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Will of Moris ap John Howell of Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales, 1656

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Location: Llangollen, Denbighshire, Walesmap
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This is a transcript of the will of Moris ap John Howell, gentleman, of Hafodgynfor in the parish of Llangollen, Denbighshire, Wales. His will was dated 26 August 1654 and probate was granted on 16 February 1655/6.


In the Name of God Amen The
six and Twentieth day of August in the Yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Six hundred
Fifty Fower I Moris ap John Howell gentellman of Havodgynfwr in the parish of Llangollen
And in the dioces of Sassaph and in the County of Denbigh beinge weake in Body and of good
and perfect memorie I praise my God doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and
forme Followinge first of all I doe Comitt my Body and Soule to the protection of Almighty God my
maker and Redeemer And my Body to be buried in Christian Buriall First of all I give and bequeathe
unto Mary verch Morris my daughter the some of Threescore pounds Item I give and bequeath
unto Edward Moris my Sone and Heire the some of Thirty Three pounds Item I give and bequeath
unto Edward ap Hugh my Grandchild the some of Thirty pounds Legacies in full satisfaction of all
demands from his Grandfather if he Edward ap Hugh or any in his name will refuse the said Legacies
I doe leave give and bequeath the said Legacies of Thirty pounds to my Executor Item I doe give and
Bequeath unto Edward ap Moris my Sone Fower Ewes Item I doe give and bequeath unto
Mary verch Moris my daughter Two kines […] Item I give and
Bequeath unto the said Mary one Red great pann and one great Brasse pott and one greate
Stande And all the Firniture of Three Bedds Covets Blankets and Sheets Item I doe
nominate and appointe Edward Morris my Sone and Heire And Rees Thomas my
Sone in law To be my Executors of this my last Will and Testament And further I doe
give and bequeath betwene the said Executors The some of Twenty Sheeps And Seaven
Lambs And all things else moveable and unmoveable unto my Sone Edward In wittness
to the said will The Marke of Moris ap John Howell Sealed and delivered in the
prsence and sight of Rowland William Moris Edwards Elen v[ch] Evan.

This will was proved at London
before the Judges for Probate of Wills and granting Administrations the sixteenth
day of February one Thousand six Hundred Fifty Five by the oath of Edward Moris
and Rees Thomas Joynt Executors named in the said will To whome Administration of all
and singular the goods Chattells and debts was granted they beinge first sworne by
Comission well and truely to Administer the same.


  • "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858". The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 253. Ancestry Sharing Link Ancestry Record 5111 #77918. Will of John Howell of Gassaph, Denbighshire, Wales, probate, 16 Feb 1655.

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