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Will of Richard Corbin, yeoman of Harleston, Norfolk 1589

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Harleston, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Corbin Fuller Bonfellow
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This page has been accessed 53 times.

Transcription of the will of Richard Corbin, yeoman of Harleston[1][2]

Written on the 15 June 1588and proved in the Consitory Court of Norfolk on 21 April 1589.

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Richard Corbin of Harleston, in the Countei of Norff yeoman testator
  • Johane Corbin my wief
  • Thomas Corbin my sonne
  • Giles Corbin my sonne
  • william Corbin son of testator
  • John Corbin son of testator
  • william Heweyardes testator bought land from
  • Catheri[n] corbin the daughter of Richard Corbin my sonne deceased
  • Richard Corbin the sonne of the said Richard Corbin my sonne
  • John Burgies tenant of testator
  • Frances my daughter nowe the wife of Rob[er]t Fuller Butcher
  • the children of William Murrell, and Margeret his wief my daughter
  • Catherin Miller my daughter
  • Alyce Bownefellowe, Owen Bownfellowe, and Marye Bownfellowe, the Children of Thomas Bownfellowe no relationship stated but related in some way. Name is probably Bonfellow
  • Rob[er]t Barret tenant
  • Thomas Corbold of Harleston aforesayd Joynor
  • Edward Corbin and Roger Corbin the sonnes of John Corbin late of Sterston deceased
  • John Corbowlloe, Thomas Corboulde, John Coone, John Bury, et Roper

Wilde Scriptor and Rob[er]t Fuller butcher. witnesses to the will

Testamentu Richard Corbyn

In the name of god Amen the sixt daye
of June, in the yeare of our Lord god, a thousand five hundred
Lxxxviij° I Richard Corbin of Harleston, in the Countei of Norff
yeoman beinge of whole mynde and p[er]fect remembrance thanckes
be unto almightie god do make and declare this my present
Testament conteininge herein my last will in manner and
forme followinge; First I bequeth my soule unto allmightie
god our Lord Jhesus Christ, And my bodye to be buried in the
Church yard of that p[ar]ishe where it shall plese god to call mee.

Item I give unto Johane Corbin my wief, all my moveable goodes
Cattell Corne, Jewelles, and all other ymplementes of what kind
or nature soever they bee, uppon condicion that the saide Johane
my wife nor any other p[er]son or persons by her meanes, assent or
procurement, shall not at any tyme hereafter claime or demande
any interest, right or tytle of dower of and in any of my landes
Tenementes medowes, pastures and feedinges, Scituate lieng
being in Alburghe Denton Reddenhall Harleston, and Wortwell
other then suche landes and tenonementes as I have geven unto
the saide Johane my wief by this my last will and Testament
for terme of her naturall lief, And if the said Joane my wife shall
at any times hereafter claime any Interest, Right or Title of
dower of and in the saide landes Tenementes and other the premisses
Contrarey to the forme aforesaid, Then If will t[hat] my executors
shall have and take to ther uses all the saide moveable goods
cattle, Corne Jewells, and all other ymplementes aforesaide before.
geven to the saide Joane to thintent that they shall ther with
pay my debtes and discharge this my last will and Testament, And
the gift before made unto the said Joane to be clerely frustrate

[page 2]

voyde and of none effect.

Item If geve vnto the sayde Joane
my wife all th[at] my tenenement called or knowne by the name of
Lames, or by any other name whatsoever yf be called with
the yardes & hose yardes there to belonginge & app[erteininge Sett
leieng and being in Harleston aforesaid with a yerely rent of
vid of due to be payed uppto the said Rent, And one close w[i]th a
grove on the East side of the said Close called knowne by
the name of Hedgegate, lyenge & beinge in Alburgh or wortwell,
To have and to hold the said Tenement, Barnes, the said
Close and other the premisses unto the said Joane my wife
and her assignes during her naturall life for and in consyderac[i]on
of her dower in all my other landes. And after the decease of ye said
Johane my wife I will that the said Tenement Barnes yards &
Hortyardes with thappertenances shall wholly remayne unto Thomas
Corbin my sonne and to his heires for ever. And also I will t[ha]t
after the decease of the saide Joane my wife, the said Close called
Hedgegate with the grove aforesaid shall remayne, unto the said
Thomas my sonne and to the heires of his body lawfully begotten
And for defaulte of suche issue of his body lawfully begotten
then I will t[hat] the said Close called Hedgegat with the said
grove shall whollei remayne unto Giles Corbin my sonne
and to his heires for ever.

Item I will that every one of my
sonnes (viz) william Corbin, John Corbin, Giles Corbin & Thomas
Corbin shall yerely and every yeare duringe the naturall lyfe of
the saide Joane, my weife deliver or cause to be delivered
unto the saide Jone my wiefe or her assignes one carteloade
of woode at the mansion howse where the sayd Jone shall
then dwell in Harleston or wortwell with out any mony or
other recomponse takinge for the said fower loodes of wodde, or
els shall pay or cawse to be payed to the saide Johane yerelie &
every yere during her said naturall lief for and in consyderacion
for every Loode of the said woode. Five shillinges of good and

[page 3]

lawfull mony of England.

Item I doe give unto the saide
Thomas corbin my sonne all that my tenement w[i]th the
arppertenances called Hegeyardes w[i]th all the land medowes
pastures and fedinges therto belonging and all other my landes
and hereditamentes, w[hic]h If lately purceased of one william
Heweyardes, sett lienge and being, in Wortwell, And one
pightell called foxehales, comted iij acres be yt more or
lesse, and one pightell called Drymedowe, To have and
to holde the same Tenement Heweyard, and all other
landes medowes pastures and feedinges with ther appertinances
last recited unto the saide Thomas Corbin and his
heires for ever.

Item I do geve unto the said Thomas
my sonne one Close liengin Alburgh called the Church=
=Close, And one pightell lieing on the Southside of Alburgh
Churche, To have and to houlde the said close called Church
close, and the said pightell beinge on the Southside of
the saide Church unto the said Thomas my son and to
his heires for ever

Item I do geve unto the saide Johane
my weife one Amnuytei of xxxiijˢ iiijd of lawfull Englishe
mony to be issuing and going oute of the said Tenement
Heweyard and all those landes and ten[ement]es last recited &
to be payed unto her by the said Thomas my sonne his
executor or assignes yerelie and every yere during her
naturall leife at two termes in the yere, (viz) at the
Feaste of St michaell tharchangell, and ThAnnunciation
of our Lady or w[i]thin one moneth next after every of
the saide feastes by even porcions. The first payment

[page 4]

therof to begine at that feast of the feasts aforesayd w[hic]h
shall happen first after my decease, And if it shall happen the said Amnuytes of xxxiijs iiijd or any p[ar]te thereof to be behind
or unpayd after the tyme or tymes before assigned Then &
so often it shalbe lawfull for the saide Joane and her assignes
into the said Tent[ement] Heweyard and other the premisses last
Recited to enter and distreine and the distres and distresses then
and there founde to take, leade, drive, carry a way and impound
and the same to deteyne, vntill the sayd Annuitei & every p[ar]te
therof, w[i]th tharrerages? there of if any shalbe, be unto the saide
Johane or her assignes fully satisfied contented and payde

, Ite[m]
I will t[ha]t the sayde Thomas my sonne his heires exe[cuto]r Adm[inistrat]or or
Assignes shall pay or cause to be payed unto Catheri[n] corbin
the daughter of Richard Corbin my sonne deceased the som[m]e
of Tenn poundes of lawfull Englishe mony, at her of xxiiijte
yeares, And if it fortune the said Catherin Corbin to dep[ar]te
this worlde, before the said Age of xxiiijte yeres, Then I
will that the said som[m]e of Tenn poundes shalle paid unto Richard
Corbin the sonne of the said Richard Corbin my sonne.

I do geve unto John Corbin my sonne all that my Tent[ement] with
thappurtenances of ould called Fullers in wh[ic]h the said John
my sonne nowe dwelleth with all the landes, medowes pastures &
feedinges to the said tent[ement] belonginge and apperteininge, and nowe
being in the occupacion and manurans? of the said John Corbin
and also one pightle lieng one the Northside of Alburgh Church
now in the tenure of the said John, And Also fower peeces of
land and pasture lienge in a Close of John Burgies

[page 5]

the elder in Alburghe aforesaid Called Pynnyons Closse, To have &
to houlde the said Tenement fullers and all and singuler the landes
medowes pastures and fedinges to the said Ten[emen]t belonginge, And all
other the premisses last before Recited with all and singuler ther
Appurtenances unto the said John Corbin my sonne and to his
heires for ever,

Item I will that the said John my sonn
his exc[ecuto]r adm[inistrator] or assignes shall pay or cause to be payd unto such
persons as I shall hereafter, name, and apoint the somme
of thirtie poundes of lawfull Englishe monye (viz) unto Frances
my daughter nowe the wife of Rob[er]t Fuller Butcher her executors administrators
assignes xx poundes of lawfull Englishe
mony in forme following (viz) v poundes of like mony within ij yeres next after my decease And other
before geven and bequethed [note in margin -x poundes withine three yeres next after my dec[ease] in full satissfaction of the full somme of xxLi poundes to the said Frances] And also unto the children of William
Murrell, and Margeret[3] his wief my daughter Tenne poundes
of like lawfull mony evenly to be devided amongest them, And to
be payd unto them by the said John his exe[cuto]r, or assignes at
such tyme as they shall come to ther severall ages of xxiij yeres
And if yt shall happen any of the said children to dep[ar]te this
world before ther age of xxiijti yeres as is aforesaid Then I
will that the survivor and survivors of the said children shall
have his or ther p[ar]te and p[ar]tes so decesed.

Item I do geve and
bequeath unto William Corbin my sonne my Close called Denton
close of olde tyme called by the name of Sykes, conteining by
estimacion Fourty Acres be yt more or lesse as it lieth
togeather in Denton To have & to holde the said Close
called Denton Close or Sykes Close w[i]th all and
singuler the appurtenaunces unto the said william Corbin
my sonne and to his heres for ever.

Item I do geve unto
the said william Corbin my sonne All that my Tenement with
the appertenances called by the name of Perles of ould tyme
horkers w[i]th all the Landes, medowes, pastures Fedinges and Groweres
to the

[page 6]

to the Tenement last recyted belongin or in eny wise appertayninge
And one pece of Land and pasture leng in the close of the p[ar]sonage
of Alborought? Called dove howse Close conteyning one acre be
yt more or lesse. To have and to holde the said Rent Perles
w[i]th the appurtenanes, and all the landes medowes, Pastures and
Fedinges, with the appurtenances last recited unto the said william
my sonne, and to his heires for ever.

Item I will that the said
william my sonne, his heires, Executors) Administrators or assignes
shall pay or cause to be payed Unto Catherin Miller my daughter
Tenne poundes of lawfull mony of England two hole yeres next after
my deceasse. And also shall pay or cause to be paid unto Alyce Bowne=
=fellowe, Owen Bownfellowe, and Marye Bownfellowe, the Children
of Thomas Bownfellowe, Tenne poundes of lawfull English mony
evenly to be devided amongst them, and to be payd unto them as
they shall come to ther severall ages of two and twentie yeres, And if
yt shall happen eny of the said three Children to dep[ar]te this worlde
before: ther severall ages of two and twentei yeres, Then I wil
that the survivor, and survivors of the saide thre Children shall have
his or ther p[ar]te, and p[ar]tes so decessed.

Item I do geve unto Richard
Corbin the son[n]e of Richard Corbin my late sonne my Ten[emen]t called
by the name of pagis w[it]hall the landes yerdes, and outyardes therto
belongin wherein one Rob[er]t Barret now dwelleth. And also one
Pightle Called Beane Pightle leing in Alburghe or Dento[n] Cont[yening]
by Estimacion, Three acres be yt more or lesse, nowe or late in
the ferme manurans, and occupacion of Giles Corbin to have &
to holde the sayd Ten[emen]t and pightle, and all other the p[re]mmisses with
ther appurtenances unto the said Richard Corbin, and his heires for

[page 7]

ever, And he to enter the same Tenement and landes and other the
premisses last recited, At his ful age of xxjti yeres, And in the
meane tyme I will that Thomas Corbold of Harleston
aforesayd Joynor shall let the sayd Ten[emen]t, landes and pightle
last recited, And yt mony therof coming I will shalbe Imployed
to thuse of the sayd Richard Corbin.

Item I do geve unto
Giles Corbin my sonne all te Tenement Called Thompsons of
ould tyme Leweges wherin the sayd Giles nowe dwelleth. And
all other the landes medowes pastures & feedinges to the said Tenem[en]t
belongin and Apprteyninge, as they be nowe in the ferme mannras
and occupacion of the said Giles Corbin, Settuat, lienge & beinge
in Alburgh, Redenhall, wortwell & Denton, or eyther or any of the[m]
except one pightle, called Beane pightle, one Close called hedge=
=gate with the grove on the est syde of the sayd close, lienge in Alburghe
one close called church close in Alburgh, one pightle lienge one
the Southside of Alburgh Church, one pightle lieng on the
Northside of the sayd Churche. And also one pightle called by the
name of Dry medowe lieng in Redenhall aforesaide To have
and to holde the said Ten[emen]t landes medowes pastures & feedinges last
before Recited (except before excepted unto the said Giles Corbin
my sonne, and to his heires for ever,

Item I will that the said
Giles Corbin, his heires, exec[utor], or assignes shall pay or cause
to be payed vnto Edward Corbin and Roger Corbin the sonnes
of John Corbin late of Sterston deceased, the somme of Fourty
poundes of lawfull English mony in mann[er] & forme followinge,
that is to saye To the sayd Edward Corbin Tenne powndes
of like lawfull mony within Fower yeres next after my decease
And other

[page 8] And other Tenne powndes of lik mony within five yeares next after my decease in full satisfaction and payment of xxLi p[ar]cell
of the said 40 poundes, And also unto Roger Corbin Tenne poundes
of like lawfull mony within Six years next after my decease,
in full satisfaction And other Tenne powndes of like mony
within Sevean yeares next after my decease, in full satissfac=.
=sion and payment of the other xxLi p[ar]cell of the sayd Fourty.
powndes. And if yt shall happen the sayd Edward Corbin,
and Roger Corbin or eyther of them to dep[ar] te this worlde before
his or there sev[er]all daie or daies of payment as is aforesayd Then
I will that the said 40 powndes before geven and bequethed to the
said Edward & Roger shall remayne and be to the survivor of the[m]

Item I do geve and bequeath vnto the sayd Johane my wief five
powndes of lawfull English mony, To be payd vnto the said
Johane my weife her executors or Assignes w[i]thin one yere next
after my decease. All which sayd sev[er]all som[m]e and som[m]es of money
before in this my Testament geven or bequeathed to any
p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever I will shalbe paide at or within
the Porche of the p[ar]ish Church of Reddenhall in the County
of Norff. Provided neverthelesse, And my full & playn minde,
will, intent, and direct meaning is that my Executors hereafter
in this my Testament and last will nominated & appoynted
shall have holde occupie enioy and tak the proffittes and Commodities
to them and their assignes, one halfe yere next after my decesse
Of all my howses yardes, hortyerdes, Landes Tenementes.
medowes pastures; and feedinges, withall and singuler ther app[ur]rtenances

[page 9]

Except my Ten[emen]t called Games w[i]th all and singuler the landes
medowes and pastures, unto the said Tenement belonginge w[i]th
thapp[ur]tenances, One close with a grove on theast syde of the
said close called, or knowne by the name of Hedgegate closse
lieng in Alborough or wortwell, And also except all that my Ten[emen]t aforesaid with thapp[ur]tenances called Heweyeard w[i]th all the landes, medowes, pastures, & fedinges thereto belongine Sitt[uate], lieng, and being in wortwell aforesayd) Therw[i]th to pay my debtes, discharge legacies, And towardes the p[er]formance of this my last will and Testament, eny celause, Article or guyft in this my present last will and Testament conteyned to the contrarey in eny wise not withstandinge Item I do geve towardes the Reparacions
of the parish church of Redenhales aforesaid Tenne shillinges
To be paid vnto the church wardens of the same p[ar]ish by
Thomas Corbin my sonne w[i]thin one halfe yeare next after
my deceasse. Provided always and my mynde and Intent is yt
if eny of my sayd sonnes before in this my last will and
Testament named, or eny other p[er]son or p[er]sons to whome by
this my last will & Testament, I haue geven & bequethed
eny of my Ten[emen]tes land, medowes, pastures & feedinges, or
eny other manner of gyft, grant, or beqnest befor unto
them in this my last will and Testament, guyven graunted
or beqnethed, but shall sue, veye, molest, or troble, eche
the other for his or ther p[ar]te or p[ar]tes, gyft grant, or bequest
and shall not be Contented there with Then I will that t[ha]t
p[ar]te and p[ar]tes, gift graunt, and bequest of him or them w[hic] shall
so vexe

[page 10]

so vexe, sue, molest or troble, shalbe voyd, frustrate, and of none
effect, and shall remayne and be to him and them that shalbe
Contented which his or there p[ar]tes before geven and bequethed, enye
thinge, Clause, or Article, herin conteyned to the Contrary
in eny wise not w[i]thstanding. All the residue of my goodes before
in this my Testament, and last will unbequethed and not
geven, I leave them to the good dyspoc[i]on of my executors
whom I do Ordeine and make John Corbin, and Giles
Corbin my sonnes Thes beinge wittnessed. John Corbowlloe,
Thomas Corboulde, John Coone, John Bury, et Roper
Wilde Scriptor and Rob[er]t Fuller butcher.

robacum fine humon Eflamente
apud Nornicu vicessimo primodie
Mensis Aprilis Anno Diii millessimo
Quingentessimo Octoge simo nono cora
venerabili viro mro Robto Redmayne
Ligu Doctore pi in poo pris ac am dii
Edmundi Noruicen Ki vicane in Soutly
gentral et ffic, pum & ino Joyes
Corbin et Agidij Dorbyn executond wear
noat quibus commisse fuit administracio
ond et singulor u bonor imndet noitoud
dict def eteius Testamentu prediccm
quatronap concernen pdicts oxgrnt & t
pumntus ad sacrosancor dei Evangolies
de bene et fideliter administrand eadem in forme
iris inrat & Salno Jure 5

Translation of Probate from the Latin

This testament was proved at Norwich on the twenty-first day of the month of April in the Year of Our Lord one thousand five hundred eighty-nine, before the venerable man, Master Robert Redmayne, Doctor of Laws, vicar-general spiritual and principal official of the Most Reverend Father in Christ and in God, Edmund, Lord Bishop of Norwich. John Corbin and Giles Corbyn, executors named therein, having been sworn, to whom was committed the administration of all and singular the goods, rights, and credits of the said deceased, in any way relating to the said executors and his aforesaid will etc., they having first sworn upon the Holy Gospels of God to well and faithfully administer the same in due form of law etc, reserving the rights etc


  1. https://nrocatalogue.norfolk.gov.uk/corbin-richard-yeoman-of-harleston
  2. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSJD-Q33H?cat=278818
  3. Marriage: "Norfolk, England, Church of England Baptism, Marriages, and Burials, 1535-1812"
    Norfolk Record Office; Norwich, Norfolk, England; Norfolk Church of England Registers
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 61045 #1534521854 (accessed 29 December 2023)
    Margarett Corbyn marriage to William Muriell on 14 May 1564 in Redenhall with Harleston and Wortwell, England.

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