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Will of Robert Coker of Mappowder, Dorset 1573

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National Archive, Kew, England PROB 11/55/159

Will of Robert Coker of Mappowder, Dorset
Probate: 10 April 1573
Robert Coker
In the name of God Amen the seconde day of january in the yere of o’re lorde God 1572. I Robert Coker of Mapowder in the Countie of Dorset Esquier being sicke of body, but whole of mynde and of good remembrrance god be praised do revoke and call in all and singuler suche willes and Testaments whatsoever w’ch heretofore hath been made by me or by my appointement and that all and any suche wille and testament shall from henceforth stande void frustrate and of none efecte to all intents contenc’ons and purposes And thereupon do ordayne constitute and make this my present last will and testament in maneer and forme as hereafter foloweth.
First and principallie I comyt my soule to almightie god my onlie savio’ maker and redeamer, by whome and in no other I hope to be saved at the generall day of iudgement cum venerit Judicare vivos et mortuos, and my body to be buried in the p[ar]sh church of Mapowder
Item I give to the same churche fortie shillinges of lawfull money of England
Item I give and bequeath to Robert Coker my youngest sonne one Annuitie or yerelie rent of twenty pounds of like currant money to be paied unto the said Robert Coker or to his assignes during his naturall life and the same to be levied oute of my Mano’r og Frome Whitfeld and Frome Crouchin
Item I give and bequeath to my cosen Bridget Milles the daughter of Thomas Milles deceased my late sonne in lawe fiftie poundes of currant english money towards her advancement in marriage over and above other fiftie poundes w’ch I have alredy received to her use of her fathers bequest for her like advancement in marriage
Item I give and bequth unto my cosen Elizabeth Coker the daughter of my sonne Thomas Coker one hundreth pounds of currant english money towards her advancement in marriage
Item I give and bequeth to my daughter Mary Watkyns tenne pounds of like currant money
Item I give and bequeth to my cosen and god daughter Mary Hanam tene pounds of like currant money
Item I give and bequeth to my cosen Charles Bingham tenne poundes of currant English money towards his funding at Oxforde
Item I give and bequeth unto Jane Morgan my servant fortie markes of like currant money towards her marriage
Item I give and bequeth to my servant Faith Wyntrye vi l xiijs [iiijd?]towards her marriage
Item I give and bequeth to all the residue of my servants as well men servants as women servants one whole yeres wage to be paied to every of them w’thin one moneth next after my death
Item I give to the poor of the Tithing of Plushe xs
Item I give to the pore prisoners of Dorchestor xs
Item I give to the pore of the towne of Milton xs
Item I give to the pore of the towne of Dorchester xs All and singular w’ch money so gyven and bequethed by me to the pore as aforesais my will mynde and intent is that my overseers hereafter named or the more p’te of them shall see distributed according to there discretione
Item my will mynde and intent is that my overseers hereafter named shall receave and take into their hands the whole rents yssues and proffits of my manors of Frome Whitfelde and from Crouchin and with the same shall pay all such debts and legaces whatsoever w’ch now or hereafter shalbe specified and declared in this my p’sent last will and testament and my very will mynde and intent is that my said overseers or the more p’te of them shall enioy the said rents revenues yssues and proffitts of my said Manno’ of Frome Whifelde and Frome Crouchin unto suche tyme as my debts whatsoever and my legacies before recited be by my said overseers hereafter named or the more p’te of them well and truly contented satisfied and paied and no longer and the same to be p’formed and done in so shorte and convenient tyme as the rents may [-ise] and be gathered of the same
Item I give and bequeth to my daughter Alice Cotton xxl w’ch her husband doth owe me
Item whereas I owne unto my sonne Clavell the some of one hundred foure score tennne pounds iijs viiijd of currant englishe money being the residue of the whole somme of cccx[ll?] due unto hym for the marriage of my daughter Susan hus wife. Therefore my will mynde and intent is that my executors shall so that the same be truly contented and paied unto my sonne Clavell according to suche covennte or bills and condicns as were and are comprised in a bill of articles made betwixt me and my said sonne Clavell before the marriage of my said daughter Susan
The residue of all my goods and cattalls moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeth to Elizabeth my wife and to Henry Coker my sonne and heire apparent whome I do ordayne constitute & make my whole executors of this my present last will and testament
Item I do ordayne constitute & make my brother Henry Willins, my brother John Coker, my sonnes in lawe, John Clavell and Richard Watkyns my overseers of this my present last will and testament most heartelie desiring them to see the same to be duelie & truly executed and p’formed in evry respecte according to the true meaning and intent of this my present last will and testament And I give to my brother Henry Williams, John Clavell and Richard Watkyns and to evry of them xxs and I give and bequeth to my brother John Coker my [dunne?] ambling gelding
In witness wherof I have signed this my psent will in my owen hande and thereunto set my seale the say and yere above written Robert Coker.

[Probate was granted to Elizabeth Coker the relict and Henry Coker, executors named in the testament, 10 April 1573]

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