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Will of Robert Bawdwyn (Hawdewyne) of Hingham 1550

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The is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Robert Bawdwyn of Hingham, Norfolk, England. In the register copy, the scribe wrote Robert's surname as "Hardewyne" for the first two occurrences, before settling on variants of Bawdwyn.
Robert wrote his will on 27 October 1547 and it was proved at the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk sitting at Norwich, Norfolk on 8 May 1550. [1]

Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included Struck out
The text was originally in one block of text. Paragraph breaks at change of bequest (Item), and bold text are added for ease of reading.
ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
The image quality was good, and the handwriting readable. Many non-standard spellings and arcane words used.
Tobe (to be) and shalbe (shall be) consistently merged. Decease spelled deces.

Persons mentioned:

  • Margaret my wief wife of Testator, still alive on 11 November 1552 when she wrote her will (proven 24 January 1552/3 - link to her will transcription). Joint executor of the will
  • Thomas Bawdwyn my sonne appears to be eldest son, inherits most of the lands bequeathed to his mother after her death
  • Cicelie Lyncolne my doughter married to Robert Lincolne of Hingham
  • John Lincone son of Cicelie Lincolne
  • Richarde Lincone son of Cicelie Lincolne
  • Margaret Bawdwyn my doughter unmarried in 1547
  • Hugh[e] Bawdwyn Testator's son. Joint executor of the will with Testator's wife Margaret
  • Robert Bawdwyn son of Hughe Bawdwyn
  • Wylliam Bawdwyn child of Hughe Bawdwyn
  • Cicelie Bawdwyn' child of Hughe Bawdwyn
  • Rose Bawdwyn child of Hughe Bawdwyn
  • Wylliam Bawdwyn Testator's son
  • Agnes Bawdwyn the child of Wylliam Bawdwyn
  • John Bawdwyn deceased relationship not specified. At the foot of folio 5 verso, a John Bawdwyn is referred to as a son, but not deceased. John the son also has a close of land bequeathed to him.
  • Alice Bawdwyn the doughter of John Bawdwyn deceased. May be the same Alice referred to as Alice Bawdwyn my nece who is being raised by Testator. Testator leaves money for her upbringing.
  • John Bawdwyn my sonne alive in 1547, has a close of land left to him.
  • Peter Cowper of Hingham advisor to executors
  • Fraunc[e]s Portman witness to will
  • Thomas George witness to will
  • Roger Wade witness to will
  • John Hubberde witness to will
  • John Cadye witness to will

[Folio 4 recto]

T Robti Hawdewyne /

In the name of God Amen
the xxvij th day of Octobre in the yere
of oure Lorde god mto ccccc xlvij
and in the firste yere of the reigne of owre
Soveraine Lorde Lorde Edwarde the sixte
by the grace of god kinge of England of fraunce
and of Ireland defender of the faith and in
earth supreme hedde of the church of englande
and Irelande I Robert Hawdwyn of Hengham
in the countie of Norff and dioces of
Norwich beinge holl of minde and of p[er]fite
remembrance thanks be to god make this my
testamente and laste will in manner and
forme followinge refusinge all other willes
and testaments by me made in tymes past
Firste I bequeth my sowle to almightie
god and my bodie tobe buried in the church
yarde of Hengh[a]m aforesaide Item I will
have done honestlie for me at the daie
of my buriall in funerall expenses eve[r]y at
the good minde and descrec[i]on of my executors

Item I bequethe unto everie one of my godchil=
dren beinge of my kinred xijd and to everie
other of my godchildren iiijd And also
to everie one one of Margaret my wifes
godchildren iiijd Item I will that the saide
Margaret my wief and her assignes
in the name of her dower or thirde p[ar]te shall
have my mesuage called thirde p[ar]te Kevyns
scituate in Frostrowe in Hengh[a]m aforesaide
with all the yards and buyldings therto
belonginge and iij akers of londe lyenge in wood=
risinge feldes duringe all the terme of her
naturyall lief she makinge neyther stropp
nor waste in this same premisses And
imediatlie after her deces the said messuage
and all other the saide hereditaments shall

[folio 4 verso]
remeyne to my sonne Thomas Bawdwyn his heires
and assignes for ever he payeinge to one of my
executors or the executors of them iiij tc pounds of
lawfull monye of englande accordinge to suche condicyon as
[th][e]re a peared by deede therof to hym made

Item I wyll that the sayde
Margaret my wyefe shall have the ij acres of grounde lyinge
nere the messuage of Kevens aforesaide duringe the hole terme
of here lyefe whiche ij acres I holde by lease of the lorde of the
manner of Hengh[a]m aforesaide and after her deces I wyll it shall
remayne holye to the Thomas Bawdwyn and his assignes
duringe my lyese [2] therin

Item I bequeth to Cicelie Lyncolne my
doughter xiijs iiijd and to John Lincone and to Richarde Lincone
children of the same Cicelye to yche of them xxd everye of them to
be payd w[i]t[h]in one yere nexte ensuynge my saide wyefis decease

Item I bequeth to Margaret Bawdwyn my doughter xiijs iiijd
& to Robert Bawdwyn son of Hughe Bawdwyn and to
Agnes Bawdwyn chylde the chylde of Wyll[ia]m Bawdwy[n]
my sonne and to Alice Bawdwyn the doughter of John
Bawdwyn deceased to yche of iijs iiijd all to be payde
w[i]t[h]in ij yeares next ensuynge my sayd wyefes deces

Item I
bequeth to Wyll[ia]m Bawdwyn to Cicelie Bawdwyn and
to Rose Bawdwyn the children of the sayde Hughe to yche
of theym xijd and toward the reparacion and mendinge of
the waye extendinge from Forstrowe aforesaide untyll the
p[ar]ysshe churche of Hengh[a]m aforesayd where most nede is
vis viijd tobe payde and done w[i]t[h]in thre yeres next ensuinge
my sayd wyfe deces by one of myne executors or the
executors of them

It[e]m I wyll that Richarde Bawdwyn
my sonne and his heires shall have all there heredetaments
whiche I have assured hym of, by astate and his entrance
tobe unto them accordinge to the same astate and payinge to

[folio 5 recto]
myne executors or the executors of them xxvLi of
lawfull monye of england accordinge to the condicion of
the sayd astate Item all the resydewe of my lease lands not
before assigned I bequeath to the sayd Richard Bawdwyn
and his assigneis for ever during all my terme therin

I wyll that myne executors shalbestowe iiijLi of the
firste payments of the sayd xxvLi at theire discrecyon at
my sayd buryall or other expedyent tymes in dede of

Item I bequeth to the sayde Margaret my wyefe
iijLi of the nexte payments of the same xxvLi to be payd

Item I bequeth to the sayd Cicelie Lyncone my doughter
xl s to be payde next after the sayd Margaret my wyefe
ought to have her sayd parte

Item I bequeth to the sayd Hughe
Bawdwyn my sonne xls to be payd next after the sayd Cicelie
ought tobe payd her sayd parte

Item I bequeth to my sonne
Wyll[ia]m Bawdwyn xls tobe payde next after the said Hughe
ought tobe payd his sayd parte /.

Item I wyll xls shalbe
distributed by myne executors or the executors of them in the
presence of the wardein of the sayd churche on thre severall
yeres to the moost porest people thein inhabitinge in Hengh[a]m
aforesayd that is to saye xiijs iiijd next ensuynge after the
sayd Wyll[ia]m my sonne owght tobe payde his sayde p[ar]te in the
feeste of all saints and goodfridaye yerely duringe these
same iij yeres by evyn porcions tobe distributed beynge
p[ar]cell of the sayd xxvLi

Item I wyll that who so ever shall
have the educac[i]on and bringyinge [3] of Alice Bawdwyn
my nece next after my deceasse shall have xxs of it

Item I wyll that my executors
shall bestowe in the repairinge of the sayd waye extendinge fro[m]
forstrow aforesayd unto the sayd church wheare most nede is
xiijs iiijd percell of the sayde xxvLi

Item I wyll that yf
anye of my sayd chyldren that ys to saye Cicelie Hugh and

[folio 5 verso']
Wyll[ia]m shall die sodenlye before the sayd bequests geyfts [4]
legacs and payments be dewe by severally to them I wyll
that then the same bequests geyfts and legacs on the behalfe
of hym or hir or them the same Cicelie Hughe or Wyll[ia]m so
decessinge before theire saide parte be due shall remayne
unpayd on the hands and kepinge of the sayde Rychard his
heires and assignes untyll the children of any my sayde
three children who decessinge shalbe of the age of xxj yeres
whom I wyll shall have theire said parents parts of
monye geve before to them legaced in this my testaments
by evon porcions tobe devided amonge them

Item I wyll that
all the resydewe of the saide S[u]me of xxvLi not before
legaced shalbe at the only dispocion of myne executors
towards the perfourmance of the resydew of this my
present testament and laste wyll

Item I give and
bequeth to the sayd Richard my sonne and his assignes
fyve of my horses beste viz my wyght geldinge my
sorreld stoned horse and my iij meers my ij carts my
plowe my stepe fat my fanne and my busshell and
one paire of harrowe and all the harnes and geare
app[er]teynynge to the sayd carte and plowe he to
obteyne them at the myghelmas [5]next ensuynge
my deces and in that the meane tyme my executors
to have the occupynge of theym / Also I give to the
sayd Margaret my doughter over and besyde the
legacey before to her bequethed xls of lawfull monye of
englande in three yeres next ensuynge my deces
by evon porcions to her and hyr assigneis tobe

Item I will that yf the sayd Wyllyam
Bawdwyn Hugh Bawdwyn and John Baudwyn

[folio 6 recto]
my sonnes or any of them iij or theire chyldren or heires or
anye other p[er]son or p[er]sons in his ir theire stede, name, or
names shall take anye possessyon or sue in anye courte
to have any of the sayd hereditaments goods or cattalls
otherwyse them is aforesayd I wyll then all the sayd gyefts
legacs and bequests to the sayd Wyll[ia]m Hughe and John
and to there chylden and assignes by me in this my
testament legaced utterlye tobe voyde and of none effecte
on his or there behalfe that shall make any such ensuance
or sute and tobe at the only dyspo[si]cyon of myne executrix
and of her executors

Item all the Resydew of my goods and
cattells not before bequethed mor hereafter bequethed I give
and bequeth to the sayd Margaret my wyefe and her assignes
for ever and all my cattalls veall untyll mychelmas nexte
ensuynge my deces / excepte yf yt shall channse the same
Margaret to depart from her naturall lyefe I then beinge
alyve I wyll that then that all the sayd iijLi and all the
sayd moveabyll goods cattalls vytalls to hir assigned in
this testamente equally tobe devided among & all my
chyldren then beinge alyve which shall not make troo
disturbance by any sute to entringe any p[ar]te of this my
testament and laste wyll trulye accomplisshed I make the
same Margaret my wyefe and the sayd Hughe my
sonne my executors of this my testament
bequethinge the same Hughe for his laboure and busynes
abowght my testament xxs

Item I give to Peter
Cowper aforesayd of Hengh[a]m for his good counsell and
informacyons tobe geven to my sayd executors towards
the advancement of this my testament vis viijd and his
reasonable costs and charges therin tobe sustenede moreover
I wyll that the sayd John my sonne and his heires shall

[folio 6 verso]
have one inclose which I have which assured hym of by
my dede he paynge xls to myne executors accordinge
to the condicyon of the sayd deyde whereof I wyll the sayde
Margaret my doughter tobe payd her said porcyon of
xiijs iiijd any thinge afore conteyned to the contrarie
notwythstandynge These beynge wytnes Fraunc[e]s
Portman Thomas George Roger Wade John Hubberde
and John cadye and other //

[From the Latin] In the fourth year of the reign of Edward the Sixth, King of England etc, this will was proved at Norwich at the Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk on the 8th day of May AD 1550
Administration of the goods and debts to the executors named in the said Testament
Et comissa es poteseas dato Waltero Cowp[er] cap onerand Executors etc
Tose Alexandro Carewe Archimo Norff


  1. Will of Robert Bawdwyn (Hardewyne or Hawdwin) of Hingham 1500 Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk ANF will register Liber 13 (Craneforth) fo. 4 - Hawdwin, Robert, of Hingham 1550 Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England. Family Search film 167069 Images viewable at an LDS Family History Centre. Images transcribed 22 March 2022
  2. lease
  3. the word up probably omitted here
  4. gifts
  5. Michaelmas

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