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Will of Robert Kendall of Brinton, Norfolk 1566

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Brinton, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Kendall
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Robert Kendall will 1566

[folio 77 verso] In the name off god amen
the twentie and eighte daye of June Anno D[omi]ni
one thousand five hundred and sixty six
and in the ..... yere of the Reigne of our moste
dreade? soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth etc
I Robert Kendall of Brintone in the Countie of
Norfolk yeoman Beinge of good mynde and p[er]fact
memorye thanks be given unto allmightie god doo
ordeine and make this my Laste will and testam[en]t
in manner and forme followinger/>
Fyrste I give
and Bequeath my Sowle unto theallmightie
god and my Bodye to be buried on the north
Side of the church yeard of Brinton aforesaid

Item I give and Bequeath unto the poore mens
Boxe of Brinton aforesaid xxd to be paid im[m]e
diatlie after my decease

Item I give and be
queath unto the Townshippe of Brinton
aforesaid iijs vid towards the immendinge of
The churche wal[l]es to be paid when the
Said towneshippe shall ..... aboute to immend
the same

Item I give and Bequeath
unto the poore people of Thornage xijd and
the same to be bestowed by the p[ar]sone there
at his discrecione immediatlie after my decease

Item I give and Bequeath unto the afore
said p[ar]sone of Thornage for any boy that neg
ligente forgottenxijd to be paid him part
lye after my deceasse

Item I give
and Bequeath unto Alyce my wyf
all my houses messuages landes and tene=
me[n]ts Sett lienge and beinge within the
Townes and fields of Brinton Thornage

[folio 77 recto] And Brimingham or else where within the Countie
of Norf[olk] duringe the naturall lif of the said
Ales Except one messuage or tenem[en]t .....Sin
der lands with thre roodes of lande belonginge?
unto the Same all which said messuage or tene
,e[n]t with the said thre roodes of lande ..ste before

I give and Bequeath the same unto John
Kendall my Sonne and to his heires and assignes
for ever and the said John to take have and
enioy the said messuage or teneme[n]t with the
said Roods of Grounde .......... after my decease

Item I will that my Executrix shall paye
or cause to be paid all the purchase that as yet
.......... and unpaid for the siad messuage or
Teneme[n]t and other the premisses aforesaid late
Sunderlands with said messuage or teneme[n]t
Standeth bound by ..........

Item I give
and Bequeath unto the said John his heires and
assignes after the deceas of Ales my wyf all my
lands bothe free and Bond lienge and beinge
within the ....... and boundes of Brimingham
afore remembered

Item I give and Bequeath unto
Will[ia]m Kendall my Sonne all those my houses mess
uages Landes & teneme[n]ts what so ever Belonginge
or appertenyinge to my house Late pedders in Thor=
nage aforesaid to him to his heires and assignes
for ever and he to have and enioy the said
house and other the premisses laste before rehearsed
immediatelie after the deceas of Alyce my wyf
uppon this condic[i]on following that is to saye
that he the said Will[ia]m Kendall his heyres
Executors & administators or assignes shall
paye or cause to be paid unto Thomas
Kendall my Sonne his Executors or assignes
Twelve poundes of good and lawfull monye

[folio 78] of England in manner and forme followinge
that is to saye within one hole yere after
the deceas of the said Alyce my wyfe
thirtie Shillings until the Said some
of twelve poundes shalbe fullie contented
and paid

Item I give and Bequeath
unto Richard Kendall my Sonne and
his heyres and assignes for ever all my
houses messuages or teneme[n]ts that I
now dwell in with all the landes meddowes
and pastures what so ever to the same be
longinge or in mine use apperteyninge lieng
and Beinge within the Townes and fields
of Brinton and Thornage aforesaid and
the said Richard to have and enioye
the aforesad houses and other the premisses
laste before resited Immediatelie after the deceas
of the siad Alyce my wyf and the
said Richard his Executors and assignes
shall paye or cause to be paid unto the aforenamed
John Kendall his Executors or assignes fower twelve
poundes of good and lawefull monye of
England in mann[er] and forme followinge
That is to saye within one hole yere
after the deceasse of the aforesaid Alyce
my wyf thirti Shillings until the
Said Somme of twelve poundes shalbe
fullie contented and paid

Item I give
and Bequeath unto the said Richard
my Sonne on Cubbard standinge in the
haule of my mansione house one grete
cheste Standinge in the chamber one
Shedd Carte and ploughe one piece? of
harness with the Carte gere and plough
gere and one Dunde Gelddinge which

[folio 78 recto] Same? Richard to........ the same agrolles of stuffe
and cattells after the deceas of the said Alyce my

Item I give and Bequeath unto Cicelie'
my daughter fower pounds of good and lawefull
monye of England to be paid unto the said
Cicelie in mann[er] and forme followinge that is
to Saye within one hole yere after my deceasse
Twentie Sixe Shillings and eighte pence
and so yerelie xxvijs viijd untill the Said
Sume of fower pound shalbe fullie contented
and paid

Item I give and Bequeath unto
Robert Kendall the Sonne of the aforesaid Alyce
to have the ........ienge of the Same du=
ringe her lif imployenge the Same p[re]fitt therof
to the use of the said Robert Kendall

the reste of my goods and cattells movable
amd immovable and all othet things whatsoev[er]
yet unbequeathed I give and Bequeath
the Same to the dispositions of my Exe
cutrix whom I ordene and make Alyce
my wyf to be my Sole Executrix paieinge
my detts and Legacyes afore Bequeathed

Item I constitute and make Thomas Kendall
my Sonne to be Supervisor of this
my testame[n]t and Laste will and the said
THomas to have for his paines xls to be
paidp[re]sentlie after my deceas

Thise beinge
wittnesses Thomas Yaxley .................
Sparroughe Robert Williamson Thomas
Shorte Robert Wigmore John Playeford
John Stallon John Payne


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