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This page has been accessed 17 times.
- Will of Morgan Yeatman of Hinton St Mary
- Perogative Court of Canterbury
- Probate date 6 May 1659
- The National Archives, Kew, Surrey, England
- PROB 11/291/141
Partial transcript, Two scans, the ancestry scan and that on the National Archives were used. The script is spidery and some areas of the scans are very faint. There are many illegible words and a whole section of page two proved too difficult to transcribe.
- In the name of God Amen
- the eleventh day of august in the year of our Lord God one thousand
- sixe hundred fiftie and nine I Morgan Yeatman of Hinton Mary in the Countie of
- Dorsett being well in health and in perfect mind & memorie (thankes bee given
- to almighty God doe make and declare this my last will and Testament revoke
- inge all former or other wills by me at anytime heretofore made First I bequeath my
- soule into the handes of Almighty god my Creator and Redemer trusting in the
- merrits of Christ Jesus to bee saved and by no other meanes and my bodie to the
- eath from whence it came to bee interred when and where it shall please god Item I
- give to the poor people of Hinton Marie twentie shillings andto the poore of Margarett
- Marsh twenty shillinges to bee distributed unto them by my Overseers w’thin
- some shorte time after my decease Item I give and devise unto my eldest son Thomas
- Yeatman all that parte and [illegible] of all that farme and landes in Cheselbourne
- in the County of Dorsett which descended or came unto me after the decease of my uncle
- Thomas Kete and all other landes tenements and hereditaments whatsoewver in Cheselbourne
- aforesaid which did any waies come or descend unto mee after the decease of the said
- Thomas Kete whereinf I have an estate to me and my heyres in Fee simple To h[ ] to
- him the said Thomas Yeatman for and during the terme of his natural live And after
- his decease the remaynder thereof to the use of the first sonne of the body of the said
- Thomas Yeatman lawfully begotten and to the heyres males of the bodye of such first
- sonne to bee begotten and for default of yssue the remaynder to the second sonne
- of the body of my said sonne Thomas and to the heires males of the body of such f-
- [ ] sonne to be begotten and for want of such yssue the remaynder to the third]
- sonne of the body of my said sonne Thomas and to the heire males of the above of
- such theire sonnes abd yssue male of the bodie of my said sonne Thomas
- and afte that [ ] of them as they shall bee in seniority of birth ans to the heires
- males of the body of such other sonnes or issue male And for want of such sonne
- and sonnes or yssue male of the bodey of my said sonne Thomas The remaynder
- thereof to Peter Yeatman my second sonne and the heires males of his body lawfully
- to bee begotten The remaynder thereof to Morgan Yeatman my third son and
- the heirs males of his body The remaynder therof to Robert Yeatman my fourth sonne
- and the heires male of his body lawfully to bee begotten The remaynder thereof to
- William Yeatman my fifth sonne and the heires males of his body lawfully to bee
- begotten The r.emainder thereof to my right heyers And where I stand
- posessed of the remaynder of a lease of one thousand yeares heretofore granted unto
- mee by Antony Passion[P uncertain transcript] and Henry Passion or one of them of and in All that
- [ propertie?] and parte of the said Farme and Landes in Chesilbourne aforesaid
- whereof the said Thomas Kete [ ] which did descend or come unto the said
- Anthony and Henry Passion or any of them after the death of the said Thomas
- Kete I doe hereby will devise and bequeath my said lease of one Thousand yeare of
- and in my estate terme and interest which I may have or claime by virtue
- thereof of and in the saide parte and partie of the said Farme and Landes
- soe [ des] [ ] unto the said Anthony and Henry Passion and by them
- granted and [leased] unto mee as aforesaith unto my Brother Robert Yeatman
- and my sonne inlawe William Castleman their executors and Adminstrators shall ime-
- diately after the decease of Elizabeth Kete of Chesslebourne aforesaid widdow
- lease and raise out of the rents issues and profitts thereof with all convenience &
- speed the summe of two hundred and fiftie poundes of lawfull English money
Page two
- And shall and doe use of therof in this manner (that is to say one hundred
- and fifty poundes therof to be by [them?[ ] payed to satisffie and pay the
- tierze? Or [ ]] of Anthony or Henry Passion or such of them to whom I am by [--
- -venant bound to pay and satisffie the same and shall and doe with the other one hun
- -dred pounds residue pay and deliver the same to Sarah and Sarah Yeatman my daught
- -er And if Sarah die before to the same William But if Sarah shall [ ]dead
- then to all my other daugher and sonnes livinge equally amongst them And
- from and after the two hundred and fiftie poundes [ ] and [ ] Then
- Then shall and doe permitt and suffer such person and persons to have [] use and take
- the rents issues and profitts therof to his and their owne use which shall by the
- leise and [-mittacon] before in this my will bee in the present posession of that
- parte and pupartie of the said farme and landes which did descend [ ]
- unto me and my heires in fee simple after the decease of the said Thomas Kete
- Item I doe will devise and bequeath All my landes tenements and hereditam’ts whatso
- -ever whereof I am seized in fee simple within the paris of Hinton (Mairie) Marn-
- hull and Sturminster Newton and County of Dorset wherin I nowe dwell to my wife
- Elizabeth Yeatman for terme of her life in confirmac’on of an atestation before by
- mee made & therof unto her And from and after her decease I doe hereby will and
- devise the same landes tenements and hereditaments unto the said Robert Yeatman
- and William Castleman their executors and administrators [delivered?] fortje terme
- of twelve yeres from the decease of my said wife such to bee and spent with
- nevertheless that if such summe or issue [----------------
- [ the rest of this page too faint to transcribe easily, all appear to concern the legalities concerning a trust to be created from the above property to provide money for his daughters Jane and Sarah and to son Morgan . Towards the bottom of the page, a new trust with trustees Robert Yeatman and William Castle man ]
- Item I doe will and devise the said messuage and lands in Magarett
- Marsh aforesaid and all my terme and esstate therein unto the said Robert Yeatman
- my brother and William Castleman their executors and Admininstrators in
[page three]
- Trust and confidence in them reposed (that is to say) that they the said Robert
- Yeatman and William Castleman the executors and administrators shall for the
- rents issues and profitts thereof for and during the life of the said
- Elizabeth Kete pay over unto the said Thomas Yeatman my said sonne yearely
- the said summe of tenne poundes lawfull english money to and for his owne
- life And shall also during the life of the said Elizabeth Kete yearely and every
- yeate pay and satisfie the summe of tenne poundes lawfull english money unto
- the heires of HenryPassion to whom I and my heires are by covenant bound to
- doe and remaynder of the profitts of the said messuage and landes in Ma
- -garett Marsh aforesaid dureing the life of the said Elizabeth Kete over and
- above the said two tenne poundes aforesaid shall and doe pay and deliver
- over the same unto my said two sonnes Robert and William equally to [be divided?]
- betweene them And from and after the decease of the said Elizabeth Kete
- the the said Robert Yeatman and William Castleman their executors and ad
- -ministrators shall and doe from time to time pay and deliver over the
- whole rents issues and profitts thereof unto my said sonnes Robert and Wil
- -liam Yeatman equally betweene them ItemI doe give unto my daughter
- Mary Castleman fourty shillings and to her sonne William Castleman my
- grand child five poundes to bee paid by my executor And lastly I doe no
- -minate constitute and make my said wife Elizabeth Yeatman sole executrix
- of this my will and doe give and bequeath unto her all my goods and chattells
- whatsoever which shall not already in and by this my will disposed there
- -withall to doe at her pleasure And I doe hereby appoint my said brother Robert
- Yeatman and William Castleman overseers of this my will and I doe give one
- [each?] of twentie shillings a peece to buy them rings withall to weare in remembrance
- of me And doe desire they will use their best endeavour to see this my will
- performed and for their reward I hope it will be in heaven And lastly I doe
- hereby will and declare and doe hereby charge and [ ]my sayd children
- as they [ ]my blessings that they submitt and conform in all things to this
- my will or any part thereof that they shall from [ ] defaulte the same
- [ ] of the profitts [an---] which they shall from receive by virtue if the trusts
- herein before expressed or any of them In witness whereof I have hereunto
- sett my hand and seal in day [and yeare first above?] Morgan Yeatman
- witnesse Richard Lambe et Morgan Flamberton
- This will was proved at London the sixth
- day of May in the yeare one thousand six hundred and Nine
- before the jusges for probate of wills and grantinge administrat’ons
- lawfully authorized By the oath of Elizabeth Yeatman the Relict and
- sole executrix of the said deceased in the same will named To whom
- was committed Administra’on of the goods chatells and debts of the
- deceased according to [ ] intent and meaning of the said will She
- being first sword by virtue of a Commission...
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