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Location: Hingham, Norfolk, England
Surnames/tags: Lyncolne Lincoln
This is a transcript of the register copy of the Will of Robert Lyncolne of Hingham, Norfolk, England. It was written on 23 April 1540. It was probated on 5 Sep 1540. [1]
The image quality was excellent and the handwriting legible, in the last part there was some ink loss.
Spelling, punctuation and line breaks are as per the original document.
Crossings through have been included struck out
Paragraph breaks at change of bequest, and bold text are my own for ease of reading.
Where present, the obsolete letter Thorn has been rendered as th, and ff has been rendered as F
Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets]
Persons Mentioned:
- Robert Lyncolne, testator
- Margaret, daughter
- Rose the elder, daughter
- Rose the younger, daughter
- Christian, daughter
- Johan, wife
- Robert Lyncolne, son
- Thomas Lyncolne, nephew
- Robert Lyncolne, godson, great nephew, son of Thomas Lyncolne
- William Lyncolne, godson, great nephew, son of Thomas Lyncolne
- Robert Bawdwen, son of Hugh Bawdwen
- Hugh Bawdwen
- Robert Lyncolne, nephew, singleman
- Elizabeth Bawdwen, daughter, wife of Hugh Bawdwen
- Anne Lyncolne, daughter
- John Cowper the younger, tanner
- Thomas Pynchyn, witness
- John Barnwell, taylor, witness
- John Jesoppe
- Robert Wright
- John Pye
In the name of God Amen the xviij daye
of Apryll in the yere of our lorde god mte CCCCC xl I Robert
Lyncolne of Hengh[a]m in the dioces of Norwych beynge in
good and hole mynde as thanks be to our lorde Jh[esus] chryste
make my testatmente and last wyll revokynge all other
wylls by me made in times paste in this maner and
forme folowynge Fyrste I bequethe my sowle to almyghty
god to our Lady Saynte Mary and to all the celestyall company
in heven and my body to be buryed in the churcheyard of
of Hengh[a]m aforsayde unto the whyche hyghe aulter I give
and bequethe for tythes and offerynges forggoten and not
payde viijl
Item I gyve unto the behove and __ of the townshyp
of Hengh[a]m xls to be payd at ij tymes suche as shallbe
thowght necessary by honest men and for the most ease
to myn executors
Item I give and bequeath unto
Margaret to Rose the elder Rose the yonger and to
Chrystyan my dawghters to yche of them xls of lawfull money
to be payde as they shall come to the age of xviij yeres by
myn executors or by the executors of them
Item I give to
Johan my wyef xiij mylche tyne and a bulle of the
beste at her owne choyse wyth the calves by theyr sydys
to her use for ever Also the sayde Johan my wyef shall
have to her use xx mother ewys wyth the lambes
by theyre syde at her choyse Also iiij byrlynges to be at
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her choyse
Item I give unto the sayd Johan my wyef vj horses
and mares of the best whyche she wyll chose to her use for
ever Also a blacke mare colte of the age of ij yeres
Item I give
to her ij amblyinge fowles one horse fowle a nobler a mare fowle
Item I give unto the said Johan half my swyne as well
of the yonge as of the old to her use
Item I give and bequetheand unto the sayd Johan my wyef all my stuffe and implementes
perteynynge to myn howse and howshold wyth all my corne
and greyne bothe in my houses and in the felde my dette
and legace dys[c]hargyd to her proper use for ever Also all my
potery to her use excepte and reservyd suche percelle of
stuffe and goodes as I wyll gyve and bequethe hereafter
folowynge to dyvers persons by name apperyd that is to
say I give to Robert Lyncolne my sone all myn harnes
complete holle as yt ys to hys use
Item I give to Thomas
Lyncolne my ne[phe]w my tawny coote
Item I give to Robert
my godsone the son of the sayde Thomas ij yardes blanket
for a coote Also a bolecke or vs therfore to be delyveryd
at the age of xviij yeres and to Wyll[ia]m the sone of the
sayde Thomas another bolocke or vs therfore to be
delyveryd at the sayde age of xviij yeres
Item I gyve
unto Robert Bawdwen the sone of Hughe Bawdwyn
a bolocke to be delyveryd now at this daye
Item I give to
Robert Lyncolne my ne[phe]wy syngleman to Elyzabeth Bawdwine
the wyef of Hugh and to Anne Lyncolne my dawghter
all that xvj acres corne as god pleacyth to seme encresynge
and growynge threunto beynge in the close called Brockelle
equally to be divyded and paydeprorated between them thre wyse
the profyghte therof to them to be hadde quietly wythowte
contradyccion or denyenge of any pe[r]son or persones
Item I will that Robert my sone shall have my baye horse
colte gyvenge to my execturos therfore vs before any
Page 3
other man
Item I give to Anne my daughter and to Elyzabeth
my dawghter to yche of them a peyre of shete The res[i]due
of my goodes and catelles not gyven nor bequethyd I wyll
that they shallbe solde by myn executors to the beste prese
to the contentacion and payenge of my dettes and legaces
and to the performynge and fulfyllynge of this my testatment
and last wyll whom I do ordene Johan my wyfe and John
Cowper the yonger tanner to ayde and to helpe my sayd wyef
at all tymes of nede to the good order and usynge of thys
my laste wyll and testament and he to have for his labor
and cettinge abowte thys my sayd wyll xxs and his costes
deducte Their wytnes Thomas Pynchyn John Barne=
=well tayler Robert Lyncolne my sone John Jesoppe Robert
Lyncoln my nephew Robert Wryght John Pye and other men
the daye and year abovesayde. Furthermore I will and requyre
that if the sayde Johan my wyef shall happen for to be
maryed before thys my wyll be fully dyschargyd that then
I will that she the sayd Johan shall clerely dyscharge
the sayde John Cowper by oblygacyon with suffycyent
suertie to save the sayd John Cowper hys executores
and assygnes harmeles[2] agaynst all men for the sayd
wyll and then the sayde Johan to take all charge of
the sayde wyll to her self and to her assygneys for=
=ever or els the sayde John to entre into all suche goodes
and these shall reste then at that daye wythowte denayng
- ↑ Will of Robert Lyncolne of Hengham, 1540, ANF will register Vol 9 (Gilior) folio 276 1540 [1] Viewable at a Family History Centre FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, (Should be in film DGS 008004634 but isn't).] Accessed 21 May 2022
- ↑ Middle English Compendium harmles in Middle English: Immune from liability, not liable for a payment, not liable to punishment; ~ of, immune from (a liability or loss)
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