Location: London, England

Surnames/tags: Boddicott Wills
Will of Richard Boddicott
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Richard Boddicott of London, England. It was written on 2 November 1756 and proved at London on 17 November 1756. [1]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
Persons mentioned
- Richard Boddicott of London Merchant, Testator
- Sarah Boddicott, Wife
- Mary Boddicott, Mother
- Edmund Boddicott, Uncle, Executor
- Mrs Sarah Tyssen, Mother-in-Law
- her Children Anna Maria, William and Samuel Tyssen
- Andrew Moffatt, Friend, Executor
- Mr Fisher, Apothecary
- Friends and Acquaintances as I shall direct by a Paper or List of my own hand writing
- Livery and Maid Servants who shall be living with me at the time of my death
- Sarah Boddicott, Daughter
- such other Child or Children as I shall leave at my death or shall be born afterwards
- Elizabeth Wilder
- Thomas Smith
- Mary Smith
- Frances Smith
- Martha Palmer
- Elizabeth Rondeau, Wife of Thomas Rondeau
- Ann Rondeau, Wife of James Rondeau
- person
- Winesses: Mary Boddicott, Henry Gravenor, Jn?o Alexander
[Page one]
Richard Boddicott
This is the last Will and Testament
of me Richard Boddicott of London Merchant
I give unto
Sarah my Wife the sum of two hundred pounds together with all
her Jewells Watches Rings and other ornaments of her person
and also all my Plate Pictures China Linnen household Goods
and Furniture whatsoever and all Liquors and other Provisions
for my Family at my House in Savage Gardens or elsewhere
I give unto my Mother Mary Boddicott twenty pounds for
i give unto my uncle Edmund Boddicott five
hundred pounds
I give unto my Mother in Law M.rs Sarah
Tyssen and unto her Children Anna Maria, William and Samuel
Tyssen and unto each of them twenty pounds apeice
I give
unto my Friend Andrew Moffatt one hundred pounds and unto
Mr Fisher my Apothecary twenty one pounds
I give Rings
to such of my Friends and Acquaintance as I shall direct by a
Paper or List of my own hand writing
I give unto all my
Livery and Maid Servants who shall be living with me at the
time of my death one years wages more than shall be then due to
And as to the rest and residue of my personal Estate
whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath the same
unto my said Wife and unto the said Edmund Boddicott and
Andrew Moffatt and the Survivors and Survivor of them upon
the Trusts herein after mentioend (that is to say) Upon Trust
to lay out the same at Interest in some of the public or
Government Funds or Securities or upon Lands by way of
Mortgage and to apply such part of the Interest thereof as
with the net Rents and Profits of the Lands and Hereditaments
which were devised to me by the last will and Testament of my
late Father (chargeable as theirein mentioned) as will make
up and pay unto my said Mother Mary Boddicott one clear
Annuity of one hundred Pounds during her Life half yearly
by equal portions
and also upon Trust to pay so much of the
further Interest thereof unto my said Wife as will make up
one clear Annuity of three hundred Pounds payable to her by
[Page two]
equal half yearly Payments during the joint Lives of herself and
my said Mother
And also upon Trust to pay the rest and
residue of such Interest (if any) unto my said Wife for the support
maintenance and education of my Daughter Sarah and of such
other Child or Children as I shall leave at my death or shall be
born afterwards
Provided always and it is my Will that in case
of the death of my Mother in the Lifetime of my said Wife She
my said Wife shall during her life be intitled unto the said
Annuity of one hundred Pounds so given to my said Mother
as aforesaid in order to encrease and make up her Annuity four
hundred Pounds for her life and from and after the decease of
my said Mother and Wife
Then upon Trust to divide the
Principal money so to be placed on such Security as aforesaid
amongst my Children equally share and share alike and to be
paid to such of them as shall be a Son or Sons at the age of
twenty and one years and to such of them as shall be a Daughter or
Daughters at the same age or days of Marriage (which shall
first happen)
And in case of the death of any one or more such
Children in the mean time Then as to the part or share of any
Child or Children so dying upon Trust for the Survivors and
Survivor of them payable at the same times as their original
Portions are herein before directed to be paid
But in case I
shall have no Child or Children living at the time of my death
Or all of them shall die before their respective Portions become
payable Then and in such case I give such residue of my
personal Estate in manner following (that is to say)
I give
unto my Wife one thousand Pounds and the rest of such residue
I give unto my Executors Upon trust to place out or continue
the same at interest in some of the Public or Government
Funds or Securities or upon Lands by way of Mortgage and to
pay such Interest to my Wife for her life
And after her decease
Then Upon Trust to sell and dispose of such Securities and to
pay the money arising thereby in manner following (that is to
say) Unto the said William Tyssen one thousand Pounds
unto Elizabeth Wilder Thomas Smith Mary Smith Frances
Smith and Martha Palmer and unto each of them one hundred
Pounds apiece
Unto Eliz.th the Wife of Thomas Rondeau and
unto Ann the Wife of James Rondea one hundred Pounds
And the rest that shall remain after the Payments
aforesaid Upon Trust to divide the same unto and between
them the said Edmund Boddicott and Andrew Moffatt equally
share and share alike.
And whereas upon the settlement
made upon my Marriage the several Lands and Hereditaments
therein mentioned are conveyed and limitted to me and my
Heirs upon the determination of the several Uses and Estates
thereby created and limitted I do hereby give and devise the
aforesaid Premises and all my Estate and Interest therein unto
and to the use of my said Uncle Edmund Boddicott his Heirs
and Assigns for ever And as to the other Lands and
Hereditaments so devised to me as aforesaid I give and devise
the same (charged and chargeable as aforesaid) unto all and
every my Child and Children and his her and their Heirs for
[Page three]
such estates as the other Lands and Hereditaments mentioned
in my Settlement are limitted and conveyed and after the
determination thereof I give and devise the same unto and
to the use of the said Edmund Boddicott his Heirs and Assigns
for ever.
I give the Guardianship of my said Children during
their Minority to my said Wife and Uncle and the said Andrew
Moffatt and make my said uncle Edmund Boddicott and
Andrew Moffatt Executors of this my last Will. In Witness
whereof I the said Richard Boddicott have hereunto set my
hand and seal this second day of November in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty six /—/ R.d Boddicott
/—/ Signed sealed published and declared by the said Richard
Boddicott the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament
in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence
and in the presence of each other do attest the same as
Witnesses thereto /—/ Mary Boddicott /—/ Henry Gravenor /—/
Jn?o Alexander mn.
This Will was proved at London the seventeenth
day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and fifty six before the Worshipfull John Bettesworth
Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir George
Lee Knight also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or
Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully
constituted by the Oaths of Edmund Boddicott and Andrew
Moffatt the Executors named in the said will to whom
administration was granted of all and singular the Goods
Chattels and Credits of the deceased having been first sworn
duly to administer. Exd
Research Notes
- ↑ Will of Richard Boddicott, Merchant of London
- Reference: PROB 11/825/435
- Description: Will of Richard Boddicott, Merchant of London
- Date: 17 November 1756
- Held by: The National Archives, Kew
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