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- Will of Morgan Yeatman of Hinton St Mary, 1775
- Dorset Archdeaconry Probate 1775
- Dorset History Centre, Reference Ad/Dt/W/1775 event 60
- Note there are no paragraphs in the original. These have been added for ease of reading. This will is signed with seal affixed.
- In the name of God Amen I Morgan Yeatman of Hinton St Mary in the County of Dorset being of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to God Do this third day of October One thousand seven hundred seventy five make Publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following That is to say First and principally I commit my soul into the hands of God and my Body to the earth to be buried in a very plain Manner by my Executors herein after named And as for such temporall Estate which it hath pleased God to Bless me with I dispose thereof as follows
- First I give unto my son Harry Farr Yeatman all my Estate whether Leasehold or otherwise lying in Donhead St Andrew in the County of Wilts with all my right and Title therein to him and his assignes
- I give unto my son Morgan Yeatman my Leasehold Estate lying in Sturminster Newton in the County of Dorset with all my Right & Title therein to him and his assigns . Likewise I give unto my said son Morgan Yeatman my Copyhold estate in Hinton St Mary with all my Right and Title thereto
- Also I give to my daughter Mary Farr my silver Tea pot
- I give unto my grandaughter Theophila Farr my silver salver marked [R---]
- I give unto my grandaughter Susanna Yeatman my silver salver marked with a cipher
- I give unto my grandson Harry Farr Yeatman my silver castors
- I give unto my grandson John Yeatman my two silver half Pints
- Unto my Grandson Charleton Yeatman I give all my silver spoones [d---] dish and stand Cup
- I give unto my Grandson Morgan Yeatman two pair of silver salts and a Porringer
- also I give to the Poor of Hinto St Mary Five Pounds to be distributed at the Discretion of my executor
- And lastly all the Ready Money that I leave after my Funeral expences and the Poor are paid & the Rents due at my Decease I give unto my two sons Harry Farr Yeatman and Morgan Yeatman equally between them All the rest of my Goods and Chattles I give unto my son Morgan Yeatman whom I make whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of October One thousand seven hundred and seventy five Morgan Yeatman
- Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator as his last will and Testament in the presence of us who attend Jane Ford, George Plowman, John Robberts
- Your oath that the above writing contains the true last will and testament of Morgan Yeatman of Hinton st Mary in the County of Dorset Gentleman your late father deceased as far as you know and believe and that you will faithfully perform the same first by Paying his Debts and then the Legacies therein contained as far as the Goods Chattels Credits of the said deceased will declar’d and the Law shall bind you And that you will exhibit a true full and perfect inventory of all and every the Goods Rights and Credits of the deceas’d Together with a just and true account thereof into the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Dorset when you shall be hereunto lawfully required So help you God
- sworne before Me 20 December 1775, Nath Templeman Rev of Almer
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