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Will of Robert Ducie, Kt.

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Date: [unknown]
Location: City of London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Ducie Ducy
This page has been accessed 17 times.

In the name of God Amen The nynth
day of June Anno Dom[ini] one thousand six hundred thirtie foure and in the
tenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace
of God king of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the
faith I Sir Robert Ducie knight and Baronett and Alderman of
the City of London being of good and perfect memorie thanks bee given
unto God Calling to mynd the sertenty [sic] of death and unsertenty [sic] of the tyme
thereof doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in manner
following That is to say first I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God with my
humble prayer to his Mater to take it to his mercy and to
pardon and forgive my sinnes for which I am heartily sorry and [?] And am confident
that by the death and passion of Jesus Christ and for his sake and meritts they are and
shall bee forgiven mee And my bodie I comend to the Earth whereof it is made And
my desire is that it may bee interred in the Parish Church of St Lawrence in the
Ward of Cheap London in wch parish I was borne and my father and mother and divers
of my Ancestors lye buried in the same Church And that my Corps may lye neere to ye monument of my late Father in law Mr Alderman Pyott deceased and under his window
where I desire a monument to bee built for mee and my most loving wife such a one as
Mr Alderman Hollydaies is on the other side of the same Church Item I will that all
such debts and duties as I owe of right or Conscience to any person or persons bee well and
truly contented and payd And after my debts paid and my Funerall expenses discharged
I will that all my goods Chattells and debts shall bee devyded into three equall partes
whereof I will that Dame Elizabeth my most loving wife shall have one equall part to
her owne use in the name of her reasonable part of all my said goods Chattells and
debts by and after the laudable Custome of the City of London belonging And the second
equall part of all my said goods Chattells and debts I give and bequeath to and amongst
my sonnes Richard William Robert Hugh and John equally to bee devyded amongst
them according to the Custome of the said City And the last third part of all my said
goods Chattells and debts and other my personall estate whatsoever I reserve unto my selfe
and dispose thereof as followeth First I give to my loving and deare wife the some of
Five hundred pounds as a token of my love of which I desire her good acceptance Item I give to my sonne Richard Ducie the some of Five hundred pounds upon Condicon yt

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hee give my Executrix here undernamed an Acquittance or discharge for his Grandfather
Pyott legacie of one hundred pounds and for his Grandmother Pyotts legacie of Twenty
pounds which I have paid him Item I give and bequeath unto my other sonne or sonnes Willm
Robert Hugh and John to every of them two thousand pounds a yeere amounting to eight
thousand pounds to bee paid unto them respectively at their severall ages of one & Twentie
yeares And if any of them shall die before hee or they shall atteyne unto his or their age
or ages of one and twenty yeares Then the said legacie soe given to him or them soe
deceasing shall goe & bee to and amongst the Survivor and Survivors of my said sonne
or sonnes equally to bee devyded amongst them Item I give to my brother John Ducy the
some of two hundred pounds And to everie of his Children twentie pounds a yeere to bee
paid unto them vizt. To the sonnes at their severall ages of one and Twenty yeares And to
the daughters at their severall ages of one and twentie yeares or dayes of mariage which
shall first happen And if any of my said brothers children shall depart this life before his
or her age of one and twentie yeares or daies of marriage as aforesaid Then the said gift and legacy by mee to him her or them soe given shall bee and remayne to the survivor and
survivors of those children equally to bee devyded amongst them Item I give to my sister Rawlyns the some of Fiftie pounds And to everie of her children twentie pounds a yeere vizt. To the sonnes att their severall age of one and twentie yeares And to the daughters
at their ages of one and twentie yeares or daies of mariage which shall first happen
And if any of my said sisters Children shall depart this life before his her or their
age of one and twentie yeares or daies of marriage as aforesaid Then the legacie of
him her or them soe deceasing shall bee and goe to the survivor and survivors of them
equally to bee devyded amongst them and payeable to them respectively as aforesaid Item
my will and mynd is and I doe hereby require and charge my sonne Richard that hee
and his assignes doe pay and allow unto my sister Rawlyns dureing his naturall life
the some of twentie pounds yearelie by quarterly payments out of the profitts of the
lands that I have conveyed and settled upon him Item I give unto my brother Bott
twentie pounds and to his three children Twentie pounds a yeere to bee paid vizt. To
the sonnes at their severall ages of one and Twentie yeares And to the daughters at
their [?] ages of one and twentie yeares or daies of mariage which shall first happen
And if any of my said brothers Children shall depart this life before his or their age
of one and twentie yeares or dayes of marriage Then the legacy of him or them soe
deceasing to bee and goe to the survivor and survivors of them equally to bee devyded
amongst them and to bee paid to him or them respectively as aforesaid Item I give to
my brother Chelsthropp' twentie pounds And to my Neece Abigaill his daughter
Fiftie pounds And to every of his other children twentie pounds a yeere to bee paid
vizt. To the sonnes at their severall ages of one and twentie yeares and to the daughters at the life age of one and twenty yeares or dayes of mariage which shall first
happen And if any of his said other Children shall dye before his or their age of one
and twentie yeares or daies of mariage Then the legacie of him or them soe deceasing
shall bee and goe to the Survivor and Survivors of them equallie to bee devyded
amongst them and to bee paid as aforesaid Item I give to my sister Evans her daughter
twenty pounds to bee paid at her age of one and twentie yeares or daies of marriage wch
shall first happen And my will and mynd is and I doe hereby require and charge my sonne
William to pay and afford unto my sister Evans her daughter for and towards his education
and mayntenince the some of tenne pounds per Annum by quartlery payments untill
shee shall atteyne unto her age of one and twentie yeares out of the profitts of the lands
which I have settled upon him Item I give and bequeath unto my reverend and learned
pastor Doctor Gifford Rector of the parish Church of St Michael Bassieshawe
London twentie pounds and to his wife tenne pounds And if shee survives him then I
give unto her Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath to the Hospitall of Christs
Church towards the reliefe of the Children there one hundred pounds To the hospitall

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of Bridewell towards the mayntenince of a Porte to sett the poore

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