Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Lamming Wills
Will of Richard Lamynge (abt.1551-1597)
This is a transcription of the register copy of the Will of Richard Lam[m]ing of Ewell, Kent, England. It was written on 13 June 1597 and proved at ....... on 14 December 1597.[1]
Transcription conventions:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
Non standard spelling as per usual for this time period, which has been transcribed verbatim.
The image quality was poor, the writing extremely hard to read and there were severall deletions and obfuscated parts. As a result many words are missing.
Persons mentioned
- Richard Lam[m]ing of Ewell, Kent, Testator
- Thomazyn Lamming, wife and executrix
- John Lamming, son and executor
- Thomas Lamming, son
- Richard Laming, son
- Edward Lamming, son
- Parnell Lamming, daughter
- Margerye Lamming, daughter
- the poor of the parish of Ewell
- the poor of the parish of St Lawrence in Thanet where I did dwell
- Mr Johns vicar of Ewell
- Emlynn Copin, sister, wife of Thomas Copin
Witnesses: Lawrence Roger, Margerye Meryweather, Guilihelmi Johns Scriptor
[Page one]
In the name of god Amen I Richard Lam[m]ing of the p[ar]ishe of Ewell near
Don? of the County of Kent being sick in Bodye but of good and p[er]fect
remembrannce thanks be gyven to Allmightie god do make this my last
will and Testament in man[mer] and forme Following. First of all I beque
athe my Soule vnto Allmightie god my maker And my bodye when I shall
departe out of this world to bee buryed in the p[ar]ishe churche of Ewell afor
said. F.. wh? place? I doe faithfullie beleeve I shall ryse againe and be
saved bothe bodye & soule in the deathe and passion of my Saviour Jesus
Christ ..
Item I geeve and bequeathe to the poore of the p[ar]ishe of Ewell
twenteth shillings of lawfull mony of England to be payed vnto them by equal
distribut[ion]s presentlie after my desease by my Executors.
item I geeve and
bequeathe to the poore people of the p[ar]ishe of St. Lawrence in tennet where I
dyd dwell twenteth shillings of like lawfully mony to be devyded amongs ...
Item I geeve and bequeathe to Mr Johns Vicar of Ewell & Minister there twenty
.ethe shillings ymediatlie after my decease of good & lawfull mony of England
Item I geeve & and bequeathe vnto my Sister deleted Emlynn Copin the wyffe
of Thomas Copin fyve poundes of good and lawfull monye of England deleted
w[i]thin a monethe next after my deceasse.
… [several empty lines] …
In the name of god amen I Richard Lamming of the p[ar]ishe of Ewell neere Don?
of the countie of Kent being sick in bodye but of good mynd & p[er]fect remembrannce
… [several illegible lines]…
of all my lands goods and movables in manner & forme … will & Testament in
[several deleted lines with vertical diagonal strokes]
Item I geeve and bequeathe vnto my sonn John Lam[m]ing all that my
Howse and Lands situat leing and being ..... at Hay.. in St Lawrence
in Teenet and to the heirs male of his bodye lawfullie begotte[n] and I geeve & ....... and leinge and situat
and bequeathe vnto my said sonne ... acres ... and to the heires male of his body
lawfullye begotte[n] wh.the ..... therto belonging
in St Lawrence and minister w[i]th all the lands therto belonging to him and to
the heires ^ ... ... .. at the age of one & twenteth yeres next after my deceasse male of his Bodye lawfullie begotte[n].
Item I geeve vnto my sonn Richard
Laming my howse and land w[i]ch laieth at .... Norrwood w[i]
th ^accordeinge to the [lease?] w[i]th eighteene acres of
Land wether yt bee more or lesse being in St Lawrence at tenet or St. Peeters to
w[i]ch latlye I purchassed of Richard Mullet and George Mullet to him
my said sonn Richard and his heirs male lawfullie begotte[n]
Item my will ys that
if any of my sonnes aboue said John and Richard doe depart this world w[i]thout
yssue male lawfulle begotten that the survivor shall be the heire of the other deceassed
Item my will ys that my two sonnes aboue said shall paye or cause to bee payed vnto
my wyffe Tomazin Lamming the value of the third part of my lands bequeathed
vnto them · of the yerlie rent or value thereof to the maynetenan[n]ce of my said wyffe
and the children during the tyme of her weedehood
Item my will ys that my Execut[ors]
shall paye or cause to be payd vnto my sonn Richard three score pounds of lawfull
Englishe ^mony or paie yt for him presentlie after my deceasse for the howse and land
w[i]ch I purchassed affor said geeven nowe vnto him by this my last will
Item I
geeve and bequeathe vnto Richard Laming my sonn One hundreth markes ..... of lawfull
monye of England w[i]th thelands bequeathed vnto him as aforsaid at the age of one &
twenteth yeres · the mony to be payd by my executors.
Item I geeve and bequeathe
vnto my son[n] Edward Lam[m]ing one hundred poundes of lawfull mony of England to bee
payd by my Executors at the age of on and twenteth yeres next after my deceasse
[Page two]
On the left margin at the beginning of the last page:
.... wyffe
Laming her
..... weedo
Item my will is that my Executors John Laming and Thomazen my wyffe duringe
the tearme? of he... in my farme wher I dwelling shall occupie and enioye the same Joyntlie togeather
in equall chargyes labour & expence ev[er]y main[tenance] of way to keepe well & decentlie ..... respect? my children?
Item I geeve & bequeath vnto Thomas Laming my sonn a hundreth poundes ...
of lawfull Englishe monye to be payd by my Executors when he shall be of
the age of one twenteth yeres next after my deceasse . And yf my sonnes Edward
& Thomas or either of them should dye w[i]th out yss[u]e law fullye begot befor the come to the age of on
& twentieth yeres & having no heires male? ^lawfullye begotten that their portiones w[i]ch I bequeathed
them in said my last will shall equallye remayne to my Executores [illegible] or ther
heers male lawfullie begott[e]d.
Item I geeve & bequeath vnto my daughters Parnell
Lamming & Margerye Lamming and to either of them a hundreth markes a
peece of lawfull Englishe monye at the age of twenteth yeres next after my deceasse . that yf they chance
to dye one or either of them that before they come to the said age of twenteth
yeares that they their said portion or portions shall remayne to my Executors
by equall portions. yf my wiffe Thomizen Lamming shall bee then a weedoe or
[illegible] other wyse wholly to my other executors John Laming
Item ..my will is that my wyffe
Thomazyne shall putt in sufficient ^presently? after my deceasse securitie or bond to discharge my
sonne John Laming of the two hundreth poundes bequeathed vnto my sonnes
Edward and Thomas and .... to have the use thereof untill they come to the
age aforsaid · yf shee bee a weedow and to keep them so longe & not marry soe long & not otherwyse
and further my will ys that yf my wyffe shall intend to marry · that befor her
daye of mariage shee shall ......put in sufficient bondes to my sonn John to keep
the childrenn in decent and orderlie means? and to paye .......... ... three sonne
and all pounds of lawfull Englishe monye presentlie to the vuse and behooffe
of my children and my will declareth the severall sommes
The resydwe of all my
goods chattells and moveables my legacyes payd and funerall debts discharged I geeve
and bequeath full and whole to my executo sonn John Lamming · and my wyffe
Tomizen Lamming whom I make Sole executors of said my last will & testament.
provided allwayes That presentlie after my deceasse my sonne John Laming shall putt in
sufficient bond to discharge my wyffe of the portions of Richard my sonn and my
two daughters · In wytness to this my last will & testament·I Richard Lam[m]ing
my hand and seale the thirteenthe daye of June·in the yere of our Soweryn
Lady Queene Elizabethe most gracious and .... reigne the Nyne & thirteth
Anno Dom[ini] one thousand fyve hundreth nynetye seaven · provided allwayes
that if any discorde arise Betweene my sonn John Laming & his mother my
wyffe Thomezen Lam[m]ing aboute or for any thyng contained in this my last will
& testament or any other matter or matters during her weedowhood that the
..... presentlie ...... greeff? conseaved? of either [par]tes consent to putt yt to
the other & arbitrament: of two honest indefferme.. mey .. that yf any or either
of them so refuse to doe·the partye so refusing of either of them shall paye to?
the other fortie poundes at a tyme of lawfull Englishe monye for soe doinge
prov[id]ed alwayes if any thinge in this my p[re]sent will ... not .....
...... that my executors shall haue
full power to re.... the same not changing my will in any
p[ar]t accordinge to my ..... meaninge same? of for ......
..ther of them one hundreth po[u]nd? ..... ....
publ? my name the day & yeare aboue writtene hand?
Sealed & delyverd {by me Richard Laming
in the prese[n]s of
Lawrence Roger
Margerye Meryweather
.. ... Guilihelmi Johns
Probate in Latin
xiiij decembers 1597 ....
Research Notes
- Last name variously spelled: Laming, Lamming, Lamyng, Lamynge
- ↑ [ "England, Kent, Wills and Probate, 1440-1881," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GRG9-9GM2?cc=1949814&wc=M68K-LNL%3A250713701%2C250719201%2C251250301 : 20 May 2014), Kent, Archdeaconry of Canterbury > Wills > 1597, A-Z > image 273 of 448; County Record Office, Maidstone.]
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