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Will of Nicholas Thornburgh of Greenbank in Cartmel 1597

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Cartmel, Lancashire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Thornburgh
Profile manager: Nic Donnelly private message [send private message]
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Introductory Notes

The will of Nicholas Thornburgh of Greenbank in the parish of Cartmel, Lancashire, England was written 9 December 1597 and proved in the Consistory Court of the Commissary of the Archdeaconry of Richmond, Deanery of Furness, probably on 6 February 1597/8 (this is the date given on a tuition bond included with the will, which was probably, but not necessarily lodged on the same day as probate was granted).[1]

The will is a register copy, written in English on a single page. The text is difficult to read in places, in part due to water damage affecting the edges of the parchment, particularly the right hand edge which it seems at one point has been folded over and suffered additional damage. Nevertheless, all the words can be identified using the two images of the will at different exposures.

There is a no probate statement, but the will may well have been proved on the same day a tuition bond was lodged making Jenet Thornburgh, widow of Nicholas, tutor (guardian) of their daughter, Elizabeth.[2]

Transcription Conventions

The conventions used in this transcription are:

  • spelling, punctuation, line breaks and capitalisation are recorded as in the document, with the following exceptions to aid readability:
    • capital I is silently modernised to I or J as appropriate (eg "Joan", rather than "Ioan")
    • ff at the start of a word is silently modernised to F (eg "First", rather than "ffirst")
    • additional paragraph breaks may be included to increase readability of large amounts of text
  • superscript letters are silently lowered, except where these relate to money (eg li s d), dates (eg th) or titles (eg Mrs)
  • abbreviations/breviographs are expanded with the additional letter(s) in square brackets, except symbols for money (li s d) and the ampersand (&)
  • the letter thorn is recorded as "th" in square brackets (eg "[th]e", rather than "ye")
  • short series of missing/illegible letters are recorded with a period for each letter thought to be missing/illegible in square brackets; longer gaps are described with an editorial note
  • editorial notes are italicised and in square brackets
  • names and relationships are highlighted in bold
  • footnotes are used to clarify archaic terms, difficult text and discrepancies
  • u/v and i/j are recorded as they appear; even where modern usage would dictate one over the other (eg "haue", rather than "have" if the third letter is clearly a "u"; "vnto", rather than "unto" if the first letter is clearly a "v")
  • the virgule, signifying a pause (comma, semi-colon, colon or full-stop), is recorded using a forward slash /, but only when such intent is obvious (the virgule is often indistinguishable from various check marks and otiose flourishes that are of no significance)

Persons Mentioned

The will mentions the persons below. Modern/alternative spellings for names have been included where appropriate, to help ensure this page is listed in relevant web searches.

  • Nycholas Thornburghe of greenbanck in the p[ar]ish of Cartmell: Nicholas Thornburgh of Greenbank in the parish of Cartmel, testator
  • gennet my wif: Jenet/Janet Thornburgh, wife
  • my Father in Lawe [Christ]ofer Brockbancke: Christopher Brockbank, father in law and witness
  • [Christ]ofer Thornburghe my brother
  • Elizabeth Thornburghe my doughter
  • Henrye Cowell: Henry Cowell, supervisor
  • will[ia]m swainsonn: William Swainson, supervisor
  • Richard Barwick: Richard Barwick, supervisor
  • Nycholas Barrowe of greenbanck: Nicholas Barrow of Greenbank, supervisor
  • george Harisonn: George Harrison, witness
  • Thomas Allinby: Thomas Allenby, witness


In the name of god amen the ixth daye of december Anno d[omi]ni 1597 I Nycholas
Thornburghe of greenbanck in the p[ar]ish of Cartmell sick in my bodie yet neverthelesse of good &
p[er]fect Remembrance I geve the Lord thankes for the same, do make & ordaine this my last
will & testament in mann[er] & Form Followinge vizt: First & principallye I geve & bequeathe my
sule into [th]e m[er]ciffull handes of almightie god & my bodie to be buryed w[i]thin my p[ar]ish Church yard
of Cartmell inst[?] against the Litle Churchdore It[e]m I geve vnto gennet my wif all my
tennem[en]t at greenbanck to ocupye & enioye For the space & tearme of xviij yeares next after
the date hearof to bring vpp my Child or Children w[i]thall if she do keape her my wif and
after [th]e end & tearme of xviij yeares to occupye & have the one half of my said tennem[en]t accord[=]
inge to [th]e Custome of this mannor of Cartmell but if she do marrye beffor the End &
tearme of xviij yares as afforsaid then it is my will that she shall have [th]e som of xx m[ar]k[es]
paid Forthe of my said Tennem[en]t & avoyde quietlye of the same. It[e]m I geve vnto my said
wif all that Childes porc[i]onn of goodes w[hi]ch I ought to have of my Father in Lawe [Christ]ofer
Brockbancke accordinge to Covenant at my mariadge. It[e]m if it please god that gennet my
said wif be w[i]th Child and it be a boye then it is my will that he shall have my Tennem[en]t
at greenbanck w[i]th it appurtenances & if she have no sonn then it is my will that
[Christ]ofer Thornburghe my brother shall have my said Tennem[en]t w[i]th it app[ur]tenances.
It[e]m I geve vnto Elizabeth Thornburghe my doughter the som of Fortie m[ar]kes of
Lawfull Englishe moneye to be paid Forthe of my said Tennem[en]t at the daye of her
mariadge by those w[hi]ch shall enioy my said Tennem[en]t. It[e]m I geve vnto gennet my wif all
my goodes movable & Imovable whome I make my whole executrix she well & truly
payinge & dischardginge my debtes & Funerall expences. It[e]m I desire Henrye
Cowell will[ia]m swainsonn Richard Barwick[3] & Nycholas Barrowe of greenbanck to be
sup[er]visores in this my will & to se the same p[er]formed as my trust is in theime & it is my
will that eu[er]y one of theime shall have xij d appeece For theire paines takinge. wittnesses hereof
[Christ]ofer Brockbancke george Harisonn and Thomas Allinby


  1. Consistory Court of the Archdeaconry of Richmond (Furness Deanery), Furness Deanery Wills, admons. & inventories, T 1560-1660, register copy will of Nicholas Thornburghe of Greenbank in Cartmel, proved 6 February 1597/8[?]; images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ : accessed 24 September 2022) DGS no. 8042711, image 188 of 742 (can be viewed at Family History Centres and Affiliate Libraries); ref. WRW/F/R357B/6, Lancashire Archives.
  2. Consistory Court of the Archdeaconry of Richmond (Furness Deanery), Furness Deanery Wills, admons. & inventories, T 1560-1660, tuition bond making Jenet Thorneborowe, widow of Nicholas Thorneborowe, tutor of her daughter Elizabeth, dated 6 February 1597/8; images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ : accessed 24 September 2022) 8042711, image 188 of 742 (can be viewed at Family History Centres and Affiliate Libraries); ref. WRW/F/R357B/6, Lancashire Archives.
  3. It appears that this surname may have originally been "Barrow" but has been overwritten to become "Barwick"

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