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Will of Nancy McGavock, Wythe County - 1861

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Will of Nancy McGavock, Wythe County - 1861

Nancy Crockett McGavock (1817-1861)

I Nancy McGavock of the County of Wythe State of Virginia being of sound mind but on a bed of sickness and considering my recovery uncertain, desire and do make this my only will and testament first I give and bequeath the proceeds of the sale of three parts of the tract of land belonging to me, and known as the Max Meado Tract, the same allotted to me in the division of the whole of said tract between my sister and myself to my sister Lucinda's three children, the other fourth part I give to my little nephew Jos McGavock son of Randal MCGavock the said three parts of said Tract bequeathed above I desire and direct shall be sold to my brother in Law Randal McGavock at a valuation to be fixed, by three disinterested persons selected for that purpose and the proceeds of the same to be paid over to Andrew B Ewing (of Tennessee) as Trustee for the benefits of the said children, and to be used by him as he may deem best for their advantage. Second I give to Samuel R Crockett my Tract of Mountain land adjoining the Max Meadow and containing one hundred and fifty acres. I also give to Samuel R Crockett the one fourth part of the proceeds of the sale of my land lying south of the lick Mountain the other three parts of said Tract I give to Andrew B Ewing of Tennessee intended? for the use and benefit of my sisters Lucindy's children. the single [hard to read] as above directed. I give my negro Woman Thursday(?) and her youngest child Eliza and my negro woman Tildy's three children (at the death of Tildy) to Andrew B Ewing in Trust for the children of my sister Lucinda. I give my negro girl Sarah to Andrew B Ewing to be held by him in Trust for my little niece Lucy the daughter of my sister Lucindy. I give my negro man Edmond to my nephew Joseph McGavock. I give to Samuel R. Crockett my negro boy Bob. All money I may have and all debts due me after paying all debts I owe I give in trust to Andrew B Ewing for the use and benefit of my sister Lucindy's children. Lastly all house hold furniture and other personal property I give to my mother and my sisters Mary and Cyntha equally. I desire that my brothers in law Randal McGavock and Samuel R Crockett shall act as the executors of my will signed and acknowledged in the presence of these Witnesses this 28th August 1861. Nancy McGavock James Gibbony R C Graham

Enslaved persons mentioned:

  • Thursday(?) and her youngest child Eliza
  • Tildy and her three children
  • Sarah
  • Edmond
  • Bob.

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