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Will of Reuben Gilman 1790

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Surnames/tags: Gilman Payne Case
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This is a transcription of the register version of the Will of Reuben Gilman of Hardingham Reuben Gilman (1743-1789) found at the Norfolk Record Office: Will of Reuben Gilman 1789, proven 1790: https://nrocatalogue.norfolk.gov.uk/index.php/gilman-reuben-of-hardingham

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the register copy.

Persons mentioned in the below Will

  • Elizabeth Gilman, sister Gilman-1677
  • Samuel Gilman, brother Gilman-486
  • Hester Gilman (Payne), sister Gilman-1678
  • Thomas Grigson Payne, brother in law Payne-13350
  • Lydia Case (Gilman) wife of Samuel Case-908
  • Mary Roberts, servant
  • Elizabeth Hirst, witness
  • Thomas Howlett, witness
  • Henry Mitchell, witness

In the name of God Amen. I
Reuben Gilman of Hardingham in the County of Norfolk
gentleman (revoking all former Wills by me made Do make
this my last Will and Testament in manner following) that is to
say First I give and devise unto Elizabeth Gilman my sister
for and during the term of her natural life (she keeping the same
in good and tenantable repair) All that messuage or tenement with
the Houses Yards and Gardens thereunto belonging situate lying and
being in Hingham in the said County and now are in the use and
Occupation of the said Elizabeth my sister with the Appurtenances
Also I give and devise unto Mary Roberts of Hingham
aforesaid (she having been a faithful old servant in the
family) for and during the term of her natural life (she
keeping the same in good and tenantable repair) All that
tenement with the outhouses yards and gardens thereunto
belonging situate in Hingham aforesaid and now in her own
use and Occupation And from and immediately after the Decease
of the said Elizabeth Gilman my sister Also from and immediately
after the Decease of the said Mary Roberts I give and devise
the said Messuages Lands and Tenements with their Appurtenances
I herein before by me given to the said Elizabeth my sister and the
said Mary Roberts for their lives, unto Samuel Gilman my
brother and his Heirs upon trust to be sold by the said
Samuel Gilman my brother or his Heirs as soon as conveniently
may be after the Decease of the said Elizabeth my sister and
Mary Roberts for the best price or prices that can be got for the
same And the money arising by such sale as aforesaid
I give and bequeath unto all my children as well sons as daughters
to be equally divided between them share and share alike and to
be paid then by my Executor herein after named as they shall
severally attain their severall and respective ages of twenty one
years But my Will and Mind is and I devise the said Samuel
Gilman my brother will place the same out at Interest upon
the best securities he can and the interest thereof apply
towards the Education and maintenance of all my Children as
he shall think proper during the minority of my said Children
Also I give and devise unto the said Samuel Gilman my Brother
and his heirs All and every my Messuages Lands Tenements
Hereditaments and premises as be or are Freehod Leasehold or
Charterhold (not herein before disposed of) situate lying and being
in Hingham aforesaid and Wymondham in the said County or
Towns adjoining Upon Trust to be sold by the said Samuel Gilman
my brother or his heirs as soon as conveniently may be after my
decease for the best price or prices that can be got for the same
Also I give and devise all and every my copyhold messuages
lands and tenements situate lying and in Hingham and Wymondham
aforesaid or towns adjoining to be sold by the said Samuel Gilman
my brother or his heirs as soon as conveniently may be after my
decease for the best price or prices that can be got for the same.
And the money arising by such sales as aforesaid together with the
money arising by the sale of my personal estate I dispose thereof as
follows First it is my Will and Mind and I desire the said Samuel
Gilman my brother my Executor herein after named to pay and
discharge all my just debts that I shall owe at the time of
my decease Also all the legacies herein after by me given
The residue and remainder of the money arising by Sale of the
last devised estates to be sold Freehold and Copyhold
together with the money arising by sale of my said personal
Estate (after payment of my Debts Legacies and all Expenses
my Executor herein after named shall be put to in discharging
the tenets hereby reposed in him) I give and bequeath unto all
my children as well sons as daughters to be equally divided
between them share and share alike and to be paid them by my
Executor herein after named as they shall severally attain their
severall and respective ages or twenty five years But my will and
mind further is and I devise the said Samuel Gilman my brother
my said Executor herein after named will place the same out at
interest upon the best securities he can and the interest thereof
apply towards the Education and Maintenance of all my children
at his own discretion untill they shall severally attain their
severall ages of twenty five years Also I give and bequeath
unto the said Samuel Gilman my brother and Lydia his wife
to Thomas Grigson Payne my brother in law and Hester his wife
and to the said Elizabeth Gilman my sister each a mourning ring
of the value of three guineas each Also I give and bequeath
unto the Poor of the parish of Hingham aforesaid the sum of
three pounds to the poor of the parish of Hardingham aforesaid
forty shillings to be distributed in each parish at the discretion of
my Executor herein after named Lastly I do hereby make
nominate appoint the said Samuel Gilman my brother sole Executor
of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have
to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of
paper to the first of which I have set my hand and to the last
my hand and seal the second day of November one thousand
seven hundred and eighty nine.
Reuben Gilman Signed, sealed published and delivered in the presence of
as by the Testator Reuben Gilman as and for his last Will and
Testament who in his presence and at his request have
subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto. Elizabeth
Hirst, Thomas Howlett, Henry Mitchell.

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