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Will of Preston-10698

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 4 May 1799 [unknown]
Location: Cockerham, Lancashire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Preston, Nixon, Kirkby, Whormby
Profile manager: Jane Fraser private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 17 times.

The will of Elizabeth (Preston) Nixon (bef.1731-bef.1799) provided for her daughter Nanny (the wife of William Kirkby of Cockerham), her daughter Fanny (the wife of Richard Whormby), and her sons Peter and William.

The will was obtained from the Lancashire Archives (https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/archives-and-record-office/) and transcribed by Jane Fraser.

Will of Elizabeth (Preston) Nixon

This is the last Will and Testament of me Betty Nickson of Cockerham in the County of Lancaster Widow made this Fourth Day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and Ninety Nine as follows.

In the first Place I order and direct that all my Just Debts funeral and Testamentary Expences shall be paid off and discharged and with the payment thereof I charge my person Estate. In the next place I Give Devise and Bequeath all that my Leasehold Messuage and Tenement called Preston’s Tenement in Cabus and all my Term and Interest therein (being for the Life of my Daughter Nanny the Wife of William Kirkby of Cockerham aforesaid) unto her my said Daughter her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns. Subject to and charged and chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the Yearly Annuities or Sum of Twenty Shillings a piece to my other three Children Fanny the Wife of Richard Whormby and Sons Peter and William and their respective Assigns during the continuances of the Lease the same Annuities to be paid to the said Annuitants on the Thirteenth Day of February Yearly.

I also Give and Bequeath unto my said Daughter Nanny the Legacy or Sum of One Hundred Pounds together with the large Beaufait in the House, a pair of Silver Salts three Silver Castors a Brass Candlestick and one Silver Table Spoon.

I also give and Bequeath to my said Daughter Fanny the like Sum of One Hundred Pounds together with a Silver Cream Jug and a Silver Table Spoon and the further Sum of three Guineas in lieu of other articles by me given to her Sister and to make these equal in value thereto.

I also give and Bequeath to my said Son Peter the Legacy or sum of Eighty Pounds as also my Feather Bed Bolster and pillows here Blankets two pair of Sheets and a Quilt together with my solver Watch and a Silver Table Spoon.

I give and Bequeath to my said son William my pair of Bedsteads with washed Hangings three Silver Table Spoons two of which are marked with the Letter W E N and five Tea Spoons marked in like manner with a pair of Silver Tea Tongs.

My Wearing Apparel Bed and Table Linen I Give and Bequeath to my said to Daughters to be divided equally between them.

I Give Devise and Bequeath my Pen in the Gallery of Cockerham Church to my said Four Children their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns equally amongst them as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants. I direct that my Silver Tankard and pint and other Silver Articles shall be disposed of and sold by my Executor to such of my Children as shall chuse to purchase the same at the price old Silver Sells for And it is my Desire that my Monied Legacies be paid at the Candlemas next after my Decease if possible; if that cannot be done so soon, I could wish the whole to be ended in a year after my Decease at the furthest. All the residue of my Monies Goods personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever not here in before otherwise disposed off I Give and Bequeath equally amongst my two Daughters Nanny and Fanny and son William their Executors and Administrators Share and Share alike. And lastly I hereby Revoke all Wills by me heretofore made and of this my last Will and Testament appoint Thomas Lamb of Cockerhan aforesaid Executor in Trust. In Witness whereof I the said Betty Nickson have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Fourth Day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety Nine (1799) Signed Sealed published and Declared by the said Betty Nickson the Testatrix in the presence of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our Names as Witnesses. Jas Parkinson

Mary Parkinson

Thomas Bayles

On this 16th Day of November 1799 This Will was proved in Common Form and Thomas Lamb the Executor therein named was worn well and faithfully to execute and perform the same and so forth And that to the best of his Knowledge and belief the whole of the personal Estate of which the within named Testatrix did possess or did not in real value amount to the sum of Three Hundred pounds.

Before me William Colton Surrogate.

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