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Will of Ranald Grahme

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Nunnington, Yorkshire, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Grahme
This page has been accessed 167 times.


Transcription of the will of Ranald Grahme

People mentioned

Nephew Sir Richard Grahme of Netherby Baronet (actually his great nephew, son of George )
his wife Lady Anne Grahme (Howard)
Eldest son Charles Grahme
Nephew James Grahme (son of George )
Dorothy his wife (Howard)[1]
Sir Richard Grahme of Norton Conyers Baronet (son of Ranald’s brother Richard)
His wife ( Elizabeth Fortescue )
'Henry Goodricke Knight & baronet (married Mary Legg, daughter of Susanna’s sister Elizabeth)[2]
John Churchman
Katherine Foster late wife of Captain Foster
my Sister Sands Sister-in-law Elizabeth (Pakington) Sandys [3]
her daughter Elizabeth Washington
Mrs Penellope Washington
Mrs Mary Washington
Mr Thomas Jackson
Edward Carleton
Richard Grahame (groom)
Archibald Johnston (butler)
John Grahme (servant)
Lord Bishop of Oxford [4] John Fell
Lord Bishop of Exeter [5] Thomas Lamplugh
Lord Chief Justice North (Sir Francis North Guilford) Francis North
his brother Dr North John North
Richard Allestry, Dr of Divinity & Provost of Eton College Richard Allestree
Sir William Wyld
Sir John Coell
Sir William Turner
Sir Robert Clayton
John Morris Esq
Mathew Johnson Esq
Colonel Richard Grace
Mr Charles Usher
Mr George Usher
Mr John Cooke
Mr Broughton
Mr Fothergill, Nathan Tilson (possibly two people)
Mr Christopher Conyers of Cliffords Inne
Mr Robert Blanshard
Francis Child
Christopher Scory or Story
Cousin Richard Grahme of Cliffords Inn (Ranald is also mentioned in Richard’s will.[6])
Cousin Jane Smith
her sister Sara Gregory
Old Dicke Grahme
Mr Thomas Jackson, current Lord of the Manor, Nunnington
Dr William Bell
his brother Richard Bell
William Charleton
Elizabeth his wife. my niece
Dame Mary Musgrave, widow, my niece
her son Richard Musgrave of Heyton
his sister Katherine
Cuthbert Heron of Chipchase
his Lady my Niece (Elizabeth)
their son Cuthbert Heron
Winifred Fisher, daughter of my master William Lathum (his apprenticeship)
Bishop of Rochester John Dolben
his Lady
Colonel Edward Villiers
Philadelphia Eston daughter of friend Peter Ladore
Sir George Fletcher
his wife Lady Mary
Nephew Fergus Grahme
Nephew Ranald Grahme
Niece Margaret Fenwicke
Nephew William Grahame, due to be vicar of Lewisham
William Wainsford
Robert Stockdale
The poor of Lewisham, St Margarets Westminster
The poor boys of the 2 Tuttlefield Hospitals
The poor of Arthuret and Kirkandrews


In the Name of God Amen
this Fourteenth day of November Anno Domini one thousand six hundred
seventy nine and thirtieth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne
Lord Charles the second by the grace of God of England Scotland France
and Ireland King defender of the Faith I Ranald Grahme of Nunington in the
County of Yorke Esqer being in health of body and of perfect minde and memory
thanks bee unto Allmighty God for the same and being sensible of my owne
frailty and having daily objects of Mortality before my eyes doe make and
ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following first
and principally I render my soule to God who gave it with assured hopes and
Confidence of the Remission of all my sinns by the death and passion of Jesus
Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour my body being subject to Corruption

I desire in case I shall departe this naturall life within the County of York
to be decently buried within the parish Church of Nunington aforesaid but
in case I shall happen to departe this naturall life either in London or
Westminster or in any other place other than within the County of Yorke
aforesaid, then I leave it to the discretion of my Executors herein after named
to Interr my body privately in such place wher[e] I shall departe this naturall
life without any funeral pompe and as touching such goods and Chattells
and other estate as well reall as personall as it hath pleased God to blesse mee
withall I give and bequeath as followeth

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto
my Nephew Sr Richard Grahme of Netherby in the County of Cumberland
Barrt. and to the honorble the Lady Anne Grahme his wife the summe of Fifty
pounds betwixt them to buy him and the said Lady Anne his wife mourning
and I doe hereby recommend Charles Grahme now eldest sonne of the said Sr
Richard Grahme to the care and kindnesse of my dearly beloved wife

Item I give and
bequeath unto Sr Richard Grahme of Norton Congers [Conyers] in the County of Yorke Bart.
and his now wife twenty pounds a peece to buy them mourning

Item I give unto my Nephew James Grahme Privy Purse to his Royall Highnesse Jame[s] Duke of
Yorke and Dorothy his now wife twenty pounds a peece to buy them Mourning
and I doe hereby release to my said Nephew James Grahme all such debts as hee
Oweth mee upon any Amount whatsoever

Item I give and bequeath unto Sr

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Henry Goodricke Knight and Bart. and to his now Lady my Neece twenty pounds
a peece to buy them Mourning and moreover I give unto his said Lady my neece
my Onix Ring which she formerly gave me

Item I give and bequeath unto my
Nephew Collonell George Legg and Barbara his now wife and to his Mother
Elizabeth Legg and to William Villiers Legg my Godsonne twenty pounds a
peece to buy them mourning and also to Susanna Wilson and her husband
twenty pounds betweene them to buy them Mourning and moreover I give and
bequeath unto the said Collonell George Legg my Dyamond Ring with four great
Stones in it sett round with small diamonds to hold use and enjoy the same for
the Terme of his naturall life and after his decease I give and bequeath
the same Ring Stones and Diamonds to the said William Legg his sonne
my Godsonne forever

Item I give and bequeath to Sr John Churchman the summe
of twenty pounds to buy him mourning

Item I give and bequeath unto Katherine
Foster late wife of Captaine Foster tenn pounds to buy her mourning

Item I
give and bequeath unto my Sister Sands twenty pounds to buy her mourning
and to her daughter Elizabeth Washington one hundred pounds alsoe I doe
hereby give and bequeath unto Mrs Penellope Washington and Mrs Mary
Washington tenn pounds a peice to buy them mourning

Item I give and bequeath
unto Mr Thomas Jackson one hundred pounds and tenn pounds more to buy
him mourning

Item I doe hereby release unto Edward Carleton the twenty
pounds hee oweth me and I doe hereby give him thirty pounds more and five
pounds more to buy him mourning

Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Grahme
once my Groome four pounds per Annum payable quarterly dureing my said
wifes life and also to Archibald Johnston once my Butler the summe of twenty
pounds and to John Grahme once my servant five pounds to buy him mourning

Item I give and bequeath unto the now Lord Bishopp of Oxford the now Lord
Bishopp of Exeter to the Lord Cheife Justice North and to his brother Dr North
to Richard Allestry Dr in Divinity and Provost of Eaton College to Dr Baywick
to Sr William Wyld of London Bart. Sr John Coell Sr William Turner Sr Robert
Clayton John Morris Esqer. Mathew Johnson Esqer. Collonell Richard Grace Mr Charles
Usher Mr George Usher Mr John Cooke Mr Broughton Mr Fothergill Nathan
Tilson Mr Christopher Conyers of Cliffords Inne Mr Robert Blanshard and
Francis Child to each of them a ring of the value of twenty shillings

Item I give
and bequeath unto Christopher Scory four pounds to buy him mourning Item I
give and bequeath unto my Cozen Richard Grahme Principall of Cliffords Inne
London one hundred pounds and twenty pounds more to buy him mourning Item
I give unto my Cozen Jane Smith and to her Sister Sara Gregory five pounds a
peice to buy them mourning Item I give and bequeath unto Old Dicke Grahme
the summe of four pounds per annum to bee paid him by half yearly
payments dureing the naturall life of my said dear wife as afforesaid the first
payment thereof to beginne within six Monthe next after my decease Item I
give and bequeath to the poore of Nunington West Ness and Stangrave [Stonegrave] in the
County of Yorke twenty pounds to bee disposed of and distributed amongst them
by the Lord of the Mannor for the time being Mr Thomas Jackson and the
Parsons of the said Parishes for the time being Item I give to the poore of
Lew[i]sham in Kent tenn pounds and to the poore of the Parish of St. Margretts
Westminster the summe of twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath to my
Executors twenty pounds which I desire them to distribute amongst the poore Boyes
in the two Hospitalls in Tuttlefeild as they shall thinke fitt Item I do hereby
give and bequeath unto Doctor William Bell and to Richard Bell his brother
five pounds a peece to buy them Rings Item I give and bequeath unto William
Charleton of Hasleside in the County of Northumberland and to Elizabeth

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his wife my Neece tenn pounds apeece to buy them mourning Item I doe
release unto Dame Mary Musgrave widdow my Neece all debts whatsoever
which she oweth mee or to any in trust for me and I give her tenn pounds to
buy her mourning and I give to her sonne Sr Richard Musgrave of Heyton
in the County of Cumberland tenn pounds to buy him mourning and to his
Sister Frances tenn pounds and to his Sister Katherine tenn pounds to buy them
mourning Item I give unto Sr. Cuthbert Heron of Chipchase in the County of
Northumberland and twenty pounds and to his Lady my Neece twenty pounds
to buy them mourning and to their son Cuthbert tenn pounds to buy him
mourning Item I give to Winifred Fisher who was the daughter of my master
William Lathum who was very kind to mee when I was his Apprentice forty
pounds Item I give to my Honoured Friend the now Bishopp of Rochesters
Lady ten pounds to buy her a peece of plate Item I doe hereby give to my
worthy friend Collonell Edward Villiers tenn pounds to buy him a peece of
plate Item Item I desire my wife to give unto Philadelphia Eston daughter
to Peter Ladore my friend five pounds a yeare soe long as my said wife
shall happen to live after mee Item I do hereby give and bequeath unto Sr
George Fletcher and the Lady Mary his wife twenty pounds a peece to buy them
mourning and to my Nephews Fergus Grahme and Ranald Grahme and my
Neece Margreet Fenwicke tenn pounds apeece to buy them mourning Item I doe
hereby give and bequeath to my Nephew William Grahme the summe of two
hundred pounds to bee paid him within six Monthes next after hee shall be instituted
and Inducted Vicar of the parish Church of Lewsham in the County of Kente

Item I doe hereby give and bequeath to my Executors hereinafter named the
summe of two hundred pounds which I desire and appoint that they will lay
out and bestow in Lands or other Hereditaments to the use of the poore within
the severall Parishes of Arthewrett and Kirke Andrews in the County of
Cumberland for ever and I desire that the yearly rents and proffitts thereof may
bee annually distributed amongst the poore in the said Parishes as the Lords of
the Mannors of the said Arthewrett and Kirke Andrews and the Rectors of the
said Parishes for the time being shall direct and appoint Item I give unto John
Lord Bishopp of Rochester (if liveing at my decease) one hundred pounds Item I
doe release to William Wainsford and Robert Stockdale twenty pounds a peece
which they owe mee Item I give to Ranald Grahme Coachman to my Nephew Sr
Richard Grahme five pounds and I further will and order that all Legacies before
by mee bequeathed and not otherwise directed or limitted in point of time to bee paid
shall bee paid as soon as my Executors may with convenience

Item I doe hereby
give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife all the Gold I shall have at my decease
and also all my Jewells Plate and householdstuffe whatsoever not hereby before
disposed of and all the rest and residue of my goods Chattells and personall estate
whatsoever not hereby disposed of as aforesaid

I give and bequeath unto my
Executors to bee by them as soon as conveniently may bee layd out in the purchase
of Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of Inheritance to be forth:
with setled as followeth (that is to say) to the use of my dearly beloved wife for her
life without Impeachment of wast and from and after her decease one moyety
thereof to the use of my Nephew Sr. Richard Grahme of Netherby for the terme of
his life without Impeachment of wast and as to that moyety from his death and the
other moyety thereof after the death of my said wife to the use of my Little Nephew
Charles Grahme sonne and heire apparent of my said Nephew Sr Richard Grahme
of Netherby for the terme of his naturall life without impeachment of wast and
from and after his decease the whole premisses to bee purchased as aforesaid to be
setled and remaine and bee to the use of such person and persons and for such estate

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and estates under and subject unto such and the like Provisees Limitations and
appointments as are mentioned limitted or appointed in the Setlement of the
Manor of Netherby in the County of Cumberland according to the Settlement
thereof in that behalfe made by my said Nephew Sr. Richard Grahme of Netherby
aforesaid shall from time to time for the time being belong and appertaine and to
no other use whatsoever and my further will is and I do hereby direct and appoint
that untill the said purchase and Settlement made as aforesaid all the proceed and
proffitts that shall arise or bee made of or by the said residue of my said personall
estate and of the Lands or Tenements to bee purchased therewith shall bee paid
and disposed to my said dear wife or as she shall appoint and lastly I make and
ordaine my worthy freinds John Lord Bishopp of Rochester and my said
dearly beloved wife Susanna Grahme and the said Sr Richard Grahme of
Netherby Executors of this my last will and testament and I hereby revoake
all former will or wills whatsoever and Overseers of this my last will and
testament I doe intreate nominate and desire my said Nephew Collonell
George Legg and the said Richard Grahme of Cliffords Inne to bee aiding and
assisting to my said Executors in the Execution of this my last will and testament
sett my hand and seale the day and yeare above written Ranald Grahme signed
sealed declared and published by the within named Ranald Grahme Esqer. to bee his
last will and testament the day and yeare within mentioned in the presence of
Richard Boys Robt. Blagden Henre Wine Hugh James Alexander Mitchell
Thomas Glover.

I Ranald Grahme of Nunington in the County of Yorke Esqer.
make this my Codicill which I desire may bee annexed to my
last will and testament as parte thereof.

Whereas since the makeing of my said last will and testament I have
considered that my deare wife will want mainetenance for her selfe and my Nephew
Charles Grahme for the first six Months after my decease by reason the rents
and proffitts of the estate I leave her will not grow sooner due I do hereby give
and bequeath to my said deare wife the summe of five hundred pounds for the
Support and maintenance of her and my said Nephew Charles Grahme untill she
shall receive the rents and proffitts of the estate I have setled upon her In witnesse
whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this twenty fifth day of May one
thousand six hundred and eighty Ranald Grahme sealed Signed and published in
the presence of Ri: Grahame Henre Wine Hugh James Alexander Mitchell James

Probate (in Latin) was granted 2 December 1685
John, late Bishop Roffen, now Archbishop of York[7]
widow of the said deceased Susanna Grahme
Sir Richard Grahme of Netherby


  1. Ancestry.com. England, Select Marriages, 1538–1973 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. Original data: England, Marriages, 1538–1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013. Unable to find this record on familysearch Accessed on ancestry.co.uk, 2 Aug 2021.
  2. Google Books The Baronetage of England:
  3. The writings of George Washington; by Washington, George, 1732-1799 https://archive.org/details/cu31924092900400/page/n387/mode/2up?q=Ranald+Grahme Cornell University Library, Internet Archive (Accessed 1 Aug 2021)
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fell_(bishop)
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Lamplugh
  6. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D806532 Reference: PROB 11/412/433 Description: Will of Richard Graham of Cliffords Inn, Middlesex Date: 15 December 1692 Held by: The National Archives, Kew
  7. John Dolben, Bishop of Rochester was made Archbishop of York in 1683 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dolben

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