
Will of Rev George Fitzpen alias Phippen, 1652

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Will of George Fitzpen alias Phippen PROB 11/221/16 Prob 1st March 1652 [image, ancestry.co.uk subscription required]

In thy name and with thy guidance my most gratious God this twentieth day of Julei Anno D’ini 1650. I George Fitzpen als Phippen of sound minde and otherwise enriched by thy bounty (praised be thy name) doe make this my last will and testament as followeth
First I comit my soule and body into thy gratious hands both saved by the alone merritts of my Sweete Jesus being fully assured that for me to live in Christ and to dye is to gainie Phill[ippians?] [?} v 21
(next whereas John Catcher pretending against me an Oxford decree (voyd in it selfe) during the time of my imprisonment for myne adhering to the parliament plundered me in corne and goods of all kinds according to a schedule hereunto annexed of the value of 210 L 10s 00d for recovering whereof against him and other his agents I leave it to mine executrix hereafter named.
Item to his sisters which had not port[i]ons viz: to Mr William White for his deceased wife Constance, To Margaret Ellianor Jane Mary and Honour I give and bequeath freely all those my lands in Peransands by me deerely paid for which were their Fathers; to have and to hold to them and their heires for ever. And all this I doe for them (God be my witness, not out of any [checke?] of conscience that I ever wronged that family for I did supply and support them for many yeares with myne owne estate, so as they have spoken against me without a cause for my love they are my adversarie but I give myself unto prayer the good god give them repentance and forgive them, only this in obedience to my god saying be not overcome of evill but overcome evill with good Ro[mans]12 v last.
Item whereas I have charged my accompt [insertion ; in] chancery amongst my disbursments with 50 [l?](£50) lent unto Mrs Magarett Catcher widow for which I have her bond my will is that shee upon the said bond be not charged by mine executrix.
Item I doe forgive unto Henry [Pye?] of Stephepent(?) gent all the money which he oweth me by bond and accompt being about 100 L.(£100)
I doe forgive unto Mr Henry Edmonds and Thomas Drake all the rest in law for a [suite?]beginn in the consistary of Exon and finished with sentence for me in the Arches.
item I doe forgive unto the executor or administrator of one Hercules Ash the money which he owes me the severall bonds to be null
Item to Mrs Mary Woolcott I give fower yewes and a lamb to each yew.
Item to every of my servants at my death I give a yew and lamb Also to Robert Worth and to John Davie or Darby the taylor I give a yew and lambe.
Item towards a stocke for the poore of Lamoran I give fower ewes and fower lambs And unto the said poore in mony at my death or within a few dayes after twenty shillings.
Item to Joane Phippen widow I give all the remainder of my ewes and lambs excepting such as may be killed at my funerall Also I give unto her two piggs of at least halfe a yeare old and soe with other goods as may be worth forty shillings.
Item whereas there are two [ex]ecutions against Mr Henry Edmonds aforenamed for thirty three pounds whereof is assigned by me unto Ellinor Phippen now Ellinor George, in whose name the [ex]ecutions are And now the rest I give also unto Francis George, her husband.
Item unto my honoured friend Hugh Boscawen Esq I give my cabinett [purse?] And unto his honourable Lady my Horke And I humbly pray his assistance unto my wife his neere kinswoman and to my heires And for the good will of him that dwelt in the [bush? ] lett the blessings come on head of him and all his.
Item I give and bequeath unto Ann Grosse the daughter of my brother in law Edward Grosse of Thurow (Truro) all that rest old walls and plott of ground in [Kernow?] weststreet sometime in the tenure of John Rankin and John Dainell and all my right and estate therein to have and to hold the same unto the said Ann Grosse and her heires for ever.
Item to my kinsman and and brothers sonne Roger Phippen of Pennycomquicke) I give that silver bowle which was Mr [_ proths] if it be not redeemed with fifty shillings before my death.
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Roger Phippen my lands in Enoder called the greater Trewoone? Now in the tenure of Mary Thomas and all my right and estate therein to have and to hold the same unto the said Roger and his heires forever Also I give unto him two [__] kine and also soe much goods and necessaries as may be thought worth five pounds.
Item to my brother David Phippen in New England I doe give and bequeath unto his eldest sonne the lesser Trewoone, unto his second sonne that Trevessa whereon the said Nicholas [Clem__] liveth, And unto his third sonne the other Trevessa called Pethewickes because it was sometime in the tenure of one William Pethewicke, to have and to hold the said tenements severally to them and to their severall heires fore ever And if either of these three brothers dye without issue my will is that that tenement shall descend unto the fourth sonne And soe if another dye without issue to the next sonne And to his daughter or daughters I give twenty pounds Also to the eldest of these brothers I give my signet ring and to the second the silver seale which lauyeth at my purse
Item To my sister Cecily Reynolds I give my two biggest silver spoons And I give my ring with deathshead unto her husband.
Item I give and bequeath unto Edmond Braine tenn pounds and to each of his brothers six pence And to his sister six pence.
Item to my kinsman Thomas Phippen of [Clemence ?] I give and bequeath all my right in a leise in Kenwyne which I hold of Mr Pearte Edgcombe and which William Priske holdeth of me from yeare to yeare
Item I doe give unto him the remainder of the estate in Bridgend house in the said parish of [ Clemence ] after the decease of Ellinor George and of my wife if any remainder shalbe And I also give unto him the furnace there at the expiration of the said estate.
Item my prayer is that God would provide some able and faithfull minister to succeed me in Lamoran and my will is that all the bedsteads tables [ ] dressers and [ ] be left unmoved in the parsonage howse excepting that furniture in the master chamber and the table in the parlour and the greene bedstead all which I give to my wife.
Item I have given and before my death have delivered unto Mary my wife a parcell of gold in these times worth neere two hundred pounds to be disposed by her as her owne if I do not take some convenient howse and tenement for her. Also I give unto her dureing her life if she survive the aforenamed Elinor George the house with th’appurtannces called Bridgend Howse wherein the said Elinor liveth, if the lives on the lease named soe long shall live , shee performing the condition in the said lease contayned.
Item all the rest of my [ ] and chattels of what kinde soever within dores and without, quicke and dead I give and bequeath unto Mary my wife And I doe make and ordaine her to be my executrix of this my last will and testament And I doehereby revoke and dismiss all former wills by me made.
Item I doe desire Hugh Boscawen Esq aforenamed, John Penros Esq and Edward Grosse gent to be overseers of this my will and testament that all things in the same may be duly performed and according to myne intention to which purpose I give unto them and the survivor or survivors of them full power and authority to assist myne executrix in all that possibly they may doe And to each of them for their paines I requireth fourty shillings to be putt into a ring as a finale expression of my greate thankefullness. In witness whereof I have written this my last will with my owne hand and have declared it to be wittnessed hereunto subscribed the day and yeare first above written.
Memorandum I have dealt bountifully by my wife in lieu of thirty pound per Ann’ iointure which in marriage I promised to [to be (crossed out) unto her and truly her vertuous and respectfull deportment towards me deserves well at my hands: Also seeing my estate to be more than at first thought I give and bequeath unto the poor of Weymouth in Dorsett five pounds And to the poore of Melcombe there tenn pounds. To the poore of Cambourne three pounds And to the poore of Enoder fourty shillings Also I doe pray my brother John Penros to distribute of my money twenty ponds more unto the poore of twenty parishes where hee shall thinke fitt recomending twenty shillings to each parish to be by the Minister or otherwise disposed And as a testimony of my love I give to every of his childten twenty shillinges a peece
Geo: Phippen
Witnesses to this will are Hugh Boscawen John Penros Thomas Harvey
This will was proved at London the first day of March in the yeare of our Lord God according to the English Stile one thousand six hundred fifty one before Sir Nathaniell Brent Knight Doctor of lawe Master or Keeper of the perogative court by the oath of Mary Phippen the relict of the said deceased and executrix named in the said will to whom was committed administration of all and singular the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased she being first sworne well truly to administer the same

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