Location: Withington, Cheshire, England
Surname/tag: Foden
This is a transcript of the will of Randle Foden, yeoman, of Withington, Cheshire. His will was dated 16 November 1685 and proved on 8 July 1686.
In the Name of God Amen the sixteenth day of November in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred Eighty five I Randle Foden of Withington in the County of Chester yeoman being sick & weak in body but of good & pfect Memory (praised be God for the same) & knowing the uncertainty of this life on earth & being desirous to sett things in order Doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following that is to say
First & principally I Comend my Soule to Almighty God my Creator assuredly beleiving that I shall receive full pdon & free remission of all my Sinns & be saved by the precious Death & Meritts of my Blessed Saviour & Redeemer Christ Jesus And my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to bee buried in such decent & Christian manner As to my Executors hereafter named shalbe thought fitt and Convenient
And as touching my worldly Estate as the Lord in mercy has lent me my will & meaninge is the same shalbe imployed & bestowed as hereafter by this my will is expressed And first I doe revoke renounce frustrate & make void All wills by me formerly made and declared & appoint this my Last Will & Testament :
Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Randle Foden the sum of Twenty shillings and to my son George Ten shillings and to my Daughter Mary Ten shillings & to my daughter Elizabeth Ten shillings and all my Goods and Chattells moveable and immovable & ready money Debts Sum & Sums of mony whatever now owing or due to me by any pson or psons whatsoever and all other things & goods whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my Executors here after named And according to a Deed of Bargain & Sale bearing Date the thirteenth day of this instant November And of this my Last Will & Testament I hereby Nominate ordein & appoint two sonnes Ralph Foden and William Foden my Executors
In Witnes
whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seal
the day & year first above written
Randle Foden
Signed Sealed delivered[?]
and published in prsense
Thos: Bayley
Jo: Barker
John Kinseal
8o Julij 1686
Radus Foden […] Exrm &c plate alteri resta
jurat fuit de bene &c
Coram […]
"England, Cheshire Probate Records, 1492-1940," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FGBV-BY3 : 7 Nov 2021), Randle Foden, 1686; citing Withington, Record Office, Chester.
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