Location: [unknown]
Dorset History Centre
- Will of Robert Joliffe of Stower Provost
- Ad/Dt/W/1731; Event Record Number: 7
- 2 Nov 1731
Robert Jollife (abt.1680-1731)
Lines as in original, note the right hand margin has not been captured in the scan.Where possible some words and parts of words have been inferred. Square brackets have been used for these inferences and to indicate the missing material. Will written on wide parchment with seal affixed.
- In the Name of God Amen I Robert Jolliffe of Stower Provost in the County of Dorset Yeoman [make]
- and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and Form following (that is to say My soul I commit into the Hands of Almighty Go[d…]
- through the Merits Death and Passion of my Savier Jesus Christ for salvation and Pardon of all my Sins my Body I commit to the Earth to be de[cently]
- buried within the Church of Saint James Shaston as near the Pulpit as possibly can be And as concerning all such real and person Estate as [it has?]
- pleased God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as follows Imprimis I will and devise that all my just Debts be fully paid off and disch[arged]
- by my Executor hereinafter named Item I give unto my Kinsman James Joliffe of Shaston in the County of Dorset Mercer Twenty pounds to f[…]
- and Scarves[?] for my burial to be paid unto him in two months after my death. Item to my Neece Elizabeth Wykes daughter of Mr Luke Wykes […]
- St Mary in the County of Wilts late Deceased I give the sum of Five pounds and to her sister Anne Wykes I give the like sume of five pounds to be […]
- her the said Anne at the Age of Twenty one Years.Item I give unto William Anne Sarah and Mary Jefferies son and daughters of Mr Will[iam Jefferies]
- of Donhead aforesaid and to each of them five pounds to be paid them at their respective ages of Twenty one years Item I give to my Neece […]
- Joliffe daughter of my Nephew John Joliffe deceased Twenty pounds to be paid her at the age of Twenty one years Item I give and [b…]
- unto my loving Nephew the said James Jolliffe my silver cup and silver flaggon for and during the term of his natural life and after his de[cease]
- the same to Robert Jolliffe son of the said James Jolliffe for ever Item I give and devise to my loving brother Thomas Joliffe of Cuckl[ington]
- in the said County of Somerset yeoman his Executors Administrators and Assignes All that my leasehold Estates lying and being in Sturminster N[ewton]
- in the said County of Dorset called or known by the name of South Hills which I now hold and enjoy for my own life and the lives of my Sisters […]
- widow of the said Luke Wykes deceased and Joan the wife of the said William Jefferies and all the Right and Title which I have therein Ba[…]
- special condition Trust and Confidence that my Loving Brother his Executors and Assigns shall and will by and[…]
- Rents Issues and Profitts of the said Leasehold Estate in Sturminster Newton Castle afores’d pay or cause to be paid unto my said Two Sisters Mar[…]
- yearly and every year after my Decease and to and for their separate use and maintenance during their natural lives thefull and whole[…]
- fifteen pounds to each of them my two sisters without any Deduction or Abatement either for Taxes or otherwise And […]
- of my said sisters shall happen to die Then I give and bequeath such yearly Payment to the Children of her so dying to be equally divided bet[ween…]
- (If more than one) for and during all the Residue and Remainder which shall be then to come and unexpired of the said Term And in Case […]
- Brother shall refuse to pay the said two several yearly payments of fifteen pounds so limitted as aforesaid Then it shall & may be lawful to […]
- said Sisters or either of their Child or Children surviving during the said Term to enter upon have hold possess and enjoy all and singular the s’d Leasehold […?]
- premises with theAppurtenances and to receive and take the Rents and Profitts thereof without interruption Hinderance or Denyall of my said Broth[er…]
- Administrators or Assignes Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said Brother Thomas Joliffe All my lands in Shaston St James aforesaid[…]
- St Rombald als Cann in the said County of Dorset for and during the Term of Sixteen years and no longer. In order that my said Bro[ther…]
- of the Rents and profitts thereof pay off and discharge my Debts and Legacys therewith.And from and after the expiration of the said Term of sixteen y[ears…]
- and devise all my said Lands lying in Shaston St James St Rombald als Cann aforesaid to my said Nephew James Jolliffe for the s’d term of […]
- [fold illegible, one word] And from and after the Death or Decease of my said Nephew the said James Jolliffe and the expiration of the said Term of sixteen years Then I [g…]
- all and singular my Lands lying /\in/\ Shaston St James aforesaid to Robert eldest son of the s’d James Jolliffe by Anna his wife and the Heirs male of the body of the s[‘d…]
- lawfully issuing and for Default of such issue I give and devise the same to Thomas the second son of the said James Jolliffe by the s’d Anna his wife and the Heirs ma[le…]
- of such second son lawfully issuing And for and concerning my said Lands lying is Shaston St Rombalds als Cann aforesaid after the expiration of the s’d term of […]
- and Death of my said Nephew James Joliffe I give and devise the same to Thomas the second son of the said James Joliffe and the Heirs male of his Body to be begotten […]
- of such Issue I give and devise the same to the said Robert the said first son of the said James Jolliffe and the heirs male of his Body lawfully to be begotten and for default of issue male of […]
- bodys of the said Robert Jolliffe and Thomas Jolliffe sons of the said James Jolliffe I give all and singular my said Lands Lying in Shaston St James and Shaston St Rombald als Cann […]
- Expiration of the said Term of Sixteen years to the third son of the said James Jolliffe and the heirs males of the Body of such third son And for default of such issue to th[…]
- the said James Jolliffe and the Heirs male of the Body of such fourth son lawfully issuing and for default of such issues to the fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth [t…margin and fold]
- son and sons of the said James Jolliffe lawfully begotten and to be begotten severally successively and in Remainder One after another as they and every of them shall bec[…]
- of Ages and priority of Birth and to the Heirs male of the Body and Bodys of all and every such son and sons lawfully issuing The elder of such son and sons and the Heirs […]
- Body lawfully issuing always to be preferred and to take before the younger of each son and sons and the Heirs male of his body lawfully issuing and for Default of […]
- 0f the Body of the said James Jolliffe lawfully begotten or to be begotten Then I give and Devise All and every of my said Lands lying in Shaston St James and Shaston […}
- als Cann aforesaid after the expiration of the said Term of sixteen years to JohnJolliffe son of my nephew John Jolliffe late of London aforesaid deceased and the Heirs male […]
- of the said John Jolliffe the son lawfully issuing And in default of such Issues to my own right heirs for ever Item to the Parishes of Stower Provost and Shaston St James […]
- forty shillings each to be distributed amongst the Poor men of each Parish as receive no Alms or Relief at the discretion of my said Executor And Lastly[…]
- bequeath all my Goods and Chattels whatsoever or wheresoever not herein before given and bequeathed to my said Loving brother Thomas Jolliffe whom I he[…]
- and constitute whole and sole executor of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former Wills and Testaments by me […]
- made In Witness whereof I the said Robert Joliffe the Testator have to this my last will and Testament sett my hand and seal this […]
- day of February in the year of Our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty
- Signed sealed published and decalred by the said
- Testator Robert Jolliffe to be his Last Will and Testament
- In the presence of us who have subscribed our names
- at his request as witnesses thereto in his presence
- Richard Tutt
- Martin Meatyard
- Haily[?] Pond
- Robert Joliffe (seal affixed)
Probate sentence written alongside
- secundo die Novembris Anno Domi 1731
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