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Will of Richard Stileman of Wanting (Wantage) 1609

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Richard Stileman will written 1 May 1603

Richardi's will passed probate on 12 April 1609.[1]

This is a transcription of the register office copy of the will of Richard Stileman (abt.1560-) It was written on 1 May 1603 and probate was granted to his wife Anne Stileman on 12 April 1609.

Persons mentioned

  • Richard Stileman Testator
  • Anne Stileman testator's wife
  • Bartholomew Stileman testator's son
  • Elias Stileman testator's son

Transcription conventions used in this text:
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest ("Item"), and bold text for names have been added for ease of reading.
Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
Crossings through, where they occur, have been included Struck out.
The image quality was good, and the handwriting very legible.

In the name of the Eternall and everlasting god The Father the
Sonne and the holy ghoste Three persons in the most reverend and holy Trinitie
inseperable united inn one Godhead without any difference or inequalitie be rendred
all possible praises and thanksgiving now and ever Amen
The fyrst of May
in the first yeare of his Majesties most gratious and happy reigne James the first
by the grace of god kyng of greate Brytayn Scotland France and Ireland Defender
of the fayth etc.
I Richard Stileman of Wanting in the countie of Berks the
most unprofitable servant of God doe make and ordayne this my present testam[ent]
and last will in manner and forme following.

Fyrst I commend my soule into the
merciful handes of the Lord my god who of his infinte goodnes in his eternall and
unchangeable counsell before the creation of the world hath appoynted and decreed
whom he wants in tyme to come take to salvation which counsell as touching his devine
election is grounded in his free and tender mercie according to his owne good purpose
and gracious disposition casting his eyes upon his holy annoynted By whose mediation
and vertue of the sacrifice of his death and passion as also in the assured mercies
and sweete comfortable promyses of God offred and sett forth in him I nothing doubt
to have free and full remission and forgivenes of all my synes All other meanes and
meritts excluded whatsoever The comfortable spirit off God testifieng and inwardly
persuading me of the assurance of my adoption and free election to salvation in Jhesus
Christe our delivere to the everlastingprayse of his glory Amen

And as
concerning my body even with a good will and free heart I give it over at the lordes
appoynted tyme commending it unto the earth wherof it came until the greate
and generall day of the resurrection And to be interred in the parish church of

Item I give unto some godly Minister to make mu funerall Sermon
three shillings fower pence.

Item I give and bequeath unto my two Sonnes
Bartholomewe Styleman and Elias Stileman all my bookes equally to be
devi[de]d betwene them

Item I will and devise that all the Implements of houshold
and houshold stuff hereafter named shalbe and remayne in my now dwelling house
as standard for and to the proper use and behoofe of myne heyres That is to say In
the hall one foulding Table of Oake and the forme belonging to the same Table

the cupbord and one round Table And at her cupbord one chest standing in the said
hall Together with al the waynscott Seeling and benches .... the sayd hall and
paynted clothes

Item in the chamber over the hall one joyned bedsted one truckle
bedsted one high square chest with a spring lock.

Item in the chimney chamber one
high square chest with a spring lock together with all the waynscott seeling and benches
there as also my study and one cubbord in my sayd studdy with lockes and keyes therto
belonging with all the escripts miniments and all other the implements in my sayd studdy
whatsoever my bookes before given only excepted Also the closett standing at the
stayres head Together with all the dores dore lockes keyes iron boltes and staples
Together wth all the glasse aand casements in and about my sayd house whatsoever

Moreover my minde will and intent is That Anne Stileman my wief shall have the
use and occupation of all the sayd stuff and Standerds for and during her naturall lief
of her the sayd Anne and so long as she shall dwell and remayne in my sayd house and
not to be sold or removed elsewhere wheresoever Moreover my mynde will and intent is
that Anne Stileman my sayd wief shall enter into bode and put in such.securitie
for the

[page 2]

for the true and faithfull delivery and performance of all such thinges as are mentioned
and given by hthis my last will and Testament as by thordinary or any others lawfully
having authority to take probat of this my last will and Testament shalbe thought
meete and convenyent

Item all the resydue of my goodes before not given nor bequeathed
my debts being payd funerall expenses made and legacies performed
I give and bequeath
unto my welbeloved wief Anne Stileman whom I doe make myne only and sole Executrix
of this my last will and Testament And I doe constitute and appoynt to be my
Overseers my welbeloved friends [blank] whom I heartily intreate to see this
my present Testament and last will duly and truly performed according to the
true meaning hereof And I give to every of them in signe of my good will Twelve



  1. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 113
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Record 5111 #890339 (accessed 10 July 2022)
    Will of Richardi Stileman of Wantings, Berkshire, England, granted probate on 12 Apr 1609. Died Abt 1609.

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