Location: Wokingham
Surname/tag: Binfield
Location: Wokingham

Surname/tag: Binfield
This page has been accessed 66 times.
- Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre P5/1769/2
- Will of Richard Binfield, Wokingham,Berkshire, 1769
transcribed by Helen M Ford
- In the name of God Amen I Richard Binfield of the parish of Wokingham in the County of Berks Yeoman considering the uncertainty of this life Do make and Declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following | That is to say| It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expences be fully paid and satisfied to the payment of which I hereby subject all my Estates both real and pesonal and after payment of which I give and dispose of all myEstates as follows
- First I give my Dear and loving wife Jane Binfield my best chest of drawers one sqare table four pewter dishes and twelve pewter plates that came from the late John Pearmans And which bed bedstead and furniture she shall choose(except that which is hereinafter given to my Nephew Richard Binfield)
- Item I give unto Richard Binfield son of my brother John Binfield my best bedstead and furniture that came from my sister Martha Binfields and ten pounds of his which I have in my hands and all other monies that shall appear in my accounts due to him
- Item I give and bequeath all that my freehold messuag or tenement and piece of land adjoining in the parish of Wokingham and County of Berks aforesaid where I now live unto my nephew Augustine Binfield for the term of his natural life and after his decease to his heirs for ever but subject to the payment of twenty pounds to Benjamin Binfield his brother within twelve months after my decease.
- Item I give and bequeath all my two freehold messuages tenements in Hones Green in the parish Wokingham and Count of Berks called Little Hones unto my nephew Joseph Binfield during the term of his natural life and then to his heirs for ever but for want of heirs of the said Joseph Binfield to go to the above named Augustine Binfield and his heirs for ever but subject to the payment of twenty pounds twelve months after my decease or any later time to William Binfield (if he be living and come to receive the same) brother to the said Joseph Augustine and Benjamin which are all sons of my brother Benjamin Binfield deceased
- Item give and bequeath unto the said Augustine and Joseph Binfield all other my estates consisting of freehold houses lands and premises in the said parish of Wokingham and County of Berks Monies Goods Stock Debts Securities for Money and all other any Effects of all Natures and Kinds whatsoever and wheresoever In Trust to sell and dispose of the same and make the most they can thereof within one year after my decease which Monies from thence arising I give and Devise as follows (that is to say) One half part therof equally alike to Nicholas Binfield John Binfield and Ann Chapman (late Ann Binfield) all of Folkstone in the County of Kent, children of my brother Nicholas Binfield deceased And the remaining half part unto the said Nicholas son of my brother John Binfield And I do hereby appoint my said nephews Augustine Binfield and Joseph Binfield And my Good Friends John Bunce Grocer and Clement Crutwell Butcher both of the Town of Wokingham joint Executors and overseers of this my will In consideration of their Trouble I give the said John Bunce and Clement Crutwell One Guinea each declaring this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof the said Testator hath hereunto sett his Hand and Seal this Twentieth Day of January in the Ninth year of King George the third And in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty nine [signed Richard Binfield]
- Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us whom in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto [signed] Edward Bunce Mary Martin D Staverton
- Proved 6th July 1769 at Sunning(Sonning) administration granted to the four executors as above
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