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Will of Robert Cowper of Hyngham 1527

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Surname/tag: Cowper
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This is a transcript of the registered will of Robert Cowper of Hyngham. It was written on 2 June, 1527.[1]

The image quality was fair and the handwriting very legible.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]


Persons mentioned:

  • Ro[ber]te Cowper
  • Thomas Woodcock, supervisor
  • Margery Woodcock my daughter
  • Margarett Veyth
  • Margarett Redmay my nece
  • Isabell Woodcock my nece
  • Isabell my wiff
  • Thomas Dornynt, supervisor
  • Richard? Roty?

In the Name of God Amen The ijnd(2nd) day of June
in the year of our lord god M cccccc xxvjth (1527) I Rob[er]te Cow[per] of hyngham
in the countye of Norff[olk] being in [per]fect mind and memory
make my testatment concerning my last wyll in this man[ner] &
forme following First I comend my soule to god allmyghty
to the blessed mother Mary to saynt Andrew myn advower
& to all the blessed company of hevyn my body to be buryed
in the churchyard of hynghym forsayd next to my father
& mother And I bequeath to the hey awter of the same church
in restytut[i]on of my tythes indigently payd vjd

Item I bequeath to the [par]ish of the sayd church of hyngham xxd

Item I wyll have a seculor priest to say and syng hymyn
_ in the church of hyngham praying for my soule and
my benefactores soules the space of one hoole
yere and he to have for his stypend il xvid vjs

I bequeath to the _ of the trynyte saynt Joseph
and saynt Andrews in hynghem to any one of them xijl

Item I bequeath to hyghs of paupers xxi saynt Andrews
saynt peter the trynyti the naticute & the assumption of
our lady the roodwiffe the brown rood to saynt Joseph
and saynt John the Baptyste & to our lady in the _
and mercy of the hyghy ijl

Item I give and bequeath
to the other hyghy in hyngham church kepte of custome

Item I bequeath to Thomas Woodcock my grat brasse

Item I bequathe to Margery Woodcock my daughter
and Margarett Veyth that the sayd Thomas hath ijacd
land bying in the westfeld to be evynly devyded
betwyxt them to take and sell for _ and his to pay
to Margarett Redmay my nece xxd

Item I bequeath to Isabell my wiff my mesuage that I now dwell
in with all the utensils & movables past that is my own
[prop]per]ty to take and sell at her own will with an acre
of marrcd grownd in lock manner to gyff and sell
for in and one _ or else xs be _ always of
Eng[lish] money _ I shall fortun to have in _
at my dedday ye which I will pott be at the _
of myn _ to the _ of that my last will

Item I will my slass hynd in _ contynynt
by esymacon my acre be sold to Thomas Woodcock
& he to pay to my epirnt xiij mark or _ to the best
efytt be myn executor and the money fomynt
_ to be _ to the [per]formence of this my last
will & testament _ to Isabell Woodcock my nece
my _ _ & _ & my _ _ to be sold

Item I will have a _ _ and mark is on
suffragyd and _ [per]ruse in the terone ijl

Page 2
I will and bequeath all my posession feoffes
in any of my mesuages & lands to _ a suffycyent
estate according to the _ of this my sayd testement
& last will/ the resydue of all my goodes be them movable
& immovable and also my _ I put themin the
disposition of myn executores whom I order and
make Thomas Downynt of Wood Rising & _
person of hyngham my su[per]visor and I gyff to _
of them for ther labor & besynes xjl payd with the
posts in the executyon of the same witness herof
Rychard Boty Wylliam _ & Rychard Baker _
& Thomas Woodcock


  1. Will of Robert Cowper 1527, Episcopal Consistory Court, Archdeaconry of Norwich Register copy wills, v.8 (Brokehole), 1524-1531, Norwich Record Office; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 8004752, image 164-5 of 220.] Accessed 19 February 2022

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