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Will of Nixon-33

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 12 Nov 1745 [unknown]
Location: Cockerham, Lancashire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Nixon, Slater, Bainbridge, Bibby
Profile manager: Jane Fraser private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 24 times.

The will of William Nixon (1671-1749). The will, written, 12 Nov 1745 provided for his wife Frances and left legacies to his daughter Deborah, his daughter Diana, his grandson William Slater, and his son William.

The will was obtained from the Lancashire Archives (https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/archives-and-record-office/) and transcribed by Jane Fraser.

Will of William Nixon (1671-1749)

In the name of God amen the twelfth day of Nov one thousand seven hundred and forty five I William Nickson now of Cockerham in the County of Lancaster schoolmaster being in perfect health do make this my last will and testamt in manner and form following and first I will that all my Debts duties and funeral expences be first fully satisfied and paid by my Executors hereafter named out of my goods moveable or my tenement or my lands and after such debts are satisfied and paid it is my will and mind that Frances my dear wife if she survive me have ten pounds value in goods chosen by her at a value that the Executors and any other person chosen by her shall value them at and all the rests  ?? in open sale and then it is my mind further that twelve months after my decease my Executors pay to my Daughter Diana the sume of ten pounds out of my lands or tenemts which I give them full power to morguage or sell and four years after my decease it is my mind they pay to my Daughter Deborah the sume of thirty pounds in full of her portion and then three years after that it is my mind the Executors raise and pay the further sume of thirty pounds to my younger daughter Diana in full as her portion and also after my decease it is my mind my son William pay to my grandson Wm Slater the sume of one pound every first day of may till he attain the age of eighteen years and then it is my mind he have five punds paid him to procure him a trade which I give him in full and it is further my mind that my wife Frances have paid out of my tenemts twenty shillings every 29 Day of September during her life and it is my mind further that my Executors let my Estate toward raising these sums till my son William attaine the age of twenty three years nevertheless it is my mind if he be sick or ..ciated he be supported according as occasion requires and lastly I give my mossuage lands and tenemts (subject to my wife Dower) in Presall to my son William to be enjoyed by him forever and I also appoint my son William and Arthur Kirkham of Presall executors of this my last will hopeing they will see the same carefully performed as my trust is in them reposed in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year within written.

Sealed signed published pronounced and Declared by the testator and in sight of us the subscribers viz f

NB it is my mind that if my son Wm Nickson happen to die without Issue my two Daughters are to … the Estate and … months after this after they come into no … it is my … they pay to my Grand son Tom Slater the sume of twenty? Pounds in full of all Demands as witness my hand and seal the day within written.

James Wilson?
Robart Preston
Edmund Corven?
7 November 1750

William Nickson Son of the within named Testator and one of the Executors names in the will within written was … … and truly to execute the said Will and so forth Arthur Kirkham the other Executor having first personally renounced and so forth. Before Me Richd Atkinson Surrogate

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