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Will of Peter Eldred, of Morley, Norfolk, Yeoman 1608

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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Peter Eldred, a yeoman of Morley in Norfolk, England. Peter drew up his will on 15 May 1608, and it was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk on 26 May 1608. [1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • The image quality was good, and the handwriting legible.

Persons mentioned:

  • Peter Eldred of Morley Testator
  • William Eldred my eldest son[n]e £70 when he reaches 21 years of age and releases a house in London to his uncle John Eldred
  • my brother Mr John Eldred Testator has agreement with John that William will release the house in London to John on payment of £100 to Testator
  • John Eldred my son[n]e £30 out of the £100 for the house in London
  • Peter Eldred my son[n]e £30, half at 22 years of age, half at 24 years of age
  • Rob[er]te Eldred my son[n]e £30, half at 22 years of age, half at 24 years of age
  • [Christ]ofer Eldred my son[n]e spelled [Greek Chi ro]ofer in the text. £30, half at 22 years of age, half at 24 years of age
  • Johan my wiff Executrix and residuary legatee. Receives Tenement in Tasborough occupied by Edmund Magges
  • Richard Culle my son[n]e in Lawe Supervisor of will, receives £4
  • Wm: Custleby witness to will
  • Daniell Stone witness to will

[folio 161 recto]
In the name of god amen
I Peter Eldred of Morley in the County of Norff[olk] yeoman
beinge of good and p[er]fect mynd and reme[m]brance god bethancked ther=
for Doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament, Re=
vokinge all other heretofore by me made in mann[er] and forme followinge
vizt: Imprimis I will and bequeath my sowle in to the hands
of all mighty god my maker & trust assuredly by the death & passion
of Jesus Christe my redeem[er] to be saved at the last daye of Judgem[en]t
& my body to be buryed all the Discretion of myne ex[ecu]tor

Item I
will & bequeath to William Eldred my eldest son[n]e the som[m]e of
LxxLi, of Lawfull mony of England p[ar]cell of a CLi, w[hi]ch my
brother Mr John Eldred is to paye me uppon the Release of
a tenement or house in London w[hi]ch my said son[n]e William is
to release att the age of xxj years, to his uncke Mr John
Eldred as maye more playnly appeere in the agreement made
between Peter Eldred & Mr John Eldred underwritinge./

Item I will and bequeath to John Eldred my son[n]e the som[m]e
of xxxLi of Lawfull mony of England p[ar]cell of the CLi w[hi]ch
my brother Mr John Eldred is to paye me, as appeer uppon a
bond writtne , Provyded nev[er]the lesse, and is my will & Deed
that if my son[n]e Wm: shall not release accordinge to the

[folio 161 verso]
Agreement made betweene me and my brother
Mr John Eldred, then my gifte of Legacy of LxxLi to
William my son[n]e to be meerly voyd and of noe effect

I will and bequeath to Peter Eldred my son[n]e the som[m]e of
xxxLi of Lawfull mony of England vizt xvLi att the age
of xxij yeers, and other xvLi att the age of xxiiijti yeers
by my ex[ecu]tor to be payde. /

Item I will and bequeath to Rob[er]te
Eldred my son[n]e the som[m]e of xxxLi of Lawfull mony of England
Vizt: xvLi at the age of xxij yeers and other xvLi at the
age of xxiiijti yeers, by my ex[ecu]tor to be payde. /

Item I
Will and bequeath to [Christ]ofer Eldred my son[n]e the som[m]e of xxxLi
of Lawfull mony of England, vizt xvLi at the age of xxijti
yeers, and other vxLi att the age of xviiijti by my Ex[ecu]tor
to be payde,

Item I give and bequeath to Johan my wiff
and to her heires for ev[er] my tenement and messuage lyinge in
Tasborough nowe in the tenor and occupac[i]on of Edmund Magges
together w[i]th the felde & appurten[ance]s occupyed w[i]th the said house
& Land

Item I will and bequeath to Joane my wiff
all my houshold goods and implement of houshold, all my corne
and Cattell and all my moveable goods by whatsoev[er] name or
tytle they be called,

Item I will that Richard Culle my
son[n]e in Lawe to be sup[er]visor of this my Last will and testament
and I give him iiijLi of Lawfull mony of England by my
Ex[ecu]tor to be payde. /

Item I will & bequeath to Jone my wiff
whom I make and ordayne my sole and only ex[ecu]trix, of this my
Last will and testament all such goods and chattells as are
unbequeathed, In witnes hereof I have sett my hand & seale
the xvth daye of May in the yeere of o[u]r Lord god 1608 /
Sealed and deliv[er]ed in the p[rese]nts of Wm: Custleby & Daniell Stone

Probate [in Latin] The will written above was proved at Wymondham before William Griggson Clerk deputy to the Venerable Richard Stokes Clerk of the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk constituted on xxvi day of May AD 1608 Judgement to the executrix named in the will


  1. Will of Peter Eldred 1608 Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk wills, ANF 1607-1609 will register Elflett folio 161 FamilySearch Film 008045774 Image 168 Accessible at a Family History Center Accessed 31 December 2022

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