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Will of Moses Harris of Downton Wiltshire shopkeeper 1803

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Downton, Wiltshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Harris
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Moses Harris's will passed probate in 1803.[1]

Abstract of the Will of Moses Harris of Downton, Wiltshire, shopkeeper 1803

signed 30 Jul 1802 and proved 13 May 1803 at Sarum before Edward Moore, Surrogate
testator Moses Harris of Downton, Wiltshire, shopkeeper
good friends and trustees Francis Kellaway of Downton miller, Adam Aldridge of Lyndhurst [Hampshire] and William Wornell of Downton, draper
copyhold estate a parcel of a curtilage as it is now bounded and containing by estimation eight perches with a house in Downton, held under the Lords of the Manor of Downton
messuage, tenement, stable, carthouse and garden called Load Hill in Downton, in the occupation of the widow Gauntlett
a piece of land called Scrigs Mount in Downton containing about one acre
wife Hannah
children (not named)
witnesses Geo Edsall Attorney Winchester, William Pope, and Samuel Cooper


  1. Will: "Wiltshire, England, Wills and Probate, 1530-1858"
    Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates; Reference Number: P2/1803/31; Reference Number: P2/1803/31
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61333 #92078 (accessed 10 February 2024)
    Will of Moses Harris of Downton, Wiltshire, England, granted probate in 1803.

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