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Will of Rachel Meacham of Combe St Nicholas

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Date: 1 Jan 1737 to 21 Nov 1740
Location: Combe St Nicholas, Somerset, Englandmap
Profile manager: Joe Farler private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 135 times.

The Will of Rachel Meacham of Combe St Nicholas

Written 1st Jan. 1736/7 and proved 21st Nov. 1740

Transcribed by Joe Farler from a copy held by the National Archives at Kew;
PROB 11/706/130 Will of Rachel Meacham of Combe St Nicholas, Somerset

I Rachell Meacham wife of Thomas Meacham of Combe St Nicholas in the County of Somerset Gent Do in pursuance of a power given to me by certain Articles or Deed in Marriage made and Executed between me and my said husband and others before my Intermarriage with him make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say Imprimis I give and devise unto my Kinsman Thomas Edwards All that messuage or Tenement Lands and appurtenances containing in the whole about two and thirty acres called and commonly known by the name of West Comb Lands situate lying and being within the parish of Buckland St Mary in the said County To hold the same for and during the term of Fourscore and nineteen years if he shall so long happen to live And from and after the Determination of that

Estate I give the same Messuage or Tenement Lands and premises to the Eldest Son of the said Thomas Edwards which shall be living at the time of the Death of the said Thomas Edwards and the Heirs of such Son for ever And if there shall be no Son of the said Thomas Edwards living at the time of his Death Then I give the same Messuage and Lands to all and every the Daughters of the said Thomas Edwards which shall be living at his Death and their Heirs equally amongst them to be divided Share and Share alike and for want of such Issue living at the Death of the said Thomas Edwards Then I give the said Messuage and Lands to my Kinswoman Rachell Burridge Daughter of my Kinsman William Burridge and her Heirs for ever. Item I give to my said Kinswoman Rachell Burridge three hundred pounds to be paid her in three months next after my Death. Item I give to my Kinsman Thomas Edwards of Chard the Sum of three hundred pounds to be paid him in Six months next after my Death on trust nevertheless that he shall put the same out at Interest and the Interest and produce thereof shall and will pay unto Joan Burridge Wife of the said William Burridge during her Life for her own private and separate use and after her Death I Will that the said three hundred pounds shall be paid to my Kinswoman Sarah Burridge Daughter of my said Kinsman William Burridge her Executors and Assigns. Item I give to my Son in Law James Meacham One Guinea. Item I give my now husband the Wedding Ring I had of him at our Marriage. Item I give to my Grandson in Law George Notley the younger my largest Silver Cup, one Silver plate, two Silver Salts and two Silver Spoons marked R.S. Item all the rest of my Silver plate whatsoever sort I give to my said Kinswoman Rachell Burridge. Item I give to Rachell Salisbury Daughter of my Son James Salisbury ten pounds to be paid her in three months next after my Death. Item I give to my said Kinsmen William Burridge and Thomas Edwards the Sum of one hundred pounds to be paid them in Six months next after my Death In trust nevertheless that they shall put the same out at Interest and the Interest produce and profit thereof my Will is shall be paid yearly to my Daughter Avis Minson wife of Robert Minson as and for her separate maintenance during her Natural Life and to be paid her at such times and in such parts and manner as my said trustees shall see fit for my Will is that her said husband shall not have or receive any benefit there from And from and after her decease I will that the said one hundred pounds shall be paid to Rachell Minson Daughter of the said Robert Minson her executors and Assigns. Item I give unto the said Rachell Minson her Executors and Assigns all such right and Interest as I have in the said Robert Minson’s Estate at Kingstone. Item I give to my Kinsmen William Burridge and Thomas Edwards all that my Messuage or Tenement and Lands thereto belonging with the Appurtenances in Henton St George in the said County In trust to permit my Daughter Anna Wife of George Notley to have and take the rents and profits of one Moiety thereof for so many years as She shall live And as to the other

Moiety I will that the rents and profits shall be had and received by George Notley the Younger his Executors and Assigns and also from and after my said Daughter Annas death In trust to permit the said George Notley the younger his Executors and Assigns to receive and take the Rents Issues and profits of that Moiety given to my said Daughter Anna. Item I give to my said Kinsman Thomas Edwards two hundred pounds to be paid in Six months next after my Death. Item I give unto Mary Burridge Daughter of the said William Burridge one hundred pounds to be in discharge of a Note which I voluntarily gave her some time since for that Sum. Item I will and so I hereby direct and order that all such sum and sums of money which shall be due from any person or persons whatsoever at the time of my Death who may be then resident within the parishes of Buckland St Mary and West Hatch or either of them shall be paid to and be equally divided between my said Kinsman Thomas Edwards and the said Joan Burridge Wife of the said William Burridge And in case either of them shall happen to die in my Life time then my Will is that the same shall be paid to the Survivors of them his or her Executors and Assigns. Item my Will is that neither of my said Trustees shall be answerable or accountable for the Neglect Default or mismanagement of the other And that they shall be at all times Indemnified and saved harmless of and from all Costs Charges and Damages which they or either of them shall put to or sustain for or by reason or means of the trust in them or either of them hereby reposed. Item all the rest residue and remainder of my Goods and Chattels Lands and Tenements of whatsoever nature or kind I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Anna Notley Wife of George Notley the Elder And I do hereby nominate and appoint her whole and sole Executrix of this my Will. And Lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former wills by me made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of January One thousand seven hundred and thirty Six - The mark of Rachell Meacham. Signed published and declared by the Testatrix on three sheets of paper to be her last Will and Testament in presence of us who subscribed our names in the presence of the said Testatrix the words (at, and after her death. or Daughter, Thomas Edwards, are ) being first Interlined. — Mary Notley Daniel Templeman Ro: Burd 1736

This Will was proved at London the twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty Before the Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the Oath of Ann Notley Wife of George Notley Sole Executrix in the said Will named to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first sworn by Commission duly to administer.



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