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Will of Robert Joliffe Witchampton Dorset 1708

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Will of Robert Joliffe, Witchampton
Probate date 11 September, 1708
Dorset Archdeaconry
Dorset History Centre, Ref Ad/Dt/W/1708 record 21
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Will has tears in the folds and some fading of ink. Square brackets indicate letters or words missing, where possible these have been extrapolated from context.
Robert Jollife (bef.1643-abt.1708)
In the name of God Amen I Robert Joliffe of Wichampton
in the County of Dorset Gent bei[ng] weake in Body [bu]t of sound & pfect
mind & m[em]ory praise be therefore given to Almighty God doe make &
ordain thi[s] my last will & Testament in manner & f[orm] following, that
is to say Fi[r]st & principally I commend my soul into t[he] hands of Almighty
God hopin[g] through the merits death & passion of my Lord & Saviour
to have f[ ] free parson & forgiveness of all my [ ] & to everlas
ing Life [my ] Body I commit to the Earth to be decen[tly] buried at the
discrection [of] my executrix here in after named in th[e] church of Witchampton
aforesaid as near my late deare wife as convenient [] may be And as for
& touching the disposition of such [ ] estate as it hath pleased
Almighty God to bestow [upon me] I give & dispose [ ] pf as foll[ow]eth
First I give unto my Grandson Robert Hussey three hundred pounds to
be paid him within three yeares after my decease And also I give & [ ]
unto my said grandson & the heires of his Body Lawfully to be begotten All
my lands & hereditaments with the Appt’ces situate lying & being in the p’isshe
of St James in Shaftesbury within the said County of Dorset & for want of such
issue I give & devise the same unto my nephew Robert Joliffe sonne of my
Brother John Joliffe & his heires forever Item I give unto my kinswoman
Katherine Russell daughter of Robert Russell late of Hinton Martell within the
said County of Dorset yeoman [one?] five pounds to be paid her within one
month next after my decease Item 'Whereas on the marriage of my
daughter Annover [Annever] with John Hankins I did agree to pay him six hundred
pounds on his making a settlement on her & the issue of that marriage
and whereas I have already paid two hundred & forty pounds thereof
my will and pleasure I give the remaining three hundred & sixty pounds of
the said six hundred pounds unto the said John Hankins when he shall have
made a settlement of lands on my said daughter & her issue according to
the said agreement on the said marriage & not before And I give unto my
said daughter Annever five shillinges Item my will & pleasure is & I doe
hereby order & appooint my executrix herein after named to buy my said
Grandsons life after her decease & the decease of my said daughter
Annever in my copyhold landes at Hinton Martell aforesaid & to make
him purchaser thereof and I dow herby charge all my lands & tenements
goods & chattells for the de[ ] the[ ] at the next Court to be holden for that
manor of Hinton Martell aforesaid after my decease Item I give unto the
poore of W[ich]ampton aforesaid twenty shillings & to the poore of Hinton [Martell?]
aforesaid [ ] shillings to the poore of St James aforesaid twenty shillings to be distributed
amongst [ ] according to the discretion of my executrix Item all the
rest & residue of my lands tenements hereditaments goods & chattells
I give grant & devise unto my daughter Mary Joliffe her heires executors
Adm’s & Assignes forever whom I make my full & sole executrix of this my
last will & testament I doe hereby revoke & make v[oi]d all former wills &
testaments [ ] made In witness whereof I h[ave] unto set my hand
and seal the [ ]& twentyeth day April in the [ ] year of the reigh
[ ] sovraigne Lady Ann Queen of England]
[bottom line torn and folded part signature, year 1706]

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