Location: Dorset, England
Surname/tag: Moone, Mohun
Location: Dorset, England

Surname/tag: Moone, Mohun
This page has been accessed 29 times.
National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England
- Will of Maximilian Moone
- PROB 11/121/121
- Probate Date, 8 Feb 1613 (1612/1613)
- Transcribed by Helen Ford (lines as in original)
- Maximillian (de Mohun) Mohun (1564-1612)
- In the name of God Amen The Two and Twentith daye of
- October in the yeare of our Lord God 1612, I Maximilian Moone beinge sicke of body but of good
- and pefect memory (God be praysed) doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner
- and forme followinge, first I commend my soule into the handes of God my maker and Redeemer
- and my body unto the earth whereof it is made, As for my temporall goodes moveable and unnmoveable
- together w'th my lease in the farme of Corton I give and bequeath unto my [sic, word probably wife missing] by her to be wholie
- ymployed for the payment of my debts, and also to rayse such porcons for my children as shalbe
- thought fitting by my Executore and overseers reservinge such guiftes and legacies as shalbe
- specified, Item to the poore of this parish xxs, To the poore of Fleate xxs, To the poore of Langton
- xxs, To the poore of Abbotsbury xxs, To the poore of Chickerell xxs. Item my Rectory of Bradpole
- I leave to my executrix by them to bee disposed for the good of my children untill such time as my
- eldest sonne Maximilian shall come to be of one and twentie yeares of age, and then to dissend
- wholey to him. Item my silver bason and yewre and my two greatest silver boles I give unto my eldest
- sonne to be delivered him at his daye of marriage in the meane tyme my wife to have the keepinge
- thereof, Item I appoynt and ordayne my welbeloved wiffe my sole and whole executrix and my
- trustie and welbeloved friendes Bruen Williams my brother in lawe and Edward Shaw the
- supervisors and overseers of this my last will and testament. In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hande
- Max Moone. Signed in the presense of us Walter Moone Raphe Henvill. Moreover my will is that my cosen Dionis Moone have her lief in the house
- and her daughter Edith or els fiftie poundes in money to her and her two daughters
- Probate clause in latin, probate was granted to the relict, Anne on 8 February 1612 (1612/13)
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