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Will of Randle Shenton, clerk of Coppenhall, Cheshire 1621

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Shentons of Barwell

Randle Shenston, clerk of Coppenhall's will, writtten on 31 January 1620 passed probate in 1621 in Cheshire, England.[1]

Transcription conventions used in this text:

  • Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs, and assumed words, have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
  • Illegible words or parts of words are marked [...]
  • The image quality was mostly good though folded and damaged near base, and the handwriting illegible in parts.

Persons mentioned:

  • Randall Shentone Parson of Coppenhall
  • Robert Shenton brother
    • Randle Shentone Robert's son
      • Randle Shentone Randle's son
    • Margaret Shenton his wife
  • William Shenton cousin
    • Randall Shenton William's son
  • Mr Hodgkisse previous owner of land
  • Franncis Shentone cousin (son of Robert?)
    • John Shenton Francis' son
  • Randle Smyth of Crewe, cousin
    • James Smyth his brother
  • Sarah Richardsonne god daughter (née Shenton, Robert's daughter)
  • Ellene Smith cousin
  • Randle Janndwell? cousin
    • Randle Janndwell? his son
  • Margreat Steele widow
    • Roberte Steele her son
  • Aleis Shentone widow
  • Olliver Shenton
  • Mr Bostock vicar of Acton
    • Elizabeth Bostocke his daughter
  • Thomas Shenton cousin
    • Randle Shenton his son
  • William Shenton of Wale Greene? deceased
    • Margaret and Anne Shenton his daughters
  • Mr Mallorie Deane of Chester
  • Mr Conway
  • Randle Woodde cousin
  • Josephe the reputed sonne of Henrie Malbone gent
  • Ellin Bedware, Iden Shipplebothome, Roger Tamlesone servants
  • Mr Charles Shalcrosse?
    • Margaret his sister
  • Anthony Holcrofte
  • Anne Steele
    • Sister Shawe (fellow servant)
  • Mr Beadwall
  • widdowe Shawe
  • William Shawe
  • John Birrington
  • Anne Cartwright
  • Roberte Woodd cousin
  • Frauncis Bedward
    • Margaret Bedwarde his wife
  • Ottiwell Berrington
    • Ottiwell Berrington his son
  • John Shawe cousin
    • Humfrey Shawe John's son
  • Mr Ecclessall
  • Humfrey Carter
  • Josuah Richardson (husband of Sarah)
    • Marie Richardson his daughter
  • Witnesses: Robert Steele, Josephe Malbon

Will of his brother Robert Shenton, gent of Alkington, Shropshire 1631

[In the name of God Amen] The xxxjth Daie of January in the yeare of our Lord God accordinge to the Computac[i]on of the Church of England one
[thousand] six hundred and twentie I Randall Shentone Clerke Parsonne of Coppinhall in the Countie of Chester beinge sicke in bodie but of good and p[er]fecte
Memorie (I give God thankes for yt) do ordayne Constitute and make this my last will and Testament in Manner and forme followeinge. First I bequeathe
and Comende my soule to Allmightie God my Creator and Maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer and saviour by whose death and passion I trust to
have p[ar]don and full remission of all my sinnes Secondly my bodie to the earth to be seemely buried in the Chancell of the p[ar]ishe Church of Coppinhall
afforesaid, and to be honestly brought home of the discretion of myne exeuctors. And thirdly Concerninge my temporall good[es] to the worlde my will
is them to be distributed as hereafter followeth. Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my loveinge brother Robert Shenton yoman six pounds [abch?] xs
and l[s] Rent and iij£ use Money, w[hi]ch hee oweth mee and to Margaret Shenton his wiefe x[s] Item I doe assigne and by this my last will give and bequeath
unto my Cosen William Shenton and his heires for Ever that p[ar]cell of lande w[hi]ch I bought of Mr Hodgkisse lyeinge and beinge in Wicksall in the County
of Saloppe Comonly called and knowne by the name of Wyndymill feilde. Provyded allwayes and one this Condic[i]onn that he shall paye, first unto
My Godsonne Randle Shentone sonne of Randle Shentone my saide brothers sonne the som[m]e of xx £. And secondly to John Shenton my Godsonne
sonne of my Cosen Franncis Shentone v£ Thirdly to Randle Smyth of Crewe my Cosen and Godsonne ls. and to his brother James and his
sisters unmaried everie one of them ls. a peece And lastly to Sarah Richardsonne my goddoughter v£. It[e]m I give unto the said William Shentons
wyfe xx s. and to the rest of his Children xs a peece/. It[e]m I give unto my Cosen Frannces Shentone my brothers sonne xx s. and to his wyefe xx s and to everie
one of his Children (excepte my godsonne John above named) vs a peece. It[e]m I give unto my Cosen Randle Shentone my brothers sonne xxs and to his wyefe xxs and
to everie one of his children (excepte Randle) vs a peece. It[e]m I give unto my Cosen Ellene Smith widdowe six poundes thirteene shillinges, foure pence
and I give unto my Cosen Randle [Janndwell] thelder vs. and to his wiefe vs. and to his sonne Randle my godsonne xs. It[e]m I give unto Margreat Steele widowe
vs. It[e]m I forgive unto Roberte Steele her sonne xls w[hi]ch he oweth and I give unto his wyfe vs. and to his Children vs a peece. It[e]m I give unto him my [C...e] with the
furniture belongeinge unto yt, It[e]m I gives unto Aleis Shentone widowe xxs It[e]m I give unto Olliver Shenton iiij£. It[e]m I give to Mr Bostock vicar of Acton and his wiefe eyther of
of them xs and to his daughter Elizabeth Bostocke my god daughter xxs. and to the rest of his Children everie one of them vs. It[e]m I bequeath unto Thomas Shenton my Cosen xs, and to
his wiefe xs. and to his sonne Randle my godsonne xxs and to the rest of his Childron everie one vs apeece, It[e]m I guve unto Margaret and Anne Shentone doughters of William
Shenton of [M/W]ale greene Deceased either of them iijs iiijd and to Elline my goddoughter vjs viijd./ It[e]m I give unto the right wor[shipfu]ll Mr Mallorie Deane of Chester and his
wiefe for a remembrance of my love unto them either of them xs It[e]m I bequeath unto Mr Conway xls and for a funerall sermon xs. It[e]m I forgive to my Cosen Randle
Woodde that iiij£ and odd Money w[hi]ch he oweth mee It[e]m I give unto to Josephe the reputed sonne of Henrie Malbone gent for the use of his Money and Cattle w[hi]ch I have
had x£ It[e]m I bequeath unto Ellin Bedware my servant xls and one featherbed with a peare of sheete, one Coverlett 6 blankett, boulster and a pillowe Provided that two, twoe
of my best bed[es] shalbe first furnished. It[e]m I give unto Iden Shipplebothome my servant xxxs and a quarters Wages if I die before a quarters ende. It[e]m I give unto Roger
Tamlesone my servant xxs It[em I] bequeath unto Mr Charles [Shalcrosse] of [Wannencham] gent as a remenbrance of my love vjs viijd and to his wiefe vjs viijd and to his sister
Margaret vjs viijd. It[e]m I give towarde the making of a Clocke at the Church of Coppinhall if the p[ar]ishoners wilbe at the rest of the Charges xls It[e]m I give unto Anthony Holcrofte
[...x]s/. It[e]m I give to Anne Steele vs, and to Sister Shawe her fellowe servant vs. It[e]m I give unto Mr Beadwall vs. It[e]m I to widdowe Shawe all the debt[es] w[hi]ch
she oweth mee, It[e]m I forgive William Shawe xxs w[hi]ch he oweth mee, It[e]m I forgive John Birrington xxs of that w[hi]ch he oweth mee, It[e]m I give unto blynde Anne
Cartwright vjs viijd It[e]m I give unto the poore people of Coppenhall x£. to continue forever and the profitt of yt to be disributed to the said poore at the feaste of
of the Nativitie of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ usually Called [Christ]mas Daye and the Nativie of St John Baptist usually called Midsomer Daie yearely for
ever by the p[a]rson and Churchwardens of Coppinhall aforesaid for theire time being, And fortie shillinges to be p[re]sently divyded amongst the said poore, It[e]m I give unto
the poore people of [Avistaston] (Randull Shenton Minister 1620) xxs to be distributed by my executors. It[e]m give unto my godchildren everie one of them as many of
them as weare borne in Cheshire xijd a peere if they be liveing at my death, It[e]m I give towarde the flagginge or paveing of the highewaye in Coppinhall leading from the Crosse
[...weene] to the forde next to the Churche and so towards the Namptw[i]ch xs It[e]m I give to my Cosen Roberte Woodd vjs viijd to the foresaid Josephe two peeces of cloth
beinge Medley and also being tenn yardes, It[e]m I give unto Margaret Bedwarde wiefe of Frauncis Bedward iijs iiijs. It[e]m I give unto Ottiwell Berrington sonne of
Ottiwell Berrington of [Warnincham] iijs iiijd. It[e]m I give unto the foresaid Mr Conwaye one little deske, It[e]m I give unto my foresaid ^Cosen William Shenton a peare of
gould weighte. It[e]m I give unto Randall Shenton sonne of my said Cosen William Shenton one silver spoone. It[e]m I give unto Randull Shenton sonne of Randle Shenton
one silver spoone, It[e]m I give unto Randle Shenton sonne of Thomas Shenton one silver spoone. It[e]m I give unto Sarah Richardson one silver spoone. It[e]m I give unto
Randle Smith one silver spoone, It[e]m I give unto John Shenton sonne of Fran[cis] Shenton one silver spoone. It[e]m I give unto Randle Janndrell my godsonne vjs viijd
to buy him a silver spoone. It[e]m I give unto my Cosen John Shawe a little scottishe dagger and to his [...] my best [,,,]. It[e]m I give to Mr Ecclessall and his wiefe
[...] vs. It[e]m I give unto Humfrey Carter iijs iiijd. It[e]m I give unto Marie Richardson doughter to Josuah Richardson xxs. It[e]m I give Humfrey Shawe sonne of John
Shawe vjs viijd to be imployed one [Illegible] the descrec[i]on of my executors [Illegible] William Shawe [Illegible line]
[Illegible] William Shenton and Randle Shenton my brother sonnes myne executors to execute fullfill and accomplishe [...]
[...] and testament as my trust is in them. And I desire my loveing brother Robert Shenton and my loveing Cousen Thomas Shenton to be overseers thereof, to
this my last will executed according to Confidence and trust I repose in them, And I doe utterly revoake frustrate and make voyd all former wills guift[es] bequeathes
exectors and overseers by me heretofore had made willed given or bequeathed and my will and desire is that this onely shall stand Continue and remayne in force
[...] and vertue, and non othere or otherwyse, In wittnesse whereof hereunto I the said Randull Shenton have sett my hand and seale published and
Delivered for my last will in the Daie and yeares first above written, Randall Shenton Minister 1620 /.
Memorand[um] that the Testator above named after his makinge and publissinge of this his last will
and Testament did give unto his said Executors Six Monethes time for the payemente of the
said Legaries within Mensioned which by way of Codicell he the said Testitor desired the
same might hereunto besett downe and remembered wittnesse hereof
Robert Steele Josephe Malbon/


  1. Probate: "Cheshire Wills And Probate"
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 10 January 2024)
    Randle Shenton probate in 1621 in Cheshire, England. Residence Coppenhall, Cheshire, England.

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