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Will of Richard Lincolne of Hingham, 1640

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Gilman Wills

This is a transcription of the original will of Richard Lincolne or Lyncolne of Hingham, Norfolk. It was written on 21 July 1640 and proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norwich. No probate date is given on the will. [1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included Struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets] The image quality was good, and the handwriting also good for the time. Many non-standard spellings and arcane words used.

Persons mentioned:

  • Katteryne my welbeloved wyfe
  • William Lyncolne my sonne
  • Thomas Howes tenant of property in Lyngwhite Street, Hingham
  • Richard Lyncolne my sonne
  • Peeke Lyncolne my sonne
  • Marye Lyncolne my Daughter
  • Mr Caye testator bought land from him
  • Robert James testator bought land from him
  • John Pyke witness
  • Wyatt Wright witness
  • Wylliam Dyman witness

In the name of God Amen this one & twentyeth Day of Julye In the yeare of our Lord God one thowsand
six hundred & Fortye I Richard Lincolne of Hingham in the countye of Norff yeoman Doe ordeyne & make
this my last wyll & Testament in manner & Forme Following First I bequeath my soule into the hands
of Almightye God my blessed Creator hopeing to be saved by the alsufficient merritts of Jesus Christe my
Redeemer and my bodye to be buried in Christian buiriall at the discretion of myne executrix hereafter in this my
pr[e]sent wyll & Testament heere after named Item I give and bequeath unto Katteryne my welbeloved wyfe
my beerhouse & Maulthouse being in or nighe Baxter Rowe in Hingham afforesaid with all the howses to the same
belonging with their appurtinances whatsoever and all my lands aswell Inclosed lands as others lyeing in the
Field called Ryseing Field except those at the latter end of my will & Testament heere last named with their appurtenances whatsoever and one Inclose called Crownes next
Unto that Inclose nowe in the occupation of Edward Baldinge with thappurtinances whatsoever To Have &
to hold the said howses Lands & Incloses with their appurtinances unto her the said Katteryne my wyfe her
heires & assignes for ever upon Condition that she shall paye & satisfye all such Debts by me oweing to any
manner of p[er]son whatsoever and trulye p[er]form and satisfye the Legacyes such Legacyes & bequestes as ar in
this my will & Testament disposed & bequeathed

Item I give my howses in Deepeham and the grounds
to the same belonging with there appurtinances whatsoever unto Katteryne my said wife for & during
the terme of her naturall Life and after her decease unto William Lyncolne my sonne & to his heirs
for ever

Item I give & bequeath my howses & lands hereunto belonging being in Lyngwhite Streete in
Hingham afforesaid & nowe in the occupation of Thomas Howes with their appurtinances unto Katteryne my
wyfe afforesaid for & during the terme of her naturall Lyfe and after her decease unto Richard
Lyncolne my sonne & to his heires for ever

Item I give & bequeath my howses where I nowe dwell & all those
my howses & grounds thereunto nighe adioyning and the homestalles & grounds to them & eitheror anye of them belonging
unto the said Katteryne my wyfe for three yeares nexte after my decease & then to Peeke Lyncolne my sonne & to his heires for ever

Item I give and bequeath unto Marye Lyncolne my Daughter her executors and
assignes One hundred pounds of lawfull monye of England to be payde by myne executrix of this my last
wyll & Testament within Five yeares nexte after my Decease

Item All my moveable goodes Cattell
Chattels bylls lands howsehold stuff & ymplements howseholding & husbandrye whatsoever I give unto the said
Katteryne my wyfe towards the payment of my debts afforesaid and in Consideration & to such Entent & with that
confidence & trust that she the said Katteryne shall amend and Inlarge the portions of my said Children ev[er]ie one of
them according to her Discretion and especiallye the portion of my said sonne Richard Lyncolne

Item I ordeyne & make
the said Katteryne my wyfe sole executrix of this my last wyll & Testament wylling her to p[er]forme the same &
to bring my bodye decentlye to the ground In witnes whereof I have set to my hand and Seale
Declaring this to be my last wyll & Testament and doe Farther wyll & Devise the foure acres of land w[hi]ch
I bought of Mr Caye & the foure acres of land w[hi]ch I bought of Robert James unto thafforesaid Richard my sonne & his heires for ever

The mark of Richard Lyncolne Testator

These being witnesses
John Pyke
Wyatt Wright
& Wylliam Dyman the mark of Wylliam Dyman


  1. Will of Richard Lincolne of Hingham 1640 Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk original will 1640 no. 48. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Family Search Film 167115 image 102 Accessed 29 January 2022

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