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Will of Parkin-1464

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 26 Mar 1827 [unknown]
Location: Mickleton, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdommap
Surname/tag: Parkin, Raine, Raw
Profile manager: Jane Fraser private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 22 times.

The will of William Parkin (bef.1758-1827), written 26 Mar 1827, provided for his wife, his daughter Ann, and his grandson William Raine, son of Charles and Elizabeth Raine. The executor was his half brother Richard Watson.

The will was viewed in the record set Yorkshire, England, Probate Records, 1521-1858, on ancestry.com and transcribed by Jane Fraser.

Will of William Parkin (bef.1758-1827)

The In the Name of God Amen, I William Parkin of Mickleton in the Parish of Romaldkirk in the County of York Yeoman, do make this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and form following. I give devise and Bequeath unto my half Brother Richard Watson of Middleton in Teasdale in the County Palatine of Durham all and singular my Leasehold Estate situate at Mickleton aforesaid with all the Rights privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. To hold the same unto the said Richard Watson his Executors Administrators and Assigns Upon Trust until my Grandson William Raine (the son of Charles and Elizabeth Raine) attain the age of Twenty one years, and when he attains the age of Twenty one years I give devise and Bequeath the aforesaid Leasehold promised to my said Grandson William Raine. But in case he should die before the age of Twenty one years and leave no Lawfull Issue, then the said Richard Watson is Upon Trust until the whole of the Issue of the aforesaid Charles and Elizabeth Raine attain the age of Twenty one years and then the said Issue are to be as Joint Tenants of the aforesaid Leasehold Premises which I give devise and Bequeath unto them share and share alike. But it is my Will and Mind that my Wife and Daughter Ann Parkin shall have the Kitchen and the Chamber above the same to Dwell and live in during their Natural Lifes and the longer liver of them and so I give devise and Bequeath the same unto them, and I also give and Bequeath unto my Wife the Sum of thirteen pounds a year as long as she Lives, which the said two Annuities are to be paid unto them by equal proportions half yearly, the first payment to commence at the end of the Six Months after my decease. I also give and Bequeath unto my said Wife and Daughter Ann all my Household Furniture Beds and Bedding, Dairy Utensils and Husbandry Gear, and I do order and direct the said Richard Watson to receive the Rents and Profits of the aforesaid Leasehold premises to pay my Just Debts funeral Expences and the proving of this my Last Will and Testament and I make the said Premises charged and Chargeable with the same and also with the two Annuities to my Wife and Daughter Ann as aforesaid and what the yearly Income or Profits of the aforesaid Premises is over and above paying the said Yearly Annuities to apply it to the Maintenance and Education of my said Grandson yearly until he arrive at the age of twenty one years, but if he should die before that age leaving no lawful issue, then the overplus of the Income of the aforesaid premises is to go to the maintenance and Education of the other issue of the said Charles and Elizabeth Raine until they attain the age of twenty one years, and I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said half Brother Richard Watson to be executor In Trust as aforesaid of this my Last Will and Testament (allowing him fair and reasonable Charges and Expences for his trouble for executing the same) and I do utterly revoke disallow and disannul all former Bequests Wills and Legacies by me heretofore in any wise left or made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Twenty Sixth Day of March one Thousand eight Hundred and Twenty seven.

William Parkin

Signed, Sealed published and declared by the said Testator William Parkin as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his sight and presence and in the presence of each other have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto – The two words “them” on the otherside being first interlined.
John Buston? William Dawson

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