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Will of Richard Holborowe, clothier of Worcester 1587

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Date: 1587 to 1589
Location: Worcester, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Holborowe Bullingham Archepoole
Profile manager: Ann Browning private message [send private message]
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This is a transcription of the register office copy of the Prerogative Court of Canternbury will of Richard Holborowe, Clothier of Worcester, written on the 17 September 1589 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 16 January 1589[1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

In the name of god amen the seaventeenthe daye of Sept[em]b[er]
One thousand five hundred Eightie neyne and in the One and thirtithe yere of the raigne of o[ur] soveraigne
etc I Richard Holborowe of the cittie of worcester in the countie of worcester clothyer weake
in bodye but of whole and perfect mynde and remembrannce prayse be to allmightie god do ordeyne
and make this my testatment and this my laste will in manner and forme followinge that is to saye
FIrst and principally I commende my SOule to the handes of Allmightie god my Creator and maker
trustinge by the meritts of the deathe and passion of his sonne Jesus Christe my Saviour and
Redeemer eternally to be saved. And I commend my bodie to the earthe from whence it came to be
buried in the parishe churche of All Saynts in worcester in some convenyent place where
my Executrix hereafter named shall thinke moste meete.

Item I gyve and bequeathe to the churche
stocke of All Saynts aforesaied three shillinges fower pence.

Item I give and bequeath to the
poore people of the parishe of All Saints aforesaied to be distributed at the discretion of Mr
Robert Abbott preacher of the worde the churchwardens and collectors of the same parishe fortie
shillings to be given and bestowed by the persons aforenamed amongeste the saied poore people within
one moneth next after my deceasse.

Item I give and bequeathe to the sayed Mr Abbott Tenne shillings

Item I give and bequeathe and my will and mynde if that John Holborowe the Sonne and heire
of my brother Symond Holborowe of wolverlye in the countie of worcester yeoman shall have
the messuage or tenement with thapp[ur]ten[a]nces wherein I nowe dwell situate and beynge in the broade
streate within the saied cittie of worcester betwene the messuage or Tenement nowe in the tenure
and occupat[i]on of one William Kynges on the Easte side and the mesuage or Tenement nowe in ye
tenure of one John Beare on the weste side. To have and to houlde the sayed mesuage or tenem[ent]
with the appurt[e]n[a]nces to hym the said John Holborowe and to the heyers males of his bodye
lawfully begotten for ever. And for defaulte of suche heyers male I give and bequeathe the
sayed mesuage or tenement with theapp[ur]ten[a]nces to the heyers male of my brother John Holborowe
of Bristowe for ever. And for defaulte of suche yssue male I give and bequeathe the saied
mesuage or tenement with theapp[ur]ten[a]nces to the heyers male of my brother William Holborowe
of the cittie of worcester for ever. And for defaulte of suche yssue to the right heires

[page 2 folio 88 verso]

to whome the same shall belonge and apperteyne for ever. Provided allwayes that they and every of them to
whome the righte and remaynder therof shall come shall permytt and suffer Elianor my wife and he Assignes
peaceablye and quyetlye to have houlde accupie possesse and enioye the sayed mesuage or tenement with thappurtenances
wholly as yt nowe standeth for and duringe the tearme of her naturall life the said Elianor or her Assignes
doynge sufficient reparations therunto as neede shall requyre. And further not to be chardged with any
Rents or Duties due or yssuynge out of the premisses except only a cheife Rente of Eighte shillings going
and yssuinge out of the same mesuage or tenement payable yerelie to the Chamberleyne of the sayed
Cittie at the Feaste of Sainte Michaell the Archanngell onlye. And that the saied John Holborowe
sonne and heyer of the saied Symon Holborowe my brother and all and every other person and persons
that shall that shall hereafter clayme any righte title or interest in or to the saied mesuage or tenement
by force and meanes of this my last will and testament shall enter into good and suffiecient bandes in
forme of Lawe to be made by the devise and discretion of my overseers hereafter names within tenne dayes
nexte after warnynge to hym or them to be given by the saied Elianor my wife or her Assignes to ye
effecte that they nor any of them nor any others by theire or any of there meanes or procurmente
shall not disquyet or disturbe my saied wife or her Assignes in the use and occupac[i]on of the saied
mesuage or Tenement duringe her naturall life.

Item I give and bequeathe to the saied John
Holoborowe sonne and heire of the saied Symon Holborowe my brother and others surrendringe as
heyres in by the righte of this my testament of in and to the saied Mesuage or te[emen[t the greate waynskott
cupborde great presse one longe table bourd with a frame One shorte table bourde uppon a
frame three formes three ioyned stooles the settles benvhes waynskott glasse wyndows and painted
clothes in and aboute the forestreate parlor of the saied Mesuage or tenement Provided allways as
that he the saied John Holborowe and others...... ... as my heyres in manner and forme as
aforesaied do permitt and suffer the saied Elianor my wife and her Assignes peaceably and quyetly
to use and occupie the same parlor and ymplements in every condition as yt nowe standethe for
and duringe her naturall life.

Item I give and bequeathe to my brother in lawe Thomas Hooke
of wolverley aforesayed a featherbed and a bloster allreadie in his possession. And I do remytt and forgive
to hym all suche sommes of money whatsoever they be as he the saied Thomas Hooke oweth me.

I give and bequeathe to my Sister Anne Bullingham tenne shillings.

Item I give and bequeathe
to Randall Holborowe the sonne of my saied Brother John Holborowe of Bristowe the
Somme of tenne poundes of lawfull money of England to be payed to hym when he shall
have srevd his terme of Apprentishippe.

Item I gyve and bequeathe to my sayed Brother
Symon my beste cloake.

And to my saied brother William my second gowne.

Item I give
to eyther of my twoe maydeserv[a]nts Twentie shillings a peece.

And to Anne Holborowe
my Cosyn fortie shillinges.

And of this my laste will and testament I make and
ordeyne the saied Elianor my wife my whole and sole Executrix to whome I give and
bequeathe the residue of my goodes and chattells moveable and immoveable of what kinde
or nature soever they be of and in whose handes soever they ar remayninge beynge not
otherwise given and bequeathed in and by this my laste will and testament.

And |I do ordeine
and appoynte my lovinge brother in lawe Mr Richard Hall and my lovinge friend Mr</up>
Edward Archepoole my Overserrs of this my laste will and testament. In witness wherof
I have hereunto put my hande and seale in the presence of theise witnesses whole names as
subscribed By me Richard Holborowe witnesses hereunto Robert Abbott Edwarde
Archepoole William Meake and Edward Heakes?


  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 75
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #919883 (accessed 28 November 2022)
    Will of Rici Holborowe, granted probate on 16 Jan 1589. Died about 1589 in Worcester, Worcestershire, England.

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