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Will of Richard Kendall, Yeoman of Thornage, Norfolk, 1603

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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Richard Kendall, a yeoman of Thornage, Norfolk. The will was drawn up on 13 September 1603 and it was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich on 11 October 1603. [1]

Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the writing very legible.
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.

Persons mentioned

  • Richard Kendall testator
  • Elizabeth Kendall wife of testator
  • Thomas Bacon testator bought land from him
  • Thomas Kendall, son of Mr Robert Kendall
  • Ann Macey sister of testator
  • Elizabeth Macey daughter of Ann Macey, testator's niece
  • Thomas Macey son of Ann Macey, testator's nephew
  • Robert Kendall brother of Thomas Kendall, son of Robert Kendall
  • Robert Kendall brother of testator
  • Robert Croggate brother in law of testator's wife Elizabeth
  • Mary Croggate daughter of Robert Croggate, god daughter of testator
  • Edward Hubbard practioner in Physic i.e. doctor , received a legacy no relationship stated
  • Roger Barney & Jane Burton servants of testator
  • Thomas Kendall father of testator, joint supervisor of the will
  • John Colfer father of Elizabeth, wife of testator, joint supervisor of the will
  • 'Robert Stemes, Wm Kendal the elder, and John Pleasance witnesses to will

[folio 176 verso]
In the name of God Amen I Richard Kendall
of Thornage in the Countye of Norff yeoman beinge of
p[er]fect remembraunce (praysed be god) Doe mak and ordayne
this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme
following. First I commytt my Soule into the mercifull
hands of almighty god Trusting through the merritts and
passion of Jesus Christ my onely Redemer to be saved
And my bodye to the earth to be buryed in the Church or
Church yarde wher it shall please god to call me

I give and bequeathe to the poore people of Thornage and
Brunton to either of them sayde Townes the some of vs
To be payde into the hands of the Overseers for the poore
for that tyme beinge within Six monethes next after my

Item I give and bequeathe unto Elizabeth my
wief her heires and Assignes All and singuler those
Lands and Tenements, Meadowes, pastues and hereditam[en]ts
w[i]th ther appurten[a]nces w[hi]ch I purchased or had of Thomas
Bacon sometyme of Thornage aforesaid lieng and beinge
in Thornage aforesaid.

Item I gie and bequeathe unto
the said Elizabeth my wief her heires and Assignes all

[folio Clxxvij (177) recto]
my Lands, Tenem[en]ts and hereditaments Lieng and being in Brunton
in the County aforesaide To have and to hould the same, and
everye p[ar]cell therof to the sayde Elizabeth her Heyres and
Assignes for ever

Item I will and devyse all my howses
Lands and Tenements beinge coppiehould or Customary hould
sett, lieng or beinge within the Towne and Feilds of Thornage
aforesaide w[hi]ch I hold either in possession or remaynder unto
Elizabeth my saide wief To have and to hould the same unto
the sayde Elizabeth and her Assignes during her naturall life And after her decease the Remaynder therof to Thom[a]s Kendall
Sonne of Mr Robert Kendall and his Heires Uppon Condition
that he the sayde Thomas his Heires, Execut[o]rs, Administrators
or Assignes shall paye or cause to be payde unto my Sister
Ann Macey the some of Fyve pownds of lawfull English mony
w[i]thin one yeare next after my saide wyves decease. And to
Elizabeth Macey daughter of the sayde Ann other vLi of
like mony within two yeares next after my saide wyves
decease. And unto Thomas Macey Sonne of the saide Ann
Macey other Fyve pownds of like mony within three yeares
next after my saide wyves decease. And lastly unto Robert
Kendall Brother unto the foresaide Thomas Kendall other
Fyve pownds of like Lawfull mony within Fower yeares next
after my saide wyves decease, provyded alwayes that if the
sayde Thomas his Heires, Executors and Assignes shall refuse
to p[er]forme and fulfill the foresaide Condition according to this my
meaning: That then and from then Forthe it shall and maye
be lawfull to and for the foresaide Robert Kendall his brother
to enter and enioye the saide Conditionall premisses w[i]th their
appurten[a]nces To Have and to hould the same and every p[ar]cell therof
unto the saide Robert his Heires and Assigneis uppon Condic[i]on
as aforesaide, And payeng unto his brother Thomas Fyve pownds
in such mann[e]r and forme as he him self should have receyved
the same. And for want of such p[er]formance the same premisses
to remayne to the foresaide Thomas Macy his Heires and
Assigneis, he, they, or anye of them performing the foresaide
Conditionall payements. And for want of such p[er]formance
to remayne to he forsaide Elizabeth Macey and her Heires
for every p[er]forming the foresaide Conditionall payements. And
for want of such p[er]formaunce to remayne to the right Heyres
of me the saide Richard for ever.

Item I give unto Mr Robert
Kendall my Brother xs To be payde by my Executrox w[i]thin
two yeares next after my decease

Item I give and bequeathe to

[folio 177 verso]
every sonne of Robert Croggate my wyves brother in Lawe
to eavery of them xs To be payde to them by myne Executrix
at ther severall ages of xxj tie yeares

Item I give to Mary the
daughter of the saide Robert Croggate my Goddaughter xls
of lawfull English mony To be payde unto er by myne Execut[ri]x
at her age of xxjty yeares.

Item I give unto Edward Hubberd
practisioner in Phisick xs

Item I give and bequeathe to
Roger Barney my Servant ijs Item I give and bequeathe
unto Jane Burton my Servant ijs

All the residue of my
goods Chattells Corne Cattell, ymplements of howshould
and husbandry, Debts, Dueties, Bills, Obligations, and all
other my moveable and ymoveable goods under what name or
title so ever they be called I give them wholy unto Elizabeth
my saide wief whome I make my soale Executrix. And I make
and ordayne Thomas Kendall my Father and John Colfer my
wyves Father Sup[er]visors of this my will to who I give for
ther paynes to either of them xs In wittnes wherof I
have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the thirtenth Daye of
September in the First yeare of the Raigne of o[u]r Soveraigne
Lord Kyng James by the grace of God of England, France
and Ireland Defender of the Faithe &c And of Scotland
xxxvjto Annoq Dm 1603 The mark of Richard Kendall
Theis beinge wittnesseis Robert Stemes, Wm Kendall
the elder, and John Pleasance The mark of Robert
Stemes The mark of Wm Kendall

Probate [in Latin] This will was proved at Bynhambefore the Venerable Master John Burman, Doctor of Laws at a Commission constituted by the Court of the Archdeacon of Norwich on the Eleventh day of October AD 1603. Administration of all and singular the goods and credits of the above named Richard Kendall the deceased testator granted to Elizabeth his now widow the executrix named in this will. She being sworn to well and truly administer the same


  1. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS13-JSYR-X?i=199&cat=504379

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