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Will of Richard Owings

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Date: 3 Nov 1818 [unknown]
Location: Anne Arundel County MDmap
Surname/tag: Owings
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Posted 07 Feb 2013 by wecrump1 Source: The USGenWeb and MDGenWeb Project/Anne Arundel County, Maryland [www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mdbaltim/wills/xxwills.htm] [this Will can also be found at http://usgwarchives.org/md/annearundel/wills.htm]

WILL of Richard Owings of Anne Arundel Co., dated 17 Oct. 1818, Codicil dtd 3 Nov 1818.

In the name of God Amen, I Richard Owings of Anne Arundel County, and State of Maryland, being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory considering the uncertainty of this moral Life do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:

First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ruth Owings all my land lying on the East side of the main Road leading ... Ridge Landing. beginning at a corner stone planted near Hear and running with the old road leading by where the old Ba....formerly stood and then to intersect the main road leading ... Mills then running with said road to a forked scyamore ... ding on the East side of the little branch thence with a ...running between the old Tanyard and Tanners house to the .....after leaving ground sufficient between said line and the road for the purpose of building a Barn with Barnyard and Coc...y and thence with the river to the fording place below the spring house, then up with the gutter to the main Road then with the main Road to the outlines of my Land.

Also the following Negroes Ben Lucy Eliza Maria Bob Toney Nate and Jerry. Also her choice of four of my best Horses Twelve of my best sheep Six of my best cows Twenty of my best Hoggs all the meat in the meat house all the linen Cloth, thread yarn Wool and flax all the Butter and Cheese six gan and Liuirs that may be in the house at my Decease also four of my best axes, four Cillo(?) hoes two of my best ploughs for.. scythes with sneads and cradles all my household and kitchen farm except such as I may heretoafter devise. Also Ten ton of hay Fifteen ..of corn Six barrels of superfine flour & one harrow also one half of the toll taken in the Country Mill which is to be worked without any expense to her. Also my four wheel carriage amd Gears and Five hundred Dollars in Cash to be drawn from my executors as she may want it During her natural or single Life, and after then all the personal property that may remain in her possession at that time to be equally divided between my nine children here named Polly Owings, Samuel Owings, James Owings, Richard Owings, Thomas Owings, Joshua Owings, Basil Owings, Henry M. Owings, and Ann Jessop in eqaul portions share and share alike.

Item. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Owings his heirs and assigns forever all the Land I now hold on the left hand side of the main road leading from my Mills to Montgomery County beginning at the mouth of the lane leading to a corner stone at the mouth of the lane bording to the house where my son Samuel formerly lived then with the outline of my Land to the main Road below Nicholas Hardings then with the main Raod to the beginnings to include the quantity of four hundred acres of Land and should the above mentioned house lines not include that number of acres, It is my Will and desire that he shall run a north course ...the beginning across the main Road and a North course from the upper ... of the field formerly mowed for hay from each place so far in the ... the quantity of four hundred acres of Land.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Richard Owings his heirs and assigns forever Six hundred and Fifty acres of Land adjoining the Lands I have Deeded to my son Joshua W. Owings in Baltimore County including the Land mentioned in a Bond of conveyance from Talbott Shipley to me and by me assigned to my son Richard Owings to be laid off as convenient as possible.

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Owings his heirs and assigns forever all that tract of Land on which he now resides, except such part as I have sold to Thomas Whittington.

Item I give and bequeath unto my two sons Basil Owings and Henry N. Owings my Mills and all the Land adjoining not heretofore devised, including the Land I purchased of the heirs of John Worthington which has not as yet been Deeded to me, also the Lands devised to my wife Ruth Owings after her decease in equal portions to be disposed of at any time by Either part as they may think proper to them their heirs and assigns forever to be equally divided as Tennants in common.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Polly Owings her heirs and assigns forever Four notes of Hand drawn by my son Samuel Owings in favour to me and dated the seventeenth day of September Eighteen Hundred and Eighteen, the first note due on the first day of January Eighteen Hundred and Twenty was for the sum of two thousand one hundred and seventy Dollars, the second note due on the first day of January Eighteen Hundred and twenty three for the sum of two thousand and Sixty five Dollars, the third note due on the first day of January Eighteen hundred and twenty four for the sum of one thousand and nine hundred and sixty Dollars, the fourth note due on the first day of January Eigteen Hundred and twenty five for the sum of One thousand Eight hundred and fifty five Dollars, all four of which notes will amount to Eight thousand and Fifty Dollars also a Mulatto girl by the name of Matilda and two feather bedstand furniture that is to say two pair of sheets two Blankets one quilt one under bed and bedstand for each bed with Bolsters and pillars and one hundred and Twenty Dollars in Cash

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Jessop her heirs and asigns forever all my part of the old Windsor Mills with all the Land .. in partnership with William Jessop.

Item And whereas I have given unto my Son James Owings Isaac Pauls ...the amount of Five Thousand three hundred and thirty three Dollars thirty four cents and two Negroe boys which he sold for seven hundred dollars, besides several other gifts I now in addition to that give him two feather beds and furniture in like manner as is described to my daughter Polly, my negroe boy by the name of Charley and one Thousand Dollars in Cash. Also all the profits that may arise from the Estate of Henry Howard from said Howard's Will in favor to me. and it is also my Will and desire that my Son James should work my Mills that I devised to my two Sons Basil and Henry N. Owings in particular with the said Basil and Henry N. Owings until August Eighteen Hundred and Twenty one. and to be at one half the expenses of carrying on said Mills and to draw one half of expenses and to draw out one half the profits arising from said Mills and at the expiration of the above mentioned time the Mills to be given up to Basil and Henry N Owings.

Item I give and bequeath unto my Grand children Nathan N. Owings and .. Owings children of my son Beal all my Tract of Land lying in Baltimore County on Morgans Run called Point ?pringht and known by the name Linddsy's Meadows in equal portions to each of them their heirs and assigns forever as Tennants in Common also One hundred Dollars to each of..to be paid out of my personal Estate.

Item I give and bequeath unto my two Sons Richard and Joshua M. Owings all the rest and residue of the Lands I possess in Baltimore County and not heretofore devised, to be equally divided between them in equal portions to each of them their heirs and assigns forever as Tenants in Common

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Owings all my wearing apparel his leaving my Gold watch in possession of my wife during her life

Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Basil Owings two feather beds and furniture in like manner as is described to my Daughter Polly also a negroe boy by the name of Thomas to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry N. Owings two feather beds and furniture in like manner as is described to my Daughter Polly also a negroe boy by the name of Moses to him his heirs and assigns forever.

Item And it is my will and desire that my Executors whom I shall hereafter name shall be empowered to give a good and sufficient Deed for all the Lands I have heretofore sold or the the purchasers complying with the Bonds of conveyance given to me. Also to sell my Warehouse in the city of Baltimore or Bowley's Wharf and give good and sufficient title for the same and as much of my personal Estate as may be necessary for the payment of my Debts, and should their ...any left that to be equally divided between my nine children heretofore named share and share alike except such as I have devised to my Wife.

Item I do bereby authorize and empower my Executors to sell and dispose of any part of my Estate heretofore mentioned to be sold or any credit they may think proper for the best advantage of my children and it is my Will and desire that the Orphans Court shall not require any Security of my Executors, more than their own Bonds for the administration of my Estate.

Item And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my two Sons Samuel and James Owings to be the sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament revoking and annulling all Wills by me heretofore made, ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament In testimony whereof I have hereto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this seventeenth day of October in the year Eighteen hundred and Eighteen

Richard Owings{Seal} Signed sealed published and declared by Richard Owings the above named Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who .. his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses thereto. Nicholas Watkins Jr. Thomas X (his mark) Cade Asbury Howard Stephen Cross

Whereas I Richard Owings of Anne Arundel County have made and duly executed my last Will and Testament in writing bearing date the seveteenth day of October in the year Eighteen hundred and Eighteen which said last Will and Testament and every clause bequest and desire therein contained I do hereby ratify and confirm (saving and excepting such clauses bequests and devises therein mentioned as are by me hereinafter revoked and made void) and being desireous to alter such parts thereof and making additional thereto do therefore make this my Codicil which I Will and direct shall be taken and held as a part of my said Will and Testament in manner and form following. that is to say

Whereas since the making of my said Will I have sold unto my son James Owings my Warehouse in the City of Baltimore on Bowley's Wharf which said Warehouse I had inarro (?) by my last Will and Testament devised to be sold. I do hereby authorize and empower my son Samuel Owings one of the executors appointed in my last Will and Testament on Receiving the payment of the purchase money to give a good and sufficient title to said Warehouse to my son James Owings, In testimony of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this third day of Novemeber in the year Eghteen hundred and eighteen.

Richard Owings {seal} Signed sealed and declared by Richard Owings the above named Testator as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have .....our names at Witnesses thereto. ...olas Watkins Jr ..omas X (his mark) Care Asbury Howard Stephen Corss

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