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Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: lincolne lincoln
This is a transcription of the register copy of the will of Robert Lenckon or Lincolne, of "Hengham" (Hingham), Norfolk. The will was written on 21 April 1572 and proved at the Archdeaconry of Norfolk Court sitting at Wymondham on 10 May 1572. [1]
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
There was some ink bleedthrough, but this did not significantly affect the legibility of the document.
The surname is spelled Lenckon / Lynckon / Linckon
The order in which the children are named is assumed to be their birth order.
Persons mentioned:
- Cecilie Linckon my wief executrix of will and residuary legatee
- Wyll[ia]m Lynckon my sone
- John Lenckon my sone
- Richard my sone
- Thomas Lenckon my sone
- Cecilie Lenckon my Daughter
- Robert Lenckon my sone
- Hew Lenckon my sone
- George Lenckon my sone
- Symond Birch[a]m of Hengh[a]m supervisor of the will
- John Wells witness
- Gregory Dymont witness
- Robert Dune witness
- James Croste witness
In the name of god Amen The
xxj daie of Aprill in the yere of o[u]r lord god Mt ccccc lxxij
I Robert Lenckon of Hengh[a]m in the countie of Norff
and within the Dioc[ese] of Norwich being sick in body
but parfect in Remembrannce praised be god allmyghtie
doe make this my testament and last will in ma[n]er and
forme Following First I bequeth my sowle unto god
the fathe by whose son[n]es deth I thrust to be saved
and by his pretious blud shedding I trust to be
present Cleere withoute spotte of Syn[n]e before his father
in the present of all his holy Angells there to raigne
with hym for ever more and my body to the earth from
whence it cam[e] there to rest in hope till the generall
diae of the lordes Judgement and for the distribution
of my temporall goodes as Followeth
Item First
I geve unto Cecilie Linckon my wief all my howses
and landes bothe Free and bonde lyeing and being in
Hengh[a]m or ells where to her and to her assignes
[page 2]
for terme of her naturall lief and then after her
descease then I will that Wyll[ia]m Lynckon my sone shall
have all my howses and landes bothe Free and bonde lyeing
and being in Hengh[a]m or ells where to hym and to his heyers
payeing such legacies as I doe appoint hym
Item First
I geve to John Lenckon my sone fower poundes of lawfull
mony of England to be paied to hym within one yere
after Cecilie Lenckon my wief Descease
It[e]m I geve
unto Richard my sone fower poundes of lawfull mony
to be paied the yere after John be paied
It[e]m I geve unto
Thomas Lenckon my sone fower poundes a lawfull mony
of Englande to be paied to hym the yere after Richard
be paied
It[e]m I geve to Cecilie Lenckon my Daughter
Fyve poundes of lawfull money to be paied her the yere
after Thomas be paied
Ite[e]m I geve to Robert Lenckon
my sone fower poundes of lawfull money to be paied hym
the yere Following after Cecilie my daighter be paied
It[e]m I geve to Hew Lenckon my sone fower poundes of lawfull
mony to be paied hym the yere after Robert my sone be paied
It[e]m I geve to George Lenckon my sone fowe poundes of
lawfull mony to be paied hym the yere Following after
Hewe be paied
if it shall please god that Wyll[ia]m
my sone shall Departe his naturall lief before the
Descease of my wief then I will Thomas my sone
have my howses and landes bothe Free and bonde paieng
these legacies in man[n]er and forme as ar[e] appointed to
Wyll[ia]m my sone before and if eyther of my sones
shall refuse to take my howses and landes and paie
These legac[e]s before geven then I will that howses
and landes both Free and Bonde shalbe solde by indeferent men
and the legac[e]s paied out of it
It[e]m I gever to Thomas
my sone a baied ambling colt
Ite[e]m I geve to Cecilie
my Daughter one fetherbed one Boulster one covering
one paier blanketts a paier sheets
It[e]m I geven to the
poore folke of Henh[a]m twelf pence to be paied Devided
[page 3]
where my wief shall see nede
The rest of my goodes bothe
moveable and unmoveable I geve them holy and soly unto Cecilie
my wief whom I ordaine and constitute and make my fully
executrix she to paie all my Debts and receyve alll my
Detts and bringe my bodie honestly to the earth also I ordaine
and make Symond Birch[a]m of Hengh[a]m my sup[er]visor
to aide and helpe my wief and I geve hym for his paines
twenty pence and his costs borne in Witness unto this same
will John Wells Gregory Dymont Symond Birch[a]m
with others Robert Dune James Croste
Probate [abstracted from the Latin] granted at Wymondham on 10 May 1572 to the executrix named in this testament
- ↑ Will of Robert Lenckon of Hingham, 1572 Archdeaconry Court of Norfolk, ANF will register Liber 23 (Annyson) folio 305. Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, Norfolk, England Images on Family Search Film 167079 viewable at a Family History Centre. Transcribed 8 February 2022
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