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Will of Richard Carter, glover, of Watford 1587

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Date: 1587 [unknown]
Location: Watford, Hertfordshire, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Carter Hunt
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 46 times.

This is a trancription of the will of Richard Carter, glover of Watford[1] Written on the 3 November 1587.

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Richard Carter testator
  • William Carter son of testator
  • Samuell Carter son of testator[2]
  • Robert Carter son of testator
  • Margaret Carter wife of testator, executrix
  • Luce daughter of testator
  • John and Judith Hunt relationship if any not stated
  • John Carter brother of testator.Joint supervisor of will
  • Thomas Carter brother of testator. Joint supervisor of will
  • Anthony Watson witness to will
  • Thomas Lyon witness to will
  • George Hills witness to will

[folio 122 recto] In the name of God Amen The iijd daye of November A[nno] 1587. I Richard Carter
of Watford beinge of p[er]fitt memory do make my last will and Testament in manor and
forme followinge. First I geve my Sowle into the hands of god who made it, and my body
to be buryed in the Churcheyarde of Watforde. Also I geve to Will[ia]m Carter my
freeholde house w[hi]ch I nowe dwell in, that is to saye all my houses and backsyds from the
pale Southwarde upon this condic[i]on that he paye to my sonne Samuell the som[m]e of xx?
when he shall come to the age of xxijtie yeares. Also I geve to Robert my sonne all my free houses

[folio 122 verso]

and backesyds to them from the pale aforesaid north wards, And I will that Robert my sonne
shall paye to Luce my daughter xl w[i]th in two yeares of my death. Also I will that
Will[ia]m my sonne shall have a free comenge into the yard of the said Robert to bringe in and
carry out things necessary duringe the naturall life of the said Will[ia]m, and to laye in
the warme and set in the Stable that he shall have nede of. Alwayes provyded that
Margaret my wyfe duringe her life naturall if she kepe her self unmarryed shall dwell in
the house as she doth at the daye of my death w[hi]ch whom? I wil my sonnes Will[ia]m and
Robert as obedient children to her comforte to dwell and after her decease to enioye as is
afore bequeathed.

Item I geve to Luce my daughter a standinge bed a Fetherbed a
mattresse, a blancket a coverlet a bolster a pillowe and a peyer of sheetes

Item I geve to
Richarde and Judith Hunt a bullocke betweene them seaven yeares after my death.

I will that my sonne Will[ia]m have half my stocke and wares, that is half woll leather
and Implementes, and that he shall paye half the debts belonging to the occupac[i]on. All
the Rest of my goods not bequeathed my funerall and debts discharged I geve to
Margaret my wife whom I make my sole Executrix. Also I make Sup[er]visers of this
my will John and Thomas Carter my brothers and geve to each for his paynes iijs iiijd
Sealed with my SEale in the presence of these underwritten the daye and yeare
abovesayd. The names of the witnesses are these underwritten Anthony Watson
Thomas Lyon George Hills marke


  1. Richard Carter glover of Watford 1587 7AR122 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSNL-4K36?i=128&cat=219460 Folio 122 recto Film 008076672 image 129
  2. Baptism: "Hertfordshire Baptisms"
    FindMyPast Image - FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 27 January 2023)
    Samuell Carter baptism on 21 Jul 1570, son of Ric, in Watford, St Mary, England.

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