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Will of Rev. John Field (Feild) 1587

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: St Giles Cripplegate, London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Field Will
Profile manager: Jo Fitz-Henry private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 329 times.

This is a transcription of the will of John Field / Feild the Puritan preacher and resident of the parish of St Giles Cripplegate, London, England. [1]

The will was written and declared on 16 February 1587/8.
John died in March and was buried on 26 March 1588 at St Giles Cripplegate, London.
He named his wife Joane as sole benefactor.
He mentioned that they had children (the exact number not mentioned).

The will was proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 1 June 1588 by Joane "relict of the defunctus"

A margin note in abbreviated Latin dated 9 January 1600/1 relates that Theophilus Field (Feild) natural and legitimate son of the deceased appeared before the court. Joane had died and Theophilus was granted administration of his father's estate.

The spelling is as per the original text, except for F being substituted for ff.
Abbreviations are expanded in [square brackets].
Line breaks and Bold text are my own for ease of reading.

In the name of God amen

The sixtenth Daye of February Anno D[o]m[ini] A thousand five hundreth Eighty seven I John Feilde of the Cittye of London Preacher and Minister of the worde of god in whose mercye and gracious goodness by and throughe th[e]onely meanes and meritts of my Lorde and Sayvour Christ Jesus as all my hope comfort and assurannce and in the ioye thereof I willingly Leave this worlde and all the vanityes thereof and gladly committ and commend my Selfe and familye with the wholle churche of god to his greater providence and gratious mercye etce

And for those worldly things all and whatsoever belonging unto me I give bequeathe and Leave all the same unto Joane my Loving wyfe whome I make my sole and onely excutrice of this my Last will and testament assuring my selfe of her upright and motherly care of my children and hers and christian disposition to Deale towards all my creditors and Lykewise to seeke to gett my Debts in towards the Discharge thereof as shall l--e her to doe

And so I have caused this to be written the Daye and yeare above said and pronounced and Declared the Same to be mine onely Last will and testament in presence of those witnesses whose names are subscribed and of Divers others whiche then weare also present with me

F Edgeton [or Edyrton]
Stephen Burdwell [or Bredwell]
Andrew Palmer
W Charke

Probatum fuit Testamentium suprasciptum apud London coram Primua die mensa Junij Anno Domi]no Millino Quingentesimo Octatus Juramenta Johanis_ Lowe notarij publici procu-sis Joanne Relicte Dicti Defuncti executrice in h--- testamento nominat Eui propriss fuit adminstrato etis De bene et fideta

Margin note ix me Januarij 1600 (underlined) emanduit ---
Theophilo ffeild filio naturati et L[egi]timo
Joh[an]is ffeild def: Ad adm[ini]strand
tona --- et --dita dict def Joana
ffeild rel[i]c[tr]am et ex[cut]cem testi suprascript
dict dest i---ctiam def non plene
admi"'istrat De bene etc in debita
iuris forina inrat


  1. Will of John Field/Feild in: Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Related Probate Jurisdictions: Will Registers; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 72: Rutland (1588) The National Archives; Kew, Ancestry.co.uk England Accessed 5 December 2019 Free Ancestry image

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