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Will of Peter Garnault of Lisbon 1770

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Lisbon, Portugalmap
Surname/tag: Garnault
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This is a transcript of the will of Peter Garnault, merchant, of Lisbon, Portugal. The will was dated at Lisbon on 14 March 1765, and proved at London on 6 August 1770.


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In the Name of God Amen
I Peter Garnault of the City of Lisbon Merchant at this
present with the Enjoyment of perfect health of sound
judgment and memory Considering this mortal life is very
uncertain I Do make this my Last Will and Testament and
by this present do revoke and annul all former Wills and
Testaments by me heretofore made Willing and requiring
that this only shall remain and be of any force and value
Imprimis I recomend my soul unto into the hands of God who
Gave it me hoping and trusting through his mercy and the
Merit of my Dear Redeemer and Saviour to receive their
pardon and forgiveness of my sins and that by his Death
and passion shall obtain a Glorious Resurrection to a
Life Immortal and [by ….] my Body I Commit to the
Earth to be Decently Interred at the Discretion of my
Executors hereafter named and to those Goods it hath pleased
God to bless me with I Dispose of them in the following
manner after my Just Debts and funeral Expenses are duly paid
Item I Give Leave and Bequeath to Mary Garnault my
Dear and beloved Wife One half of my Fortune and all
the Furniture Linnen plate &c. belonging to me for her to
Dispose at her pleasure and in the Best manner she shall
think proper Item I Give Leave and bequeath the Residue

[page 2]

of my Fortune Vizt: One Quarter part to my beloved son Peter
Garnault, One Quarter part to my beloved son John Garnault
One Quarter part to my beloved Daughter Mary Lempriere
Wife to my Dear Friend Mr. Thomas Lempriere and one
Quarter part to my Beloved Daughter Elizabeth Hasenclever
Wife to my Dear Friend Mr. Peter Jacob Hasenclever, and in
Case it pleased God Almighty to take any of my above Children
out of this World their Quarter part shall Devolve to their
Children andin Case any of them should be deceased without
Children in the Case the Quarter part of the deceased shall
be Divided to the Survivors of my above Children by Equal
shares Item in Case it should be God Almighty’s pleasure
to take from this Mortal World my Dear and beloved Wife
Mary Garnault before me in that Case the half of my fortune
and all the Furniture Linnen Plate &c, that I Leave her
by this my Will and Testament shall be Divided amongst
my above Childrens by Equal share in the manner above
Expressed in the preceeding Article, Item I do name Constitute
and Appoint my Dear Wife Mary Garnault my Dear Son
Peter Garnault my Dear Friend Mr. Thomas Lempriere
Merchant in the City of London and my Dear Friend Mr. Peter
Jacob Hasenclever to be the Executors of this my last Will and
Testament Lisbon the 14 March 1765 Peter Garnault
As Witness, David Ho…ck Overman Paul Bo…
Jonah Holford Kinloch Farguhar Thomas Wood
Christoph Deed Tormers

This Will was proved at London the Sixth
Day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand seven
hundred and seventy before the Worshipful Thomas Bever
Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful George
Hay also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary
of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully Constituted
by the Oath of Mary Garnault Widow the Relict of the
Deceased and one of the Surviving Executors to whom Admiton
was Granted having been first sworn duly to Administer
Power reserved of making the like Grant to Peter Garnault
the Son of the said Deceased and Peter Jacob Hasenclever the
other Surviving Executors when they or either of them shall
apply for the same) Exd.


  • The National Archives (UK). Reference: PROB 11/959/306. Description: Will of Peter Garnault, Merchant of Lisbon , Portugal. Date: 06 August 1770.

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