Location: Hapton, Norfolk, England
Surnames/tags: Whitefoot Whiting Hutchenson/Hutchinson
Extracts from will of Michael Whitfoot 1619[1]
The will is 9 pages long and for brevity some of the repeated words and sentences have been replaced by etc....................
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- Michael Whitefoot the elder of Hopton in the Countie of Norf[olk] yeoman Testator
- Mr Rogers preacher of Deddam in Essex received twenty shillings
- Mr Crompton preacher received twenty shillings
- William Welles testator purchased land from
- Johane my wife wife of testator
- Elizabeth Robyns my sister possibly sister or sister of his wife received a copyhold tenement and building in Forncett
- William Robyns her lame Sonne son of Elizabeth Robyns, received copyhold tenement after his mother's decease toward his maintenance.
- Thomas Robyns his brother brother of William Robyns receives the copyhold tenement after death of his brother William
- Thomas Lynes sometyme my serv[a]nnt received one roode of free land at rent of a penny a year
- Sammell Lynes his sonne receives land after his father Thomas's decease at same rent
- Michael Whitefoot my sonne son of testator and main beneficiary apart from testator's wife, supervisor of will
- Thomas Knyvitt Knighte and Thomas Knyvet Esquire his sonne and heire apparent sold land to testator
- William Ryder sold land to testator
- John Lulmon or Lulman sold land to testator
- George Whitefoote my father nowe deceased testator's father
- Richard Wyggott owns land adjacent to testator's
- John Durrant of Wymondham nowe Deceased testator bought land from him
- Michael Whitefoot my grandchilde son of Michael Whitefoot the testator's son
- Edmund Whitefoot my grandchilde son of Michael Whitefoot the testator's son
- Michael my sonne and Martha nowe his wife
- Thomas Hutchenson nowe minister and preacher of the parishe of Hapton
- Philemon Hutchenson my godson
- Richard Whiting of Fundenhall, my brother in lawe
- John Whitefoot my grandchilde
- Thomas Whitefoot my granndchilde
- Elizabeth and Constance my sisters
- Richard Thrifte
- my brother in lawe George Thrifte
- Elizabeth nowe wife of Hammond Skouthe
- Susan Holmes sometyme my servannte
- Thomas Watson and Susan Watsonne my Sisters children and sometyme my servannts
- Thomas Robyns John Watson John Thrifte and Edward Robyns Mary Robyns and Thomasine Brooke my sisters children
- Dorothie Whitefoote my grandchilde
- John Hillman testator purchased land from him
- Thomas Carter deceased Testator purchased land in Ashwellthorpe from him
- John Bridgham my farmer
- Edward Lincolne my farmer
- Robert Allen of Hapton in the Countie of Norf[olk] Tanner testator bought land from him
- sonne or Daughter that is nowe in the wombe of Martha Whitefoote my daughter in Lawe
- Anne Whiting my kynneswoman and somtyme my servannt
- Michaell Lullman my god sonne
- Gyles Brooke my brother in Lawe
- Samuel Brooke my godsonne and unto Thomazine Brooke his Daughter and sometyme my servannt
- Roger Watson my kynnesman
- Christian Gallard my mother in Lawe
- my ladie Bell
- Mrs Greene of Forncett received a starre Royall
- Thomas Hutchinson
- Thomas Greenewood
- Robert Gallard preachers
- Richard Whitefoote
- Roger Gallard
- William Gallard Francis Gallard John Whitefoote Richard Whiting and John Lullman my brother in Lawes
- William Dabbes John Fuller and John Dabbes my kynnesmen
- Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Amyes and to Robert Whitings wife
- Robert Johnson witness to will
Starts with the usual profession of faith:
In the name of God amen the twentity day of October in the
yere of the Reigne of oure soveraigne Lord James nowe Kyng of England France and
Ireland the sixteenth and of Scotland the twoer and fiftieth I Michael Whitefoote
the elder of Hopton in the Countie of Norf[olk] yeoman.....................................etc
[page 2]
inter alia.... I desire that some godlie preacher may be procured to preache at my
funerall for the onlie Edification and Information of the people unto whome I give gor his
paynes then bestowed twentie shillinges
He leaves money to the Church reparations, money left for the poor in various Norfolk parishes
Item I give to Mr Rogers preacher of Deddam in Essex And
to Mr Crompton preacher to either of them twentie shillings to be paid by myne Executrix
within three monthes next after my decease.
Item I gyve and bequeathe my free messuage w[ith]
the Edifices and appurten[an]ces thereto belonging which I purchased of William Welles lying
in the towne of wynmondham unto Johane my wife and to her heires forever.
Item I give and bequeathe my coppiehould Tenement with the yarde therto belonging with all the profitts
and commodities to the same belonging as yt lyeth in the parishe of Fornesett St Peter
unto Elizabeth Robyns my sister during the whole terme of her naturall life without
ympeachment of waste. And after her decease unto William Robyns her lame Sonne
towards his mayntenn[a]nce and keeping during his life without ympeachment of waste
And after his decease I give and bequeathe the same coppiehould Tenement and yarde with
all the profitts and commodities therto belonging unto Thomas Robyns his brother and to his heires for ever.
Item I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Lynes sometyme my serv[a]nnt one
Roode of free land by estimation and nowe in his occupation and by hym builded as yt is nowe
enclosed with Dikes and Quicksetts from my other landes and abutting uppon the common
of Hopton called Hadwesmarshe towards the East for and during the whole terme of his
naturall life: And after his decease to Sammell Lynes his sonne and to his heires forever
paying therefore for ever unto the owners and possessors of my Captiall mesuage in
Hopton wherein I nowe dwell one penny of yerelie rent in the feast daye of Saint
Michael tharchangel allwaies to be paied.
Item whereas I purchased and ioyned Michael Whitefoote
my sonne with me in the same purchase so as and owne heires of Sr Thomas Knyvitt Knighte
and Thomas Knyvet Esquire his sonne and heire apparent one mesuage or Tenement
with his Crofte and divers other peeces of meadow and Turberye lying and beyng in the
Towne of Hupton conteyning togeather by estimation one and twentie acres and twentie
Nyne perches ( as by theire Indenture of Bargaine and Sale thereof to as made nearing date
the Twelvth day of February in the Nyne and thirtith yere of the Raigne of oure
Soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth one Thousand five hundred Nynetie Sixe .....
appeareth. By which purchase the same free Tenement, Crofte, meadowes and Turbaryes
[page 3]
by the Lawe of this Land after my decease ought descend and come to Michael Whitefoote my sonne
and his heires. Nevertheless my mynde and will and whole intent is for the bettercommondious
and mre peaceable occupyng of themseyng they lie enclosed and mixed amongste my oth[er]
meadowes Turberies and groundes that all the same Tenement crofte meadowes Turberies
and groundes conteyning together one and twentie acres and twentie nyne perches shal
ymmediatlie from and after the day of my decease be still occupied and enioyed by Johane
my wife and her assignes during the whole terme of her naturall life without ympeachm[ent]
of any waste And further I allsoe require and chardge Michael Whitefoote my sonne that
within one whole yere next after my decease (yf he be then living) convey and besstowe the
same Tenement Crofte meadowes and Turberyes conteyning togeather one and twentie
acres and twentie nyne perches and every parte and parcell thereof by his deede sufficient
in the land sealed and seizin and peacable possession by hym Delivered uppon the
Tenement and goundes before specified without any manner or Condition or Limitation
stande or Deceipt unto Michael Whitefoote his sonne and my grandchilde to have &
to houlde to hym the saied Michael and to his heires for ever ymmediately from and
after the decease of Johane my wife & Michael Whitefoote my sonne and Martha nowe his
wife And of Michael Whitefoote my sonne trulie and faithfully performe this my desire and
requeste within the true specified and Limites Then I do give and bequeathe unto tthe sayd
Michael my sonne ymmediatelie from and after my decease for and during the whole tearme
of the naturall life pf Johane my wife withour ympeachment of any waste All that my mesuage
or Tenement in Hapton with his crofte and ...stalles of pasture and wood beyng all freehold
which I purchased of William Ryder nowe deceased as they lie togeater enclosed in the
parish of Hapton conteyning by estimation fifteene acres with one Inclose of arrable lying at
the Northend of the same pasture or wood conteyning Seaven acres and a halfe of free and
Coppiehould Land with fower acres of free land lying in twoe severall peeces and one acre
of Coppiehould holden of the mannor of Florden beyng all arrable Land lying in Hallyway
feild and purchased by me of William Rider and John Lulmon One free meadowe conteyning
Tenne acres called the "long meadowe" abutting uppon Hallinaye brigg towards the west
with one meadowe conteyning one acre and a halfe free lying next the "Common pasture
of Hapton called Hawsomershe" towards the east w[ith] twoe free meadowes were sometime
George Whitefoote my father nowe deceased and one other meadowe free abutting uppon the
Tenement of Richard Wyggott towards the Northe conteyning three acres, one Inclose of
[asture free conteyning twoe acres and a halfe called Bromeclose abutting uppon Huns=
wethe towards the Northe and one other Inclose of arrable land pasture bothe free &
coppie lying next the same broome pightell conteyning seaven acres by estimation and
one other Inclose of arrable free conteyning twoe acres three roodes called S..... pightell
lying next the common pasture called Hawsthill towards the east. And allsoe three acres
and a halfe of arrable free lying in S..... feilde in fower severall peeces whereof three perch
conteyne three acres abutting uppon my pightells called Duches and Greenfeild pightells
towards the Sowthe and the other halfe acre abuttets uppon Hawsmershe towardes
the Northe...........................................................................................................
Inclose I latelie purchase of John Lulman............................................................
And ymmediatelie after the decease of Johane
my wife I do give and bequeathe that mesuage or Tenement withall the Landes & meadowes
pastures and feedinges withall and singular their appurt[e]n[an]ces aswell freehoulde as coppy=
.... Custommary hould conteyning in the whole threescore eight acres and one roode to
the same more or less without ympeachment or any waste unto Michael Whitefoote
my grandchilde for and during the whole tearme of the naturall life of Michael
Whitefoote my sonne And after the decease of the sayed Michael Whitefoote my Sonne
[page 4]
I do then give and bequeathe the same mesuage or Tenement with all the said Landes meadowes pastures
and feedinges with all and singular there profitts commodities and appurt[e]n[a]nces conteyning
togeather Threescore eight acres and one roode unto Edmund Whitefoote my grandchilde and
his heires for ever provided allwayes notwithstanding that my full mynde and Determinate
purpose and will is that yf the saied Michael Whitefoote my sonne shall not within one whole
yere next after my decease (yf he be then living) by his Deede sufficient in the Lawe convey &
assigne the saied mesuage or Tenement with his crofte meadowes and Turberies before
foresaid conteyning togeather one and twentie acres and twentie nyne perches to the onlie use
of the saied Michael Whitefoote my grandchilde and to his heires for ever ymmediatelie after
the decease of the saied Johnae my wife and Micheal my sonne and Martha nowe his wife
without any manner of Condition or Limitation as is before expressed and Declared or
otherwise shall not suffer sll other and every of my mesuages and Tenements Landes meadowes
pastures and feedinges with all and singular theire appurtenances profitts easements and
Commodities whatsoever aswell freehouldes coppiehould or customary hold set lying and
beying in the townes and feildes of Ashwellthorpe ......mmingham Fundenshall and
Hapton in the Countie of NOrf[olk] for ever after my decease to be quietlie and peaceablie
possessed occupied and enioyed by Johane my wife and her assignes and all and every of
my grandchildren theire or any of theire heires executors Administrators and assignes
unto whome in and by this my last will and Testament I have given and bequeathed
any of my saied mesuages or Tenements Landes etc for terme
of life or yeres or in fee simple for ever according to my intent and meaning herein
expressed but shall seeke and advantage by Lawe or other stande or Deceipt to convey
affixe ..... give grante sell Surrender or otherwise make and manner of Estate whatsoever
whereby to defeate or disinherit let hinder or by Lawe molest or trouble Johane my wife
or her assignes or any of my grandchildren their heires etc
..... form the peacable and quiet possessing of an enioying of any of my sayed mesuages
or Tenements etc contarty to suche Limitation
as this my testament and last will is specified and Declared. Then and in that case
I do give bequeathe and devise all that mesuage or Tenement with all the landes
etc ............................................................................................................................
.......... I had given to Michael Whitefoote my grandchilde and to
his heires for ever ymmediatlie after my decease anthing to the contrarie heretofore
expressed in and by this my last will and testament in any wise notivity standing
Item I
give and bequeathe unto Michaell Whitefoote my sonne and to his heires for ever ymmediately
after my decease towardes the maynten[an]nce good educating and brining up of his children
in learning or some other goodlie Actes trades and schiemes all those my Lease Landes
etc..............................................................................beyng in the Townes&
feildes of Sething and Heddenham or either of them.
Item I give and bequeathe unto
Johane my wife and her assignes ymmediatelie after my decease for and during the whole
Tearme of her naturall life without impeachment of amy waste in Consideration and
full recompence of all her Dower and Thirdes to be claymed in any of my Mesuages or
Tenements etc.................................................................................................
which are bequeathed by me to any person or persons in and by this my last will and
Testament. All that my capitall mesuage in Hapton wherin I nowe Dwell with all
my other........ or buildes Tenements with all the Landes etc....................................
st lying & beyng in Hapton aforesayed and not els where neither
yet given or Devised by me and by this last will and Testament to Michaell
Whitefoote my sonne or to Michaell and Edmund Whitefoote my grandchildren uppon
[page 5]
these Conditions following vizit that after my decease she the saied Johane my wife nor any other
person or persons by her procuretment for her and in her name Challenge Demannd
buy Dower or Thirdes in any of my other Mesauges Tenements etc....................................
...................................................lying and neyng in the townes and feildes of
Seething Heddenham Ashwellthorpe Wremmingham Fundenhall and Hapton or
any of them maynteyne and keepe the houses buildinges and growundes in good and
suffiecient reparations having and taking at all tymes seasonable and convenient tymber
and fensing stuffe for the only reparring and amending of the same mesuages builds
and growundes and not otherwise. And all wood sufficient for her fier to be spent only
uppon that mesuage or Tenement wherin she shall Dwell and not els where during the
whole tearme of her naturall life make committ not Doe and manner of...............
as waste by felling or selling awaye of any of the tymber wood underwood or thornes
nowe growing or to be growning herafter in or uppon any of the sayed Tenements or
Landes during the shole terme of her naturall life. And allso uppoun condition that
she the sayed Johane my wife and her assignes out of the yerelie profitts of the
sayed mesuages and Landes paye or cause to be payed unto Thomas Hutchenson
nowe minister and preacher of the parishe of Hapton yerelie and every yere
during the whole tearme of her naturall life (yf he so longe remayne and contynewe
minister and preacher in the same parishe of Hapton) three poundes of lawfull
Englishe money allways to be paide in the Feaste Daye of Sainte Michaell the
Archanngell in the Southe porche of the parish of Hapton aforesayed And shall
likewise paye or cause to be payed yerelie and every yere in the same Daye and place
unto Philemon Hutchinson my godson or his assignes towards his mayntenn[a]nce and
bringing up in learning fortie shillinges of like money yntill the whole sommes of tenne
poundes be to hym and his assignes trulie satisfied and payed. And after the decease
of Johane my wife I give and bequeathe my saied Capitall mesuage wherin I nowe
Dwell with all my other tenement buylt or wyde with all the Landes meadowes
etc........................... Lying or beyng in the towne and feildes of
Hapton aforesayed and before given and bequeathed unto Johane my wife for the
tearme of her naturall life unto Michaell Whitefoote my sonne during the whole tearme of
his naturall life withour ympeachment of waste keeping the howses buildings and
growndes in good and sufficient reparations make committ make committ ot Doe any mann[er]
of Estripment or waste by felling or selling awaye any of the tymber etc
during the whole terme of his naturall life having and taking at all tymes
seasonable and convenient tymber and fensing stuff suffiecient and necessarie for the
onelie reparring and amending of the same mesuages etc during the whole
term of his naturall life and ymmediatelie after the decease of Michaell Whitefoote
my sonne I give and bequeath my sayed Capitall mesuage wherein I nowe Dwell
with all my other buylt and voyde? Tenements Landes etc........................
..................................................................................................Lying or beyng in the
Towne and Feildes of Hapton aforesayed and before given and bequathed unto Johane
my wife and Michaell Whitefoote my sonne for the tearme of bothe theire naturall lives
unto MIchaell Whitefoote my grandchilde and to his heires for ever
Item I give and
bequeathe unto Michaell Whitefoote my grandchilde and to his heires for ever ymmediatl[ie]
after my decease towards hos mayntenn[a]nce good educating and bringing up in leaning
or other godlie Actes trades or ..... as shalbe thoughte most fitt by my sayed wife
and other his cheife friendes, twoe Incloses of arrable land, pasture both free and coppiehould
[page 6]
conteyning togeather twentie acres set lying and beyng in the towne and feildes of Fundenhall
which I latelie purchased of Richard Whiting of Fundenhall, my brother in lawe (as by his
Indenture of Bargaine and Sale thereof to me made bearing Date the fifth day of OCtob[er]
in the fourteenth yeere of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James Kyng of England
France and Ireland Defender of the faithe etc and of Scotland the fifith playnlie
Item I give and bequeathe unto Edmond Whitefoote my grandchilde and to his
heires for ecer ymmediatelie after my decease towards his maynetnn[a]nce and bringing up in
learning. All that my coppiehould mesuage or tenement being in Wremmingham togeather
with all my coppiehould Landes meadowes etc........................................
...................................................................................................................and had of the
Surrender of John Durrant of Wymondham nowe Deceased
Item I give and
bequeathe unto 'Johane my wife and her assignes the use and occupation of my twoe
free mesuages or tenements with all my other Landes etc.....................................
... set lying and beyng in the towne and feildes of Ashwellthorpe Wremmingham
and Fundenhall and not before given nor bequeathed by in this my Testament &
last will to Michaell and Edmund my grandchildren. To have and to hould to her
the saied Johane my wife and her assignes without ympeachment of waste ymmediately
from and after my decease untill the Feaste Day of Sainte Michaell the Archanngell
[note in margin - then next following and for & after the feaste day of St Michaell tharchanngell] next after my decease for and during the tearme of tenne whole yeres thence forth fullie to be
compleate and ended uppon theise conditions following. First for the true payment of
all suche legacies as are herein expressed kepe and mayteyne the houses buildinges
and groundes in good and sufficient reparations and to leave them and every of them
repayred and amended sufficientlie make committ doe buy manner of Estripment or
waste by felling or selling awaye any of the Tymber, wood etc.............
...........................................................................................................................And allso uppon condition yt
Johane my wife her executors Administrators and assignes pay or cause to be payed
yerelie and every yere during her tenne yeres fiftie poundes of good and lawfull money
of England unto suche person and persons and at and in suche Feaste Daye and place
as shalbe hereafter set downe and appoynted by me in the my last will and testam[ent]
The first yerelie payment of the saied fiftie poundes shalbe paied by 'my sayd wife or
her assignes executors or Administrators in the Feast Daye of Sainte Michaerll the
Archanngell which shall fall out to be within one whole yere next after my Decease
to be payed in the Southe porche of the parishe churche of Hapton aforesayd Twentie pounds
of that Fiftie poundes to be then payd unto John Whitefoote my grandchilde towards
his maytenn[a]nce in learning at Cambridge or els where. And tenne pounds to be likewise
to be then paid to Thomas Whitefoote my grandchilde towards his mayntenn[a]nce in
learning or other godlie Actes Trades or ...... as shalbe thought most fitt and
convenient by my sayd wife and others of his cheife friendes. And so from thenceforth
yerelie and every yere thirtie poundes of that fiftie poundes shalbe payd by my sayed
wife her Executors Administrators and assignes unto John and Thomas Whitefoote
my grandchildren during her whole tearme of tenne yeres. The other twentie
poundes yet remayning of that fiftie poundes shalbe then paide in the same yere Feast
Day and place aforesayed unto Michaelll Whitefoote my sonne or his assignes to stocke
and .... his house and groundes in Hapton withall
Item I give and bequearhe
[page 7]
Item I give and bequeathe unto Elizabeth and Constance my sisters and to Richard Thrifte
my brother in lawe George Thrifte' Elizabeth nowe wife of Hammond Skouthe and Susan
Holmes sometyme my servannte twentie poundes of lawfull english money to be payed and
equallie devided amongst them by my sayed wife in the same Feaste Day and place
which shall fall out to be within twoe whole yeres next ensuing after my decease
Item I give and
bequeathe unto Thomas Watson and Susan Watsonne my Sisters children and sometyme
my servannts twentie poundes of like money to be payd and equallie devidd between them
by my sayd wife in the same Feast Daye and place which shall fall out to be within three
whole yeres next ensuing after my decease
Item I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Robyns
John Watson John Thrifte and Edward Robyns Mary Robyns and Thomasine Brooke my sisters
children twentie poundes to be payed and equallie devided amongest them by my sayed wife
in the same Feaste Daye and place which shall fall out to be within fower whole yeres next
ensuing after my decease And yf any of all my Sisters or Sisters children afore mentioned
Departed this life before they have recyved theire portions and legacy Then the same shalbe
all the Residue of my sisters children unto whome allreadie or hereafter I have not given
any legacy in and by this my last will and Testament Twentie poundes of lawfull
English money to be equallie devided amongste them by my sayed wife in the same Feaste
Daye and place which shall fall out to be within fyve whole yeres next ensuing after my
decease. The other hundred pounds as yet unbequeathed which remyneth of the sayed
fyve hundred poundes I give and bequeathe yt unto Dorothie Whitefoote my grandchilde
and to her assignes to be trulie payd her by my saied wife her executors Administrators &
assignes at one entire payment on the Feaste Daye of Sainte MIchasell Tharchanngell in ye
place aforesaied which shalbe within tenne whole yeres next ensewing after my decaese And
I allso further give and bequeathe unto the saied Dorothie Whitefoote my grandchilde and to
her assignes one hundred poundes more of lawfull englishe money to be payed by my sayed
wife her executors administrators and assignes in the Feast Daye of Sainte Michaell
Tharchanngell in the place aforesayed which shall fall out to be within five whole yeres next
ensewing after my decease towards her preferment in marriage good educating and
bringing up And ymmedialtelie after my sayed wyves whole terme of tenne yeres be fullie ended &
Determined I do then give and bequeathe unto Thomas Whitefoote my grandchilde and to his
heires for ever all that my messuage or free tenement in Ashwellthorpe which I purchased
of Thomas Carter deceased togeather with all my other Landes meadowes etc
.........................................................................set lying and beyng in the twones
and feildes of Ashwellthorpe and Wremmingham conteyned and specified and set downe
in a payer of Indentures made betweene me and John Bridgham my farmer and latelie in
his occupation yt playnlie appeareth 9except and revert? out of the same Indenture fyve
acres of pasture beyng parte of the greater wood called Ashwell CLose which I give &
bequeathe unto John Whitefoote my sonne grandchilde and to his heires for ever In
Consideration whereof I do further give and bequeathe to the sayed Thomas Whitefoote
my sonne grandchilde and to his heires for ever theire severall parcells of grownd w[hich]
are not conteyned in the same INdenture Vizit One meadowe free lying in Ashwell
Thorpe called Ashwell grasse conteyning by estimation three acres being next the
common becke or streame dividing the twones of Wrmmingham and Ashwellthorpe
towardes the Northe and one free rood of meadow lying in Walholt meadowes one free
acre of arrable Land lying in Claypitt furlong which I purchased of John Hillman
and one Inclose of arrable by me newlie enclosed called LOng Becke conteyning in the
whole seaven acres and a halfe of free land coppiehould Land as yt lyeth next the
greenwaye called Copping gate towards the East
Item I give and bequeathe and devise
unto John Whitefoote my grandchilde my free Capitall mesuage in Ashwellthorpe
nowe in the tenure and occupation of Edward Lincolne my farmer togeather with all
[page 8]
other of my Landes etc..................... with all and singular the profittes
easements, commodities and appurten[a]nces to the same mesuage or Tenement belonging or
in any wise apperteyning sett lying and beyng in the townes and feildes of Ashwellthorpe
Fundenhall and Wremmingham and not before this my last will and Testament given and
bequeathed to Michaell Edmund and Thomas Whitefoote my grandchildren and to theire
heires To have and to hould to him the sayd John Whitefoote my grandchilde and to his
heires forever. All my sayed Capitall mesuage or Tenement in Ashwellthorpe with all
the landes meadowes pastures and feedinges with all and singular theire profitts easements
Commodities and beyng in the townes and feildes of Ashwellthorpe, Wremminham and
Fundenhall in every or any of them and not before given and bequeathed to Michaell
Edmund and Thomas Whitefoote my granndchildren in and by this my last will and
Testament ymmediateli from and after my wyves whole tearme of tenne yeres be
fullie expired ended and Determined.
Item wheras I purchased to me and my heires of
Robert Allen of Hapton in the Countie of Norf[olk] Tanner for the somme of Fower score &
seaven poundes of lawfull englishe money twoe Incloses of arrable Land beyng freehold
conteyning Eight acres three roodes set lying and beyng in the towne and feildes of .....?
and Hang........ as by his deed of Feoffment to me thereof made bearing date the
fifteene Day of December in the yere of the raigne of our Soveraigne etc........
bearing the date of the same Deed I have covenanted and granted for me, my
heires executors and Administrators to aand with the sayed Robert Allyn his heires
Executors etc That yf he the saied Robert Allin or any
of them shall well and trulie paye or cause to ne payed unto me the sayed Michaell
Whitefoote my heires etc at the nowe dwelling house
of me the saied Michaell in Hapton aforesayed at or on this side the twentith Day of
October which shalbe in the yere od our Lord god one thousand fyve hundred and
twentie the full somme of fower score and seaven poundes of lawfull english money
which is the very .... somme and considerationdisbursed for the purchase of the sayd
Landes That trhen the saied Michaell Whitefoote his heires and assignes at the costs
and chardges in the lawe of the saied Robert Alyn his heires and assignes shall and
will doe suche reasonable A...... for the reco[n]veying and regrannting back of the
sayed Eight acres and three roodes of Land as by the Councell learned of the sayed
Robert Allyn his heires ad assignes shalbe reasonablie Devised or required soe as
abowte suche assurance making the saied Michaell Whitefoote his heires executors nor
assignes be not compelled to travell out of the COuntie of Norf[olk] or Citie of Norwich
which promise and Coven[a]nt my desire is shalbe trulei performed And therefore I give
and bequeathe the same fower score and seaven poundes of lawfull english money and
every parte and parcell thereof at suche Daye and tyme as he the sayed Robert Allyn
his heires executors and assignes shall or oughte to pay the same unto that childe be
yt sonne or Daughter that is nowe in the wombe of Martha Whitefoote my daughter
in Lawe and to his or her assignes to be then payd unto that childe or to my Executrix
to the onlie use and benefitt of the same childe be yt sonneor Daughter. And uppon y
tone payment of the same fower score and seaven poundes of lawfull englishe money
as is before specified and Declared
I do then give and Bequeath the foresayd Eight
acres and three roodes of arrable Land lying in twoe Incloses in the towne and
feoildes of L..... and Hautebois aforesayed and every parte and parcellnof them
unto the said Robert Allyn and to his heires for ever. Provided allwayes as notwith=
standing that yf the sayed fower score and seaven poundes of lawfull english money
be not surlie payed by the saued Robert Allyn his heires executors or Assignes
[page 8]
unto the same childe or to my executrix to the use and benefitt of the same childe and his or
her assignes at or on this side the twentie Day of October which shall fall out to be in the
yere of oure Lord god one thousand sixe hundred and twentie at or in the nowe Dwelling
howse of me the saied Michaell in Hapton above written. Then and in that case I Doe
give bequeathe and devise the same twoe INcloses of arrable Land beyng freehould
lying and beyng in the towne and feildes of Lammas? and Hautebois conteyning
Eight acres and three rodes to the same more or lesse unto that childe be yt sonne or
Daughter that is nowe in the wombe of Martha Whitefoote my Daughter in Lawe
and to his or her heires for ever. And I allso further give and bequeathe unto the same childe
within twoe whole yeres next after my decease one hundred and thirteene poundes of
lawfull english money to be paied to the same childe be yt sonne or daughter that is nowe
in the wombe of the sayed Martha my daughter in lawe or to her assignes by my sayed wife
her executors or assignes towards his or her preferment in marriage good reducating and
bringing up And yf.... shall so ordayne or appoynte that the same childe nowe in the
wombe of the sayed Martha my Daughter in Lawe be not bornbe or being borne shall dep[ar]t
this life before suche tyme as that Legacy of twoebhundred poundes in money or Land $
$ be due to be ...... according to the daye and tyme before ..... & prescribed to be paydeee Then & in that case I give and bequeathe the same legacie of money or Land $ at the Dayes aned tymes in which they ought to be payed unto Dorothie Whitefoote
my grandchilde and to her heires and assignes for ever And yf to the? those sayed
children last recited Dye before they shall have recyved all suche Legaceys of money
or Landes as I have allreadie given to either of them in and by this my last will and
Testament. The I give and bequeathe all theire Legacy and guifts either of Land
or money at suche Dayes and tymes as in and by this my last will and Testament they
are given and or bequeathed unto them unto Edmond Whitefoote my granndchilde and unto
his heires and assignes for ever (any thing to the contrarie in this my last will and
Testament in any wise notwithstanding>
Item I give and bequeathe unto Anne Whiting
my kynneswoman and somtyme my servannt fyve poundes of lawful English money to be
payed unto her by my Executrix at the Daye of her marriage
Item I give nd bequeath
unto Michaell Lullman my god sonne fyve poundes of lawfull English money to be payed
hym at his age of Eighteene yeres
Item I give and bequeathe to all the rest of my
godchildren fortie shillinges to be erquallie devided amongest them by my Executrix
within one whole yere next after my decease
Item whereas Gyles Brooke my brother
in Lawe owe unto me tenne poundes my mynde and will is that he pay the same ten
poundes unto Samuel Brooke my godsonne and unto Thomazine Brooke his
Daughter and sometyme my servannt to be equallie devided betweene them within
three whole yeres next ensewing after my decease
Item I give and bequeathe unto
Roger Watson my kynnesman fortie shillinges which money he nowe oweth unto me
Item I give and bequeate unto all my Farmers that shall Dwell in any of my howses in
Ashwellthorpe Wremmingham and Hapton at the Day of my deathe twentie shillinges
a peece to be payed them by my Executrix in the Feast Daye of St Michaell tharchangell
next after my decease
Item I give and bequeathe to everie one of my servannts that shall remayne
and Dwell with me at the Daye of my DEathe Tenne shillinges a peece to be payed them
by my Executrix
Item I give and bequeathe unto Michaell Whitefoote my sonne and
Martha his nowe wife to either of them a Dubble Soveraigne of gould for a remembr[a]nce
And allso give and unto the saied Michaell my sonne three milche neats tenne combes of wheate and
tenne combes of barley my little nagg which was his and my baye colte to be delivered
unto hym by my wife in the Feaste Daye of Saint Michaell next after my decease towards his
occupying adnstocking of his howse and groundes in Hapton
Item I give and bequeathe
unto Michaell Whitefoote my granndchilde and godsonne twoe longe tables with theire frames
and stooles therin so belonging nowe standing in the parlor and hall of my mesuage wherein
I nowe Dwell togeather with all the Mappes and hangings of Tapistree worke in the
parlours there togeather with one Bedstead featherbedd fullie furnished with the Tester Curtaines
Rodds and vallances tothe same belonging on in any wise apperteyning as the same nowe
[page 9]
stand in the parlor chamber with one sett of silver buttons of one of my doubletts with all
suche evidences Coppies Muniments and writinges as in any wise concerne or belonge
to any of those mesuages tenements and Landes nowe given and bequeathed by me in this
my testament and last will unto hym and his heires and assignes
Item I give and bequeath
unto the saied Michaell John Edmund and Thomas my granndchildren twentie markes of
lawfull english money which I desire my sayd wife to bestowe for them in fower peeces of
silver plate with my name and theirs engraven uppon them for a remembrance of me
Item I give unto John my granndchilde my booke of martirs and one sett of silver buttons
on one of my dubletts for a remembrance of me
Item I give unto Edmund my granndchilde
one other sett of silver buttns on my other dublett for a remembrance of me
I give unto 'Thomas my granndchilde one set of silver buttons nowe on my ryding cloake
for a remembrance of me
Allso I give unto every of my grandchildren all suche deedes
coppies Evidences Muniments nd writinges whatsoever as shall concerne or belong
to any of my mesuages Tenements and Landes which I have given and bequeathed unto
any of them by this my last will and testament and to theire heires and assignes All
which goodes househould stuffe plate Evidence and writings given or belonging unto any
of my saied granndchildren I wil and desire that they shall remayne with my sayed wife
in my mesuage and in the studdie wherein I nowe Dwell and be safelie kept and
preserved by her and hir assignes to theire benefitt and uses and safelie delivered
unto every of them when they shall come to suche yeres of Discretion as shalbe thought
fitt by my sayed wife her assignes and theire chiefe friendes
Item I give and bequeathe
unto Christian Gallard my mother in Lawe a starr Royall for a remembrance
Item I
give unto my ladie Bell a starre Royall of gould for a remembrance
And to Mrs Greene of
Forncett a starre Royall for a Re
Item I give and bequeathe unto Thomas Hutchinson
Thomas Greenewood Robert Gallard preachers Richard Whitefoote Roger Gallard
William Gallard Francis Gallard John Whitefoote Richard Whiting and John
Lulman my brother in Lawes and the other my speciall good freindes to every one of them
a starre Royall of gould for a Remembrance
Item I give unto William Dabbes John
Fuller and John Dabbes my kynnesmen to every one of them a dubble Ducket in gould for
a Remembrance
Item I give unto Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Amyes and to Robert Whitings
wife to every one of them halfe a Duckett of gould for a Remembrance.
All the
Residue of my goodes moveables houshoulde stuffe Corne Cattell Chattells money plate
Implements utensills Debtes and Duties nowe owing unto me and whatsoever els
is not alreadie given and bequethed by me in this last will and Testament
I do whollie and absolutlie give and bequeathe them and every of them and unto Johane
my wife whome I allso make ordayne and appoynte to be my onlie Executrix of this
my last will and testament: Desyring and allso chardging her as she will..............
the Contrarie before the tribunall of Almightie god and for that mutuall love
Securitie and comforte that hath been betwene us. And allso for the especiall love she
beareth unto her granndchildren that she faithfullie and trulie without any Respect of p[er]sons
prove performe and fulfill in every respect this my last will and Testament according to
my true intent and meaning herin expressed. And that she see this my Corruptible bodye
honestlie and Decentlie conveyed unto christian buriall paye my Debts and all suche
Legacys as are given and bequethed by me in and by this my last will and Testament
to any person or persons whatsoever. And I allso appoynt and make Michaell Whitefoote<brr/>
my sonne to be my Supervisor of this my Testament and last will Desyring and chardging
hym in the Lord to be allwayes ayding and assisting of my sayd Executrix for the better
performing and fulfilling hereof. And I allso give unto hym for his paynefull and
carefull Diligence therein bestwoed fyve markes of lawfull englishe money and all
his Costes and expenses in and aboute the necessarye affayres of aboute this my Testament
and last will to be payd and allowed hym by my Executrix according to my true meaning
herein expressed and Declared. In witness whereof to this my last will and testam[ent]
[page 9]
and to every sheete of paper beyng fyve in number I have subscribed my name and to this laste sheete
of paper I have set my seale By me Michaell Whitefoote Sen[ior] There beyng witnesses to this
my last will and testament Richard Whiting Roger Gallard Robert Whiting the
marke of Robert Johnson
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 133
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #912019 (accessed 7 December 2022)
Will of Michaelis Whitefoote, granted probate on 9 Jun 1619. Died about 1619 in Hopton, Norfolk, England.
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