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Will of Robert Hunt, Clerk and Vicar of Heathfield, Sussex

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Date: 20 Nov 1606 to 14 Jul 1608
Location: Heathfield, Sussex, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Hunt
Profile manager: Helen Ford private message [send private message]
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Will of Robert Hunt, Clerk and Vicar of Heathfield, Sussex
PROB 11/112/163
14 July 1608
transcribed from image on ancestry.co.uk by Helen Ford

In the name of God : Amen;

This twentieth daye of November in the yeare of our Lord accordinge to the computation of the Church of England One thousand sixe hundred and sixe. I Robert Hunt of the parishe of Heathfeild in the County of Sussex Clerke and vicar of the saide parishe benige whole and sounde both of body and minde (praised be Almightie god my heavenlie father) doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament
First I committ and bequeathe my Soule into the handes of Almightie god in a sure and certaine hope of everlastinge life throughe the bloude of Jesus Christ myne onlie Saviour, and my bodie to the good will and pleasure of Almightie God.
Concerning my eathlie goods and landes this is my last will and testament in manner and forme following.
First I give unto Grace Kyne my nowe servant, to Elizabeth Milles my late servant to each of them tenn shillinges to be paide within three monthes after the certaine knowledge of my deathe!
Item I give unto Elizabeth my daughter thirtie poundes of lawfull money of England to be paide to her when she shall come to eighteen yeares of age. Also I give unto her one tenement with five acres of land be it more or lesse late bening part of the waste or common called High Downe in Heathfeild aforesaide which saide tenement and land I bought of Thomas Parker ? nowe or late of Ketherfield
Item I give unto Thomas my Sonne tenn poundes of lawful money of England to be paide him at the age of one and twenty yeares.
Item I give to him one tenement or theCoppyhoulde w’the twelve [acres?] of land be it more or lesse thereto belonging and being in the parishe of [Wableton??] and belonging unto Mr Thomas Pellam his mannor of Burwash which saide tenement and landes I bought of William [_Stace?] of Heathfeild aforesaide.
All my other goodes chattells money annuyities either nowe or hereafter to be due into me I give unto Elizabeth my wiffe whome I make my sole executor, and I doe appoint Mr Tristram [Sicheman, Sirleman???]to be the supravisor overseer of this my last will and testament and I doe give him tenn shillinges for his labour provided alwaies yf Elizabeth my saide wiff shall at any time during my life committ the art of incontinency or shalbe [openlie??] defamed or vehementlie suspected for any such arte of incontenency or if the saide Elizabeth my wiffe shall duringe my life or after my deathe before the proving of this my will staie and abide in the same howse or other place whatsoever (the church and publique assemblies surelie excepted) together with John Taylor the oldest sonne of John Taylor of the parishe of Heathfeild aforesaid then my last will and testament is that the saide Elizabeth my wiffe shalbe excluded from benig my executor and shall loose all other benefit of this my last will and testament. And in her place I doe appoint Elizabeth my daughter to be my sole executor to whome I doe alsoe give all my goodes, Chattell, money and annuyities whatsoever unbequeathed. And I doe then appoint my brother Steven Hunt nowe or late of Reculver in the Countie of Kent yeoman to be the onelie overseer of trust or this my last will and testament to the use and for the benefit of Elizabeth my daughter and I doe give unto him five poundes for his labour, whome alsoe I doe appoint and intreat (yf my daughter Elizabeth shall have to be myne executor then and not otherwise) to keepe or cause to be kept hir my saide daughter and my sonne Thomas in their minority and to putt fourth such money as shalbe due unto them soe as may be most for their profit. And I doe further allowee to him all such reasonable charges as he shall necessarily expend by being the overseer of this my last will and testament .
In witnes whereof I have written this my last will and testament with mine owne hande and thereto have sett my hand and sealle the day and yeare above written.

Ro. Hunt Sealled and delivered in the presence Thomas Boreman Nat Taylor

Probate was granted to his widow, Elizabeth, the executrix

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