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Will of Nathaniel Shenton of Hinckley, Leicestershire 1714

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Shentons of Barwell

Nathaniel Shenton wrote his Will on 9 May 1712, administration was granted on 13 of May 1714 in Leicestershire, England.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs, and assumed words, have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting mostly legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • Nathaniel Shenton Testator
  • Elizabeth Shenton Wife, executrix
  • Robert Shenton Father, deceased
  • Elizabeth Kirby Sister
    • Richard Kirby of London Tallow Chandler, her husband
    • Robert Kirby Their son, under 15
    • Elizabeth Kirby Their daughter
  • Anne Alsop Sister
    • John Alsop of Atherston, Warwickshire, Mercer, her husband, overseer
    • Anne Allsop Their daughter, testator's niece
  • Francis Shenton Brother
    • John Shenton His son
  • Thomas Allsop the Elder of Lutterworth
    • Nathaniel Allsop His son, testator's nephew
  • Robert Shenton Brother, overseer
  • Witnesses: Thomas Woodward Senr, ? Cappur, Henry Marshall

In the Name of God Amen. I Nathaniel Shenton of Hinckley, in the County of Leic[ester] knowing Mans Body to be Wondrous fraile and Life very Uncertain as Experience daily Teacheth I Doe
Looke Upon itt my Duty to putt my House In Order by makeing this my last Will and Testament That Soe whensoever or by whatsoever I shall be Called hence I may have nothing to do but to Dye Though
God be praised In good Health I Doe this Nineth Day of May In the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seaven Hundred and Twelve Make this my last Will and Testament and doe Revoake all other Wills by me Made
First I Doe Chearfully Yeild up my Soul to him that Gave itt me And my Body to the Earth Decently to be Interred at the Discretion of my Executrix Nott Doubting butt through my Dear Saviours Meritts To
Obtayne A Joyfull Resurrecc[i]on And as to my Temporall Estate I Dispose off of As followeth First I Give Devise and Bequeatie To my Well Beloved Wife Elizabeth for and Dureing the Terme of her Naturall
Life All my Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments Lyeing and being in Barwell In the County of Leic[ester] And from and after her Decease I Give Devise and Bequeath All That Close with the Appurten[an]ces
P[ar]cell of the above menc[i]oned Lands Tenem[en]ts and P[re]misses Wherein a Barne doth now stand And formerly Purchased by me of Mr Robert Shenton my late father Deceased and Sister Elizabeth Who Since Since Married
With One Richard Kirby of the City of London Tallow, Chandler To the said Elizabeth Kirby for and Dureing the Terme of her Naturall Life And from and after her Decease I Give Devise and Bequeath the
Said Last Menc[i]oned Close to her Son Robert Kirby his Heires and Assignes forever Item I Give Devise And Bequeath To my Sister Anne the Now Wife of my Brother In Law John Alsop of Atherston in the County
Off Warrwicke Mercer her Heires and Assignes Forever All that One other P[ar]cell of the above menc[i]oned Lands Tenements and Premisses Which I formerly purchased of my Brother Mr Francis Shenton
And his Sonn Mr John Shenton Item I Give Devise and Bequeath All that my Messeage Cottage or Tenement with the Appurt[emamce]s and the Ground and Soile Whereon the Same doth Stand Scittuate In A
Certain Street Called Ducke Paddle Street In Hinckley aforesaid and Called by the Name of the Swann And Now in the Holding and Occupac[i]on of Edward Attwood And allsoe All That my Close of Pasture or
Inclosed Ground With the Appurt[enance]s Lyeing and being Within the Fields and Libertyes of Hinckley aforesaid Commonly called by the Name of Bentlyes Close And other my Lands Tenements and Hereditam[en]ts
In Hinckley aforesaid To the Use and Behoofe of my Said Dear Wife Elizabeth for and Dureing the Terme of her Naturall Life and from and after her Decease I Give Devise and Bequeath My Said
Messuage Cottage or Tenem[en]t Close and Premisses With the Appurt[enance]s In Hinckley aforesaid To my Said Brother In Law John Allsop and Anne his Said Wife for and Dureing the Terme of their Naturall Lives And the Life
Off the Longer Liver of Them And from after the Decease of the Longer Liver of Them I Give Devise and Bequeath my Said Messuage Cottage or Tenement Close and Premisses with the Appurt[enance]s In Hinckley aforesaid
To the Use and Behoofe of my Said Nephew Robert Kirby his Heires and Assignes Forever Item My Mind and Will Is And I Doe hereby Order Will and Appoint that my Executrix herein after Named Shall
Bring Up Maintayne and Educate the said Robert Kirby My Nephew In and with All and All Manner of Meat Drink Washing Lodgeing and Apparrell and Schooling fitting and Becomeing him for or
Untill he Shall Attayne his Age of Fifteene Yeares And In Such Sort and Manner As the Overseers of this last Will herein after Named Shall Thinke fitt or Approve off And if itt Shall Please God That the
said Robert Kirby shall happen to Live to the Said Age of Fifteen Yeares Then my Mind and Will further Is That my Executrix shall Bind the Said Robert Kirby To Such Substantiall Handycraft
Trade as the Said Robert Kirby shall be Thought most fitt for or Capable of By the Overseers of his my Will And That my Said Executrix doe and Shall Pay to and with my Said Nephew Robert Kirby In
Binding of him an Apprentice And in Providing of him With Cloathes and Necessaryes for the said Trade the Sum[m]e of Twenty Pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Brittayne And my Mind and Will
Is That If my Said Nephew Robert Kerby Shall happen to Live till he has Served his Apprenticeshipp that my Executrix Shall Pay my Said Nephew Robert Kirby the Sum[m]e of Sixety Pounds of Lawfull Money
of Great Brittayne att the End of his Apprenticeshipp But if my Said Nephew Robert Kirby Shall Live to be Bound an Apprentice and Dye before he Shall Have Served his Apprenticeshipp Than and In
Such Case I Will and Order That my Executrix Shall Pay the Said Sixety Pounds In Manner following (That is to Say) Twenty Pounds part Thereof to Elizabeth Kirby Sister to the said Robert Kirby If
She be then Liveing And Twenty Pounds more one other Part Thereof to my Nephew Nathaniel Allsop Sonn of Mr Thomas Allsop the Elder of Lutterworth in the County of Leicester If the said Nathaniel Allsop
Be then Liveing And the Remayneing Twenty Pounds Residue Thereof to Anne Allsop my Neece Daughter of the said John Allsop If She be then Liveing And my Will and Pleasure Is that my Executrix
Shall pay to my Said Sister Elizabeth Kirby the Sum[m]e of Forty Shillings of Lawfull Money of Great Brittayne Yearely and In every Year for and Dureing the Terme of her Naturall Life by Two equall Payments
In the Yeare That is to Say on or Upon the Nine and Twentyeth Day of September And the Five and Twentyeth Day of March And the first Payment Thereof to Begin and to be made Upon such of the said
Dayes of Payment As shall first and next happen after my Decease And my Mind and Will further Is That my Executrix Shall Pay to My Brother Mr Francis Shenton the Sum[m]e of Forty Shillings of Lawfull
Money of Great Brittayne Yearely and In every Year For and Dureing the Terme of his Naturall Life by Two Equall Payments In the Year That is to say on or Upon the Nine and Twentyeth Day of September
And the Five and Twentyeth Day of March And the first Payment Thereof To Beginn and to be made upon Such of the Said Dayes of Payment As Shall first and Next happen after my Decease And my Mind and
Will is that my said Executrix Shall Pay to my Said Neece Elizabeth Kirby the Sum[m]e of Tenn Pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Brittayne Att or So Soone as She Shall Attayne to the Age of Eighteene Yeares
And Doe hereby Give and Bequeath to my said Dear and Loveing Wife Elizabeth All and Singuler my Goods Cattle Chattles and Perdonall Estate Whatsoever And of what Sort and kind Soever she Duely and
Truely Performeing this my Will Payeing my Debts Legacyes and Funerall Expences And I Doe hereby make my Said Dear Wife Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament And I Doe hereby Make
Order Constitute and Appoint my Well beloved ^Brother Mr Robert Shenton And my said Brother Mr John Allsop to be Overseers of this my Will Desireing them to See Itt Duely and Carefully Performed And for
Their Paines and Care therein I Doe hereby Order my Said Executrix to finden to Pay to Each of Them Five Guineas apeice to Buy each of Them A Ring In Wittnesse Whereof I have to this my last Will< br /> And Testament Sett my Hand and Seale the Day and Year first above Written
Natt Shenton
Signed Sealed and Published by the above named Nathaniel Shenton Tobe his
Last Will and Testament In the presence of Us And Attested By Us Whose Names
Are here Subscribed In the presence of the Testator
Thomas Woodward Senr
[...] Cappur Henry Marshall

Probate was granted on 13 of May 1714 to Eliza[beth] Shenton, widow, the relict, executrix named in the Will


  1. Probate: "Leicestershire Wills And Probate Records, 1500-1939"
    Archive: Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland; Reference: 1714 (S-Z)
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 16 January 2024)
    Nathaniel Shenton probate in 1714 in Leicestershire, England. Residence Hinckley, Leicestershire, England. Occupation: Gent.

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