018), "Record of Lieutenant John Sturtevant", Ancestor # A110698.
    • Problem with record ("the man with this service died without issue")
    • Lieutenant, Virginia
    • John Sturtevant born 22 August 1757 in Sussex County, Virginia; died Dec. 1816 in Prince George County, Virignia; married Martha Hobbs & had a son: Joel Sturtevant, married Malinda Cochran
    • Note - don't know if the problem is just that this John did not serve or if this John DID serve but had no issue (so not sure if birth/death/marriage is for a John Sturtevant who served or for a John Sturtevant with a son named Joel)
  • Daughters of the American Revolution, DAR Genealogical Research Databases, database online, (http://www.dar.org/ : accessed 16 November 2018), "Record of Matthew Sturtevant", Ancestor # A201876.
    • Problem with record ("Mary who married John Lockhart A071021 was daughter of Robert Sturtevant")
    • Patriotic Service (North Carolina); born c1727, Surry Co.; married (2) Tabitha ____, (2) Sarah Hines; died before 1790, Pitt Co., NC (only one daughter listed, Mary m John Lockhart, who isn't his daughter)

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