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Will of Ralph Gylman 1558

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Surname/tag: Gilman
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1558/9 Ralph Gilman of Shipdam
[2] ANF will register Liber 17 (Wolston) fo. 3030. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSN8-TS1T-1?i=87&cat=291384) note: calendar states folio 384, not 303:

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy. Capital F is rendered as F rather than ff. Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets]. Tight binding to the far right of the document have rendered a small number of words illegible. Other words or letters that are illegible are marked with asterisks. L, s and d represent pounds, shillings and pence respectively.

Persons mention in the Will of Radolfi Gylman:

  • Ralph Gylman, testator
  • Roger Gylman, underage, relationship not stated
  • Ralph's "several" children
  • Christian Birre
  • Harry and Elsabeth Bowes, Ralph's host and hostess
  • Symond Grene, priest and witness
  • Robert Farrowes, debtor
  • David Vines, debtor
  • Harry Brakket/Brakett, debtor and witness
  • Thomas Ames, tenant and debtor
  • Peter Berman of Thetford, debtor
  • Robert Drye of Walsingham, debtor
  • William Mallet, debtor

Will of Radolfi Gylman
In the name of God Amen this xxj daye of
M[ar]che I Rauff Gylman am of hole mind
good remembrance thanks be to God make my (illegible)
and last Will in manner and form following
I bequeath my sowle to Almighty God (illegible)
*** Laidye Seynt Marye and blessed
holy compan(d)y of heaven and my bodye and burial
in the churchyarde of Shipdenham Item I give
to the hey autyr (high alter) xijs Item I give (illegible) (to the poor?)
of the church ijs It[e]m I give to my sevrelle children
all my lande and howses *** and lande bying in Shipden[ham]
and Carbroke paying iiij xxli but I will my uncle
have the occupying of them tille my children
come of age and my uncle to paye the said
money I will be honestly brought to grounde
with mass and diriges It[e]m I gyve iijxx
households of the poorest xijd a howse to be destr[i]b-
uted the daye after my burial Item I will have
at my vii*** dirige and mass and to destribute
to the pore xxs vid a howse It[e]m I give
to Roger Gilman xLi to be payde to hym
at the age of xx yers my uncle to have
the occupyeng of it or else some honest man
to bring him uppe Item I give to Christian
Birre? xxs to be payde her at my buriall
daye It[e]m I gyve to Hary Bowse my ost
my waste coat and my black freese
cloth w[ith] the lining It[e]m I gyve Elsabeth
Bowes my ostes my gander and iij
geese It[e]m I give to Sr Symond Grene priest
my father’s frease gowne It[e]m
I give Robt Farrowes my father’s grey
freese gownds The residue of all my goods not
bequeathed and more abelly of what….and name
they be Item I gyve to my uncle whome I orde[y]n
and make my sole executor and Harry to be
my supervisor and he for to have for his paye
witnes to this Symond Grene prest Harry Bra(illegible)….
Harrey Bowes with others It[e]m David Vines oweth me
years agage which should alen payde at the eynd
mid lent Last Itme I forgive Harry Brakket
that he oweth me upon **** which it (illegible)
Bartelle It[e]m I forgive Thomas Ames my tenant vd [he]
owe me It[e]m I forgyve Peter Berman of Thetford viijs
that he oweth me Item I forgyve Smale (illegible)
Lyme iijs iijdth[at] he oweth me Item I forgyve **** of Lymes
t[hat] he oweth me Item I forgive D**** of Lymis viis iijd that he [owe]
me It[e]m I forgive L*** Taylor of Lymes iijsiijs that he owe [me]
It[e]m I do forgyve Robt Drye of Walsingham xxjs viijd th (illegible)
**** me It[e]m I forgeve William Mallet jiiis vd that he [owe]
me hath witnes Sr Symond Grene prest Harry Bowes (illegible)
Bracket et ales

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