Location: Audley, Staffordshire, England
Surname/tag: Vernon
This is a transcript of the will of Randall Vernon of Audley, Staffordshire. His will was dated 8 January 1578/9 and proved in July 1579.
Paragraph breaks have been added to the transcript.
[…] I Randalph V[e]rnon of the p[a]rish of Audeley wthin the counte of Stafford ye[o]ma[m?] […] yet nev[e]rthelesse of good and p[er]rfitt memorye Doe pvod & make this my last Will and Testament the eight daye of Januarye in the xxjth yere of the Raygne of […] […] Ao Dmi 1578 in mean[ing] & forme Following
First I geve & bequeth unto the blessed […] & keeping of Thallmightie mak[e]r & […] & my bodye to christiane buriall in the chancell wthin the prishe churche of Audeley In the place where my fath[e]r & moth[e]r lye
Ite[m] in condicon that my sonne John doe […] and trulye paye & […] unto his three youngest brothren my sonnes vizt Robrt, Ric, & Edward Vrnon or theire assignes the just & full sume of threescore pounds of good & Lawfull English moneye at one whole & entyre payment wthin one whole yere next & imedeatlye aft[e]r next following my decease Then I geve unto my said sonne Johne all th[a]t my Copieholt land[s] wthin the Lordshipp of Audeley (one lease of one cotage wth it apurtenaunc[es] unto his brother Willm Vrnon excepted)
Ite[m] I geve & bequeath unto my secound sonne Rondul Vrnon all that my Tenenet in the holding & occupacon of Philippkynsye all those pastures in the terme & occupacon of Hugh [..]oste one […] in the holding of Mr Wyningto & one pasture called & known by the name of Shereddsheere now in my occupacon all wch prmises are lying & being wthin the pish of Homes wthin the count of Chestr for & during his naturall lyfe & to his ex[ecut]or administ[rator] & assignes for & during one & twentie yeres next aft[e]r his decease, yelding and paying all the issues & pfitt[s] of all & singul[a]r the pr[e]mises unto my Wyfe fo[r] & During her naturall lyfe And aft[e]r her decease yelding & paying the old rent unto his broth[e]r John & his heires during all the […] terme of his naturall lyfe & xxjth yeres aftr.
Ite[m] I geve & bequeth unto my sonne Willm Vrnon all that my house or tenemet in the twonesshipp of Audeley com[m]only called & [known by] the name of the Low[e]r house wth the b[..]syde & harding[s] & the craft […] & one craft called the bruck craft yeell of my copiehold, allso one pasture called the pottrs feild & one lylde medowe named the potters feild medow Lately in the terme of John Rowley De Myll being yeell of my freehold all wch pastures medowes housings or tenements wth all & singu[a]r theire apputenaunc[es] my will is That he shall have occupye & enjoye for & during his naturall lyfe, xxjth yeres next & imediatly following his decease & to onlie into the sonne aft[e]r the decease of his moth[e]r yelding & paying yerelye thenefore at two usuall fo[…] unto his eldest brother & his heirs xxs during his lyfe & xxjth yeres […]
Ite[m] I geve & bequeth unto my daught[e]r Elizabeth Vrnon for he childs […] wch said some my will is That my Wyfe shall pay in & [...] now att my house unto my said Daughter wthin one yete aft[e]r my decease
Ite[m] I geve & bequeth unto my sonne Robrt Vrnon in condicon th[a]t he be & enhabite wthin the prishe of Audeley all that my little medow called buckmill medow being by estimacon one acre of medow ground for & during his naturall lyfe towards the keeping of his house yelding & paying yerely theirefore unto his broth[e]r John his heire & assig[n] vs. att two usuall feasts in the yere.
Ite[m] all they rest of my goods & cattelles moveable & unmoveable quicke & dead whatsoev[e]r together wth my occd & now dwelling house & all my Deme[..] lands & housings & buildings now standing & being theirupon wth halfe allmy barnes standing upon my copie hold I geve & bequeth unto my wyfe Agnes Vrnon & allso all the rents issues & pfitts of all th[a]t my Land in Chesshire for & during her naturall lyfe, so That she geve & bestow all those goods to her by me bequethed in & upon my children equallye & indifferentlye at the Day of her Death at the ov[e]rsight of my sonn Ric. and my will is that my wyfe & my sonne Ric. shalbe my full & lawfull exec[utors] to see th[a]t this my last will & Testament be fulled pformed & kept to the glorye of god & to my soule his [..]ath:
In Witnes wheireof those prsents I have sett to my hand the Day & yere anove written.
- "Staffordshire, Dioceses Of Lichfield And Coventry Wills And Probate 1521-1860". Findmypast (accessed 22 Apr 2022). Randal Vernon. 1579, Audley.
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