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This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Richard Lincon (Lincolne) of Watton, Norfolk, here styled as "The Elder".
Richard made his will on 3 May 1620 when he was "sicke in bodie", and it was proved on 24 May 1620 at the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Norwich sitting at Thetford. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
The obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good and the handwriting was legible.
The surname is variably spelled Lincon or Lyncon.
A son George Lincolne was born posthumously and baptised at Watton on 7 December 1620. No mention or provision is made for an unborn child in this will.
Persons mentioned:
- Cicelie my wyfe executor of the will
- Richard Lincon my Sonne aged 6 in 1620
- William Lincon my Sonne
- John Dantherne Testator bought land from him. Best guess at surname, may also be Dautherne.
- Elizabeth Lincoln my Daughter under the age of 16
- Dorothie Lincon my daughter aged 2 in 1620
- my Lovinge Brother Henrie Lyncon supervisor of the will
- John Brett witness
- Elizabeth Lyncon witness
- Edmonde Turner Scr: the scrivenor who wrote out the will
- Mr Thomas Cawdron person to whom the will was surrendered
- Francis Bongion further witness to the surrender
In the name of God Amen the third daie
of Maye in the yeare of our Lord God a Thousand sixe
hundred and twenty I Richard Lincon of
Watton in the Countie of Norffs Thelder, Being sicke
in Bodie , but yett in p[er]fect minde and Good Remembrance
thankes be Given to Allmightie God doe willinglie, and
with all my harte, doe freelie Render and Give againe
into the hands of my Lord God and Creator, my Speritt
which hee of his Fatherlie Goodnesse gave unto me
when he first Fashioned me, in my Mothers wombe, Makinge
me a Lyvinge and A Reasonable Creature, nothinge doubtinge
but that for his infinite mercies, sett forthe in pr[e]cious bloode
of his Beloved Sonne Jhesus Christ, our onlie Saviour and
Redeemer hee will Receyve my Soule into his Glorye
And place it in the Companie of the heavenlie Angles
and blesses Saints, And as Concerning my Bodie
Even with A good will a free harte and humble minde
I give it over Comendinge it to the Earth from whence
it Came. Nothinge Doubtinge but accordinge to the articles
of my Fayth, Att the Great Daie of the Gennerall
Resurrection, when we shall receyve the Same againe, by
[page 2]
The mightie Powre of God, and appeare before his indgint
Seate Item I give and bequeath to Cicelie my wyfe
All this my Tenement, And all my howses in which I
nowe Dwell. And five Acres of Coppie hould landes &
a haulfe, be it more or less duringe her naturall lyfe in
leiwe of the third of all my free hand and bringinge
upp of my Children not makinge thereuppon stripp nor
wast, And for keeping my houses in Sufficient
Rep[ar]ac[i]ons, And also paying all chardges to the lorde
and Lords of whome the said pr[e]missis is holden, And
after her decease, I give All the said houses and lands
to Richard Lincon my Sonne and his heires for ever
Item I give and bequeath unto William Lincon my
Sonne and to his heires one Closse of pasture, which
I purchased of John Dantherne Conteyninge by
Estimac[i]on fowr Acres, be it more or less when he shall
attaine to the age of one and Twentie yeares, And I
will that Cicelie my wyfe shall have and enioye the
said closse, to her use and her assignes till he shall
attaine to the age aforesaid, to the Education and
brigninge upp of the said William Lincon my Sonne
Item I give and bequeath to William Lincon my Sonne
and to his heires my two stales in Watton markett street
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Lincon my Sonne
All my Free lands lyinge Watton, Karbrook and
Girston, when he shall attaine to the age of xxiiij
yeares, And I will that Cicelie my wyfe, shall have
the use and Occuppienge of all the said land giveinge
and allowinge him nessessarie maintenance, untill
he shall attaine to the said age of Fowre and Twenty
yeares, And I will and my minde is, That Cicely my
wyfe shall pay to my Sonne Richard Lincon or to his
Assignes yearlie Five pounds, payinge him it
[page 3]
Quarterly, xxvs as soone as he shall attaine to the age of
Eighteen yeares,
Item I give and bequeath unto my
two Daughtres Elizabeth Lincon, and Dorothie Lincon to
Eyther of them fifteene pounds, to them in mann[e]r and forme
Followinge, That is to saie, to Elizabeth Lincoln my Daughter
Five pounds, to her or her assignes assoone as she shall come
and attaine to the age of Sixteteene yeares, And soe yearely
Five Pounds a yeare untill the said fifteene pounds be
paid Fullie, And likewyse to Dorothie Lincon my daughter
to her and her assignes Five pounds soe soone as she shall
attaine to the age of Sixteene yeares, and soe yearelye
five pounds a yeare untill the said fifteene pounds bee
fully Contented And paid,
Item I give and bequeathe
unto Richard Lyncon my Sonne one posted Bedstead
with a Featherbed boulster a blankett, and a Coverlett, One
Cubberd, One Framed table, Two joyners Stooles, my
Biggest lattine Candlestick, All standine and beinge in
the p[ar]lour.
Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth
Lyncon my Daughter, my Best posted bedstead Seeled
withall that belongeth to it as it standeth pr[e]sentlie to be
delivered after my decease
Item I give and bequeathe
to Dorothie Lyncon my daughter one Coffer with all that is
therein, or the sum of good and lawfull money for it, to
be delivered, or paid at the age of tenn yeares, by her
Mother myne Executrix, if she keep her selfe soe longe
unmarried, but if it doe soe Chance that she wilbe
Contracted or epoused to A man, my mynde and intent
is, that the said Coffer with all that therein it, be delivered
to my Lovinge Brother Henrie Lyncon, to be implyed to her
use to his best discrecion, The Residue of All my goods cattells
[page 4]
Chattells moveable and unmoveable whatsoever not given
nor bequeathed, I give and bequeath to Cicelie my wyfe
whome I ordeine and make my sole Executrixe of this
my last will and testament, And I ordeine and make
Henrie Lyncon my s[ai]d Brother my Supervisor of this my last
will and Testament, And for his paines I give him
xls, And alsoe his Charges th[a]t he shalbe at any wayes
And in Wittnes heereof I the said / Richard Lyncon
have heereunto sett my hand and seale in the presence
of John Brett, Elizabeth Lyncon, et me Edmonde
Turner Scr:
Richard Lyncon testator
Surrender was given accordinge to the will and testament
to Mr Thomas Cawdron, in the pr[e]sence of John Brett
and Francis Bongion the third of May A[nn]o Do[mini] 1620
Probate [abstracted from the Latin] granted at Thetford on xxiiij of May AD 1620
- ↑ Will of Richard Lincon the Elder of Watton, 1620 Diocese of Norwich, Consistory Court, NCC will register 1620 Williams Folio 155. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Family Search: Regd. copy wills vol. 114-115 1619-1620 Film 94936 Images on Family Search images 459 onwards Accessed 1 February 2022
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